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"May I become personal and say that I think you're wonderful, and your voice is such an incredible turn-on," Penelope said.

Carolyn gave her photo-ready smile and then laughed. "Thank you for the compliment."

The following questions were less personal, and soon Gregory concluded the session, promising that the stars would shortly sign autographs.

Carolyn waved to the audience and looked both touched and delighted when the standing ovations seemed never to end. Finally she walked offstage and into the wings where Annelie waited.

"Congratulations," she greeted her. "That was an amazing performance, Carolyn." You were so in your true element. You thrive on their admiration and you loved every second of it.

"I'm glad you think so." The actress beamed. "I had a great time out there."

I bet you did. You continued to cement your status as the perfect candidate for Maddox.

"I could tell. I found the question-and-answer session very informative."

"I bet you did." Carolyn's eyes twinkled as she tilted her head.

"You know, your voice turns me on," she echoed the words of the woman in the audience.

Annelie gave a faint smile, determined not to let Carolyn get the last word in this friendly banter. "And your legs do it for me," she returned the favor, watching Carolyn's eyes widen.

Walking toward Jem, who was gesturing for them to hurry up, Annelie had a feeling the comments might come back to haunt them.

"People are lining up for the autographs," Jem said, shaking her head. "I hope you're prepared for it, Carolyn. The line is a mile long already."

Carolyn cast a look of seasoned resignation at Annelie. "Don't worry," she told Jem. "It's nothing I haven't handled a hundred times before."


Carolyn looked around the dinner table, pleased they were all seated in a private area of the restaurant on the top floor. Most of all she was pleased that Sylvia Goodman, who had invited herself to the gathering, sat at the far end of the table. Carolyn was sitting between Annelie and Jem, and everyone was buzzing about what a success the convention had been. Helen St. Cyr was giving her impression of the audience and the response she had received while signing autographs.

"They were mostly women," the Canadian actress mused, "and they were so sweet to me. Some of them had brought presents, and I think I have at least fifteen little teddy bears and fifty cards. There even was a woman who had knitted me a blue sweater."

Carolyn smiled, knowing she had received just as many gifts and feeling amazed at the audience's generosity. "I think all the continents were represented. Three women even came from South Africa. Diana Maddox must appeal to all types of people, because I signed autographs for both men and women of all ages."

Helen concurred. "Honestly, I haven't experienced anything like this in my life." She shook her head. "What do you think, Carolyn? Is your ego as massaged as mine?"

"You bet." Carolyn nodded. "Any more of this, and I'll be impossible to deal with."

"And that differs from now…how?" Helen grinned.

"All a matter of degree, my dear." Laughter erupted around the table when Carolyn put on her best diva look before wrinkling her nose at her colleague. Sitting among these people, she felt more at ease than she had in a long time. Her performance was a success, and she had experienced such a rush when the audience yielded to her. It had been magical, the way they absorbed every word and constantly wanted to know more.

Carolyn reached for her glass, enjoying the soft, fruity taste of Le Volte 1999. Gregory had made numerous toasts during the evening, and she felt warm and relaxed after sipping her wine each time.

As if reading her mind Jem suddenly stood up, raising her glass. "We've toasted everyone but the person who's responsible for this tremendous success. I say we raise our glasses in a toast to Annelie! This whole endeavor would have been impossible without you."

"To Annelie," they all echoed and sipped their drinks.

"Or should I say Annie?" Carolyn smiled slowly at the blonde next to her.

"Hmm, I prefer Annelie, thank you, Lyn."

Carolyn laughed. "Touché."

The laughter and companionship around the table continued for another hour before Harvey and his wife rose to say good night. Suddenly, Annelie grabbed a digital camera and sprang from her chair.

"Please let me get some group shots as a memory of the first Maddox convention," she said. "I want one of the audiobook cast first, and then one of all of you…"

Soon, Carolyn was laughing out loud as Annelie arranged and rearranged different constellations of people, totally confusing everybody. Harvey didn't help by doing rabbit ears behind whoever stood next to him. When she glanced to her left, Carolyn's grin became even broader as she spotted Sylvia Goodman struggling to look as if she were amused by everybody's antics. Carolyn could tell Sylvia was equal parts fuming and exasperated.

When Annelie was finally ready to sit down, Kitty pointed out the publisher had not been in any of the pictures. The absolute dismay on Annelie's face made Carolyn laugh again, and Annelie gave her a mock glare, which turned into a broad smile.

After the impromptu photo session, Harvey and his wife retired, followed by Kitty and Sam. Annelie excused herself and went back to the Presidential Suite, explaining that she had to go over the numbers once more and send a few e-mails. One by one, the rest of them parted and went to their rooms.

Chapter Seven

Carolyn walked into her bedroom and undressed, still on an emotional high after the performance. It would be a while before she could settle, and she contemplated taking a swim in the hotel's outdoor pool. Of course, the idea was completely impractical unless she wanted to be surrounded by eager fans while she attempted her laps.

Resigned to the next-best thing, she strolled into the luxurious bathroom and ran the water in the shower until it was as hot as she could tolerate. She could feel the adrenaline slowly leaving her body as she stood beneath the spray. She was always jittery after a performance, especially a premiere. And tonight's had been one of the most important she had ever given.

If Annelie Peterson needed any proof that Carolyn was a hot ticket, she had it now. The publisher had been oddly silent when Carolyn returned to the room. No doubt she was trying to play it cool. Carolyn's coup must have been an embarrassment on some level. Carolyn took some satisfaction knowing Annelie had to act as if it was all her idea or look foolish.

Smirking a little, Carolyn dried herself off with a thick towel and pulled on the complimentary bathrobe. After drying her hair and brushing her teeth, she stared at her bed without enthusiasm. It seemed pointless even to try to go to sleep; her body was still tingling and her mind reeling. With a sigh, Carolyn headed for the living room.

Annelie was just putting her computer away and looked up in polite welcome. "Planning to stay up?"

"Thought I'd watch some TV. It usually puts me to sleep."

Annelie checked her watch. "Would you like some company for a little while?"

Carolyn studied Annelie, noticing how different she looked in casual clothes. Dressed in gray slacks and a white, long-sleeved T-shirt, she wore no makeup, her hair framing her face and waving around her shoulders. "You're beautiful," she blurted.

Annelie's eyes darkened. "Thank you." Her tone was cautious. "So are you."

"You think so?"

"Of course, and everyone in the audience agrees with me."

Carolyn sat down on the couch, noticing how it virtually embraced her. Pulling a pillow closer, she invited, "Join me?"

Annelie stood frozen for a moment and then sat down next to her. "What is it you want?"