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Carolyn had hugged her close and kissed her deeply—wonderful, passionate kisses that left Annelie feeling robbed of all the oxygen she needed to think clearly. She would have given anything to be able to just let go—to allow herself to give in to Carolyn and let the other woman reciprocate every erotic caress.

"Annelie? You okay, darl?" a familiar voice to her left said, making Annelie jump.

"Kitty! Oh, God, you startled me." Annelie blinked away her tears as she walked over to the balcony adjoining hers. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Still on Aussie time, I guess. What's your excuse?"

"I…eh, I'm thinking of what to do next, really." She fiddled with the belt to her bathrobe.

"Something's happened, hasn't it?" Her friend sounded concerned.

"Yes, Kitty, something happened," Annelie whispered. "I've done the most stupid thing. I'm such an idiot."

"Tell me about it," the other woman said in a gentle voice. "It can't be that bad."

Swallowing hard, Annelie wiped her wet cheeks. "It's worse, actually."

"You're beginning to scare me, babe. Tell me what's up."

Annelie had to clear her throat again. Looking at her friend with eyes burning from tears still unshed, she couldn't be anything but honest. "I made love to Carolyn."

Kitty paled. "Oh, shit."

Annelie gave a bittersweet laugh at the other woman's choice of words, so in character. "Yes, I agree."

"What are you going to do?"

"What I have to. Will you help me?"

Kitty extended a hand, barely able to reach Annelie over the distance between the balconies. "Of course. You just tell me what you need, babe."


Carolyn slowly opened her eyes, squinting at the bright sunlight flooding the room. Rolling onto her back, she felt aching muscles she didn't even know existed. She reached over, letting her hand slide across the other side of the bed. The fact that it was empty rattled her, and, sitting up, she realized two things—she was naked, and she was still in Annelie's room.

Looking around for Annelie, she was about to call out her name when she saw an envelope lying on the bedside table. Puzzled, she noticed her name written on the front, and her heart fluttered as she reached for it.

Carolyn's fingers trembled when she opened the envelope. The card within contained only a few handwritten words.

Congratulations, Carolyn.

The role is yours.


Chapter Eight

Carolyn picked up the robe from the floor and walked back toward her own room, noticing Annelie's computer bag was missing. Thinking her suitemate had gone to a meeting with Gregory or Jem, Carolyn went to her bathroom and ran the shower until the room filled with steam.

Her body ached from the previous night, and memories of endless passionate kisses and soft hands roaming her body made Carolyn shiver inside as she stood there nude, pacified for a moment by the sound of the rushing water.

Feeling unsettled, she replayed the night she'd spent in Annelie's arms, being thoroughly taken, pushed over the edge repeatedly. She stepped into the shower, welcoming the hot, streaming water. She regretted washing Annelie's fragrance from her body, which surprised her. She had never before wished to savor a lover's scent upon her skin.

She had never experienced such abandoned pleasure, and realizing that this earth-shattering lovemaking had occurred with someone of her own gender made her head spin.

Annelie, beautiful and vibrant behind her cool exterior, had shown Carolyn a side of herself the actress had never known. Not until this stunning woman entered her life, her mind…My heart? God. Does this mean I'm a lesbian? What if I am? What will that mean? What will people think?

Carolyn thought of the emptiness she felt when she woke up alone, and she rubbed her eyes, trying to force the feeling from her mind. Annelie had taken her thoroughly, several times, and Carolyn blushed when she remembered how she had whimpered and begged for release. When Carolyn had reached for Annelie's full breasts, which were barely covered by the thin fabric of the tank top, Annelie had pulled her hands away, distracting Carolyn by kissing every inch of her. Annelie had pressed her heated sex against Carolyn's throbbing center several times, but always with fabric between them, never skin to skin.

Carolyn had felt Annelie come at least twice, though never from her direct touch. The realization left her feeling unsettled, a dark tone reverberating through her whole being, leaving a desolate feeling in her stomach. Maybe she thought I was totally inept as a lesbian lover. Go figure. Perhaps I'm not only a lesbian but totally incompetent, to boot. Her throat clenched and she fought against the sting of her self-deprecating thoughts.

Her mind reeled at the short message Annelie had left her. Wanting the role for so long, then finding out she had landed it, seemed unreal, but she knew euphoria was not far away. Still, she was disappointed that Annelie was not there to share the excitement. How could she leave this morning without telling me in person?

She turned off the shower and wrapped herself in a large towel. Wiping off the foggy mirror with a washcloth, she examined her reflection. Her eyes were huge and stormy gray, as expected, with a definite fire burning in them. Jittery, with an overwhelming feeling of excitement for getting the role, Carolyn wanted to shout it out from the balcony. I'll be playing Diana Maddox in the film, damn it!

A knock on the door startled her and made her reach for her robe. "Just a minute."

Tying the belt around her waist, she disregarded her dripping hair and rushed through the suite. When she peeked through the peephole, she saw Kitty.

Her caller's eyes widened when Carolyn opened the door. "Oh, did I interrupt your shower? I'm sorry."

"No, no, I was done. Please come in."

Once inside, Kitty turned to look at her. "I thought I'd come by and ask if you'd like to have breakfast with us before you leave for the airport."

"Sure, I'd love to. I'll be ready soon." Carolyn hesitated briefly. "Do you have any idea where Annelie is?"

Kitty's expression was unreadable. "Annelie's gone, Carolyn. She had to leave unexpectedly."

It took all Carolyn's acting skill and self-discipline not to show

Kitty how her stomach lurched. "She left? Oh. I didn't hear her pack. I must have been out like a light after yesterday."

Carolyn thought she glimpsed a look of sympathy in the other woman's eyes. "Yes, she left very early. Apparently she managed to get a last-minute ticket. I talked to her briefly out on the balcony, and she told me she had to leave."

Making herself stop fiddling with the bathrobe belt, Carolyn gestured toward her hair and then the room in general. "Just give me a minute to dry my hair and pack, and I'll be down for breakfast. Can't miss my caffeine."

"I know what you mean." Kitty nodded. "We'll be waiting for you in a private section of the breakfast room." She looked at Carolyn intently. "Are you all right, Carolyn? You look a little pale."

Not about to make a fool of herself in front of Annelie's friend, Carolyn gave a broad smile, slipping into her comfortable role as the diva. "I'm probably a little hungover, but it was worth it. We had a lot of fun, didn't we? I'll be fine as soon as I get my hands on some coffee."

"It was a blast." Kitty looked as if she was about to say something else, but apparently changed her mind. "See you downstairs in a little bit, then?"

After closing the door, Carolyn stroked one hand along her face, letting it linger over her mouth. She shivered when cold water dripped from her hair inside her collar. Wavering between feeling overjoyed and desolate, she decided she better pull herself together before she faced the others. It wouldn't do to let anyone see her like this.