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Something glinted in the light from the moon in front of her. Stopping and bending down, she peered closely at the object. It was a rock, just a rock. Pardner came padding behind her, breathing heavily. And then there was the sensation of a hot wash of his tongue between her asscheeks.


Barbara's eyes widened, her jaws parting and letting out a rush of air. It was a surprise, a delightful surprise! Having grown impatient with her, Pardner took matters in his own hands. He was butting his head against her now, trying to knock her over onto the grass.

Barbara put one hand to her throat, fighting for her breath while struggling to keep her balance. Why? Why was she trying to keep in an upright position when all the while she was thinking about letting the dog have his way with her? Was it some last bit of her shredded pride?

She toppled forward, her dress hiking up high over her hips, exposing her asscheeks.

This evening Barbara hadn't worn her panties and again there was that hot lick of his spitty tongue over her ass. Barbara moaned and trembled, pressing her knees into the soft grassy ground while wiggling her ass slowly from side to side. The dog was on her in an instant, his strong forelegs bumping the insides of her thighs.

"Oh God, ohhhhhh Pardner."

Stretching out one hand, Barbara pulled herself forward, clawing at the grass, pulling some out by the roots.

"I can't… can't…"

But Pardner had been aroused and there would be no pushing him away. He kept at her, his hot, sexy tongue wetting down the backs of her legs, his scratchy paws tickling her flesh so deliciously. Barbara let out a stifled groan, twisting her head around and biting down hard on her right upper arm. A dog. It was happening again with a damned dog!


Turning around Barbara crawfished backward slowly, one hand behind the other.

Pardner followed, his ears pinned back, his rubbery black lips pulled back. Even in the dark she could see his fangs, those white, pointed things that could tear apart most animals in a flash! Somehow that knowledge made her shiver with a strange mixture of fear and ecstasy.

Gasping from the friction as he moved his tongue in her swollen cuntal slit, Barbara crawled back a little further. A dog was eating her cunt. Yes, a dog was sticking his tongue down in there, touching her all over with his maw! The thought of having an animal seducing her both horrified and delighted Barbara.

"Pardner… ohhh, you beautiful, beautiful dog," she whispered, feeling the original fear melting away under his steady lapping.

That wonderful dog was increasing that beautiful sexy feeling she had had earlier that evening. Oh, it was almost as good as when Brad had raped her in the barn! Yes, she could feel those slivers of delight beginning to prick her clit. Letting her head fall back, moving her naked ass on the ground and feeling the grass prickle her sensitive flesh, Barbara felt that delight once more, this time with the dog.


He was so hot, so silky smooth against her cuntlips. Turning on her side, she still tried crawling away, dragging her body along the grass. She felt so heavy! Pardner followed, growling all the way, pressing his maw against her pussy. Then she felt his paws brushing up against her, his forelegs trying to get a grip on her chest while his hind legs were prancing madly behind. What on earth was he doing? And then the woman felt something very hot and slick brushing up against her ass. Then she knew what he was trying to do, and the delight she had felt earlier turned quickly into horror.

"No, no!"

Licking was one thing, but actually letting a dog fuck her? A dog sticking his knobby cock in her cunt? No, that was out of the question!

"Stop it! No, you can't… you just can't do this to me!"

She was back on her feet, staggering forward through the garden, moving away from the house. Somewhere in the distance she could hear the coyotes yowling, howling at the moon. Or were they in heat? Another rush of chills swept over her flesh, making the woman groan.

Barbara was frantic, stumbling, regaining her balance, then stumbling over the uneven ground once more. The dog was trying to fuck her, actually fuck her. Oh, it was wrong to have thought she could have controlled this situation. He was in charge, playing her as if she were some horrible musical instrument. No, she wasn't going to let him touch her in that way.

"Get away…"

The dog swarmed excitedly between her running legs, tripping her with his body. Barbara saw a near-by trellis and rushed for it, holding onto it as the dog bumped up against her and growled.


She tried kicking at him, missed, then found herself falling to the ground, taking the trellis with her.


Barbara choked, trying to get the air back in her lungs. The dog was back on her, making funny grunting noises through his nostrils as he plowed her cuntlips open and slurped up the hot juices flowing from her cunt. It was so crazy, so damned good, having this happen to her! The woman lay flat on the ground for a while, not daring to make a move while Pardner licked her hot fuzzy pussy.

"God. It's so good, it's so good it's going to kill me!"

She was closing her thighs to him once more, rubbing the insides of her legs against the big dog and feeling his furry flesh tickling her skin. He tossed his head more wildly, plowing deeper, pressing his forepaws hard against her upper thighs while his bushy tail wagged from side to side. Barbara was getting dizzy. She was helpless, trapped under the dog, being forced to do what he wanted.

"No… ooohhhhhh!"

She felt her body moving along the grass, then realized she was wriggling under his oral ministrations. The grass tickled her ass while she felt his nose tickling her clit. Oh, oh, that sloppy rape of his tongue in her cunt, that touch of his tongue against her clit was almost too much for her to bear! She lay out, her arms stretched to either side of her body, her knees raised and nearly touching her tits as Barbara gave herself once more completely to the dog.


"Ohhh, lick me doggy. Oh yes, yes, lick my cunt."

It was incredible that she was crooning to the dog now. But Barbara didn't care. Her pride, her reputation were gone now. All that mattered was that lovely animal wedged tightly between her thighs, his tongue touching her clit again and again. Oh, how she thought she'd piss from excitement when he touched the rounded red little clit, pressing it down into the surrounding damp juice-puddled flesh.


There could be nothing else like this! Barbara tossed her ass in the air like a crazy woman, her toes curling, digging into the damp grass while Pardner dragged his tongue up and down her cunt sloppily.

Bizarre images rushed through her mind, pictures of Brad fucking her, of Lightning standing there in the stall, his head twisted around, those brown eyes staring at her as she stroked his sides. And over it all, cutting through her thoughts, was the feel of that hungry animal between her spit-flecked thighs. She raised her knees a little more, feeling almost like a dog herself. She couldn't speak any more. Growling almost like Pardner, Barbara wriggled down toward the bushes, frantically caressing the big German Shepherd with her thighs.

"Oh God, God, oh you're soooo good, Pardner, sooooo very, very good…"

The sounds of Pardner's mouth sucking on her steamy cunt were too much. She was clenching the grass, pulling it out of the lawn.

The dog was growling, growing wilder with each passing second. Then, without any warning, he started licking her belly as well, moving up to her tits and armpits. What made her stay on her back and let him? Yes, it was her own sexuality, her own perversion, her need for this dog.