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"Oh God!"

Again and again the woman thought about throwing a robe over her shoulders and tiptoeing down the hall to look for Brad. Surely he had to be around the ranch somewhere, probably in the bunkhouse. Christina had said something about him living here most of the time. That's why she had liked keeping him on. He was there for any kind of emergency. Well, wasn't her hot cunt, her desire to have a man on top of her, touching her, fucking her, an emergency?

Still, there was something keeping her back, something that kept her in her bed where she fingered herself into ecstasy. Oh yes, yes, it was good when her fingers dipped in her convulsing, clutching pussy. For a few wild seconds she could even imagine it was Brad's cock fucking her.

But then there was the awful realization soon after that she was alone. Brad wasn't there. It had been her fingers that had touched off her explosion, not a man's prick. Feeling empty, frustrated, Barbara drifted off to troubled sleep, wondering if and when she would ever let Brad touch her again.

It was the evening of the third day when the hot tightness of her cunt was driving her mad. Barbara sat at the desk, tapping one end of the pencil lightly against the padded desktop. Christina had gone in the kitchen to brew more coffee. Above her the large clock ticked maddeningly, making her want to scream. But no, she had to keep her composure. What would Christina think if she knew what her cousin was thinking? Oh God! What would Christina think if she were to know what had already happened? That awful session with the dog, her embrace of the stallion, and then that wild barn fuck with Brad!

Barbara closed her eyes, rubbing her fingertips against her burning forehead. And what was worse was that she wanted more. Yes, she was still unsatisfied. Sitting there, breaking the leaded tip of the pencil against the desktop, Barbara wanted more sex! Yes! She wanted to be fucked again. Just thinking about it sent shivers of unspeakable delight rushing up and down her thighs.

"More coffee here."

"Oh, thanks," Barbara said as Christina refilled her cup. She didn't need more caffeine, but how could she tell her cousin that?

"Now, I've got to adjust the May figures and I think I'll be through," Christina said, filling her own cup then shoving the tray to one side as she sat down beside Barbara.

"Oh, Christina. I'm a little tired. Do you mind if I take a walk outside for a bit?" Barbara said, rubbing her burning eyes.

"Oh, of course. I forgot. You're not really into this. I don't blame you. I've been tiring you with all these figures," Christina said apologetically, her face lit with a bright smile.

Barbara almost felt guilty for her sexual feelings. The woman had no idea what was going on behind her back!

"I… I'll be back in a while," Barbara said, not quite able to look her cousin in the eye.

She left the living room quickly, reaching the kitchen and finally the outdoor patio. The door closed quietly behind her. Shutting her eyes Barbara felt that burning, pulsing itch that had been driving her half-crazy all day. It was getting worse again. And there was no one around to take care of it!


Barbara laughed ironically at her thoughts. To take care of her! How far she had come since she walked through that door a week ago! In the background she could hear the steady clicking of the adding machine. The smell of freshly brewed coffee wafted from the kitchen outdoors to her nose. It was all so normal, so predictable. But the feelings she had rushing through her cunt now were far from normal!

Again the woman shivered, crossing her arms over her tits and walking slowly through the small garden out back. It was growing cooler now, the stars overhead winking brilliantly at the moon-silvered earth below.

Hardly a breath of air stirred as Barbara picked her way carefully through the garden.

"How lovely it is," she whispered to herself, stopping near a pile of rocks and looking around.

There was an intense quiet, one she had rarely experienced before. It was as if everything in the earth had perished and only she had survived. It was at this point Barbara felt her peace shattered. There was a rustling sound in the near-by rose bushes to the right.

Turning, she felt a jolt of fear. Could it be a coyote? Christina had said something about the wild animals coming near the ranch at times. Backing away, she was about to call out for her cousin when Pardner nosed his way through the heavy underbrush.

"Oh, you silly dog! You frightened me," Barbara said uneasily.

The dog stood there, his tail high, wagging slightly from left to right while his nose sniffed at the air. Barbara stiffened, knowing he was smelling her. Yes, he was smelling her the way he had smelled her that fateful night when he attacked her.

"No you don't, Pardner. I'm not going to let this happen again."

Barbara backed away, her feet stumbling over the uneven flagstones of the back patio. She couldn't let the dog touch her, not like he had done several nights ago. How would she be able to face herself? All this time she had been telling herself that that session had been some sort of a quirk, an accident that would never, ever happen to her again. But here she was in nearly the same position, and with Christina only a few feet away!

"Your mistress…"

The word mistress sent chills up and down her spine. Was she the dog's mistress, he her lover? No, no, those kind of thoughts were sick, dangerous. Barbara put both hands to her ears as if they could keep out the rushing series of images tormenting her.


But her desires were stronger than her pride. She still stood there in the garden, her body lightly swaying back and forth while her pussy continued to grow hot and tight. Pardner moved a little farther toward the confused blonde, sniffing the ground, then sitting down and scratching a spot between his ears, growling slightly. For a moment Barbara thought he might have forgotten her, his interest apparently diverted by an annoying flea. But he moved once more, on all fours this time, sniffing around her leg.

Barbara felt paralyzed, unsure of what to do. Of course she could have called out for her cousin. Christina would be out there in a flash and the incident would be over before anything further happened.

But instead Barbara simply stood there, her hands crossed over her tits, her eyes closed. And all the while she heard Pardner sniffing, sniffing up her legs, sniffing at her hot cunt. Her pussy needed some kind of satisfaction. Would it come from the dog?

"Oh Pardner… don't…"

He was licking her now. Yes, she could feel his tongue rubbing up and down over her ankles, that light, sexy rub sending shivers of delight up and down her spine. Barbara groaned, digging her fingernails into her upper arms while feeling her knees knock together. She wanted to run but felt herself riveted to the spot. The world and all the reality attached to it was melting from her mind. There was only her cunt, her pussy and that mad licking sensation drawing up her leg now, touching the soft areas behind her knees. It was happening all over again and there was nothing she could do to stop the hungry animal.

Barbara roused herself somewhat, moving away from the light of the kitchen window. She didn't want anyone to see her shame, to see what she was going to do with the growling animal.

"Here, Pardner…"

They moved together, woman and dog through the moonlight past the rose bushes he had crouched in earlier. Looking back over one shoulder to make sure no one was following them, Barbara led the animal to a small clearing some fifty yards from the house.