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Leaving her little pit quivering, I moved my mouth up to her deeper pit and circled my tongue around the edges of her juicy grotto. Her feminine secretions were pouring from it, and I lapped them onto my tongue, savoring the tangy taste. My nostrils were filled with her woman scent, her musky female sex scent. My senses were drenched in her sexuality-the touch of my mouth and tongue on the slick, swollen parts of her sex core, the taste of her gushing secretions, and the heady odor of aroused sexuality coming out all her pores.

He had my cock back fully in her mouth now, and the heated movements of my loins pushed it in and out. Her tongue caressed it and stroked under its head. My ecstasy was climbing ever higher as I moved rapidly up the peak to orgasm. I moved my tongue to her clitoris to give Laurie the same sensations she was lavishing upon me, and she started moaning around my cock and hunching her sex harder and harder against my mouth. We each were so close to the mountain top, so close to rockets shooting off and thunder rolling. We each increased the pace of our mutual orality, pressing each other to match climbs to fulfillment. I could hear Laurie's ever higher moans as she wrapped her legs around my head and squeezed. I could feel her belly convulse and her pelvis jerk in spasms. I had my hands on her buttocks and they clenched into little hard knots as she pressed herself against me, orgasm spilling in undulations of ecstasy throughout the whole center of her sexual core. In one final movement, she completely engulfed my cock, swallowing it to the base. Her lips moved all the way to its base, and rested in the wet locks of drenched pubic hair. She applied suction to the full length of my cock and it responded by giving up its essence, jetting spurt after spurt down her throat. The sensation was almost beyond belief. This is what it would feel like, I knew, if I could bury my cock in the deep recess of her pussy, if I could bore it into the slippery, clutching pit of her vagina.

We each held like that for what seemed an eternity-she spasming between waist and knees and me jerking, spurting, and gushing forth my masculinity into Laurie's suctioning, gulping mouth. I was flooded by her outpouring, drenched from hair to neck, loving and savoring the sensations. I tried to drink her nectar, but it was too much for me. Some ran down onto her thigh and some dripped off my mouth and chin.

Gradually, we came down from the peaks of our orgasms. The convulsions and spasms began to ebb into just little shivers and quivers. She let my cock slip out of her throat and gasped for breath. I pulled back slightly from the smothering confines of being locked into her sexual pit and gulped air into my lungs. We lay there panting, quivering, shaking, coming down slowly as the pleasure flow faded. Finally, Laurie stirred and said in a whisper that was almost a whimper, "It just keeps getting better and better."

"Yeah," I said breathlessly, "I feel like I died and went to heaven. I feel like a bowl of Jello, like a limp noodle."

"Oh, yes, me too," Laurie said, as she stretched, moving her head from between my thighs. She got up on her hands and knees and turned toward me. Her whole mouth was coated with my juice, with the spurtings of my cock. It hadn't all been swallowed, some had run to the outside. She pushed me over onto my back, and then crawled on top, face to face, belly to belly, wet sex to wet sex. She lowered her mouth to mine and rubbed her mouth all over mine. The slippery outpouring of my cock now coated my mouth as well as hers. She opened her mouth to kiss me and I could see pools of my jism still coating its inside. He put her jism-coated tongue between my lips, and it insinuated itself between them and plunged into my mouth. Our saliva and juices mingled, the very essence of our whole beings comingling as she pressed fully against me and moved her lips and mouth so tenderly against mine. I could hardly comprehend what we had just done. I was totally in awe of her burgeoning sexuality, of the way she had moved from being a shy little school girl to a nymph from out of the most lascivious pages of ancient mythology.

Laurie's creamy outpouring now began to flow onto me, to coat my cock, balls, stomach and thighs in her slipperiness. She squirmed her pelvis on mine, spreading the warm juices. Laurie spread her thighs and moved her vulva so that it was in total contact with my half-shrunken cock. The sheer sensuousness of her slick, wet skin against mine, the heat of her warm, flowing vulva against my cock brought a reaction. Blood immediately pumped back into my cock, inflating it, lengthening it out so it was once more rigid. She clamped her labial lips on it and moved her pelvis up and down. Each time she moved down, the bulbous cock's head brushed against the opening into Laurie's vagina. Knowing heaven was so near, yet so far, made the sensation that much more voluptuous. The entire length of my cock rubbed along her clitoris with each stroke, and I moved my hands down to clutch her buttocks and control the movement. I was attempting to avoid the danger of such closeness leading to accidental penetration, but she wanted no part of it. Moving against my hands, she lengthened her strokes so that each one brought my cock came closer and closer to slipping into her secret, warm woman's cave.

Laurie stopped kissing me and whispered into my ear, "Danny, I want you in me. I want to feel your cock inside. I want for us to be totally part of each other. Danny, make me a woman, totally and completely."

"Oh, God, Laurie," I groaned. "I can feel my cock right at the entrance to your vagina, and I want to push into it so bad I can taste it. It would hurt you, though, Laurie. I can't bear the thought of hurting you, not even a little bit. Laurie, I've never hurt you, and I won't hurt you now."

Laurie said softly, "It won't hurt."

"It won't hurt? How do you know? Laurie, do you mean you've already…"

"Oh, my silly Danny," Laurie answered back. "It's not what you think. I've never been with another boy before-you're my very first one. No, the reason I know it won't hurt is that I used the nozzle of my mother's douche bag to test it out. The nozzle is about the same size and shape as a penis, so I tried to see if it would fit. It went right it, without any pain at all. I've read about girls who break their maidenhood by riding a bicycle or a horse, and since I've done both, I guess I'm lucky enough to not have to put up with the virgin's curse."

My cock throbbed at the thought of thrusting into the hot, grasping hole that waited right at its head. I had drenched Laurie's whole vulva and labia with my outpouring of pre-cum, so all it should take would be one good push of my cock. But then I remembered the need for protection. I had no rubbers and Laurie had no protection, so the thoughts of actually penetrating Laurie were banished. No matter that we both desperately wanted and were on the very verge of going the final step in our lovemaking, the risk of pregnancy made it impossible. Once more I groaned and then explained to Laurie that I had no rubbers and we simply couldn't take the risk.

Laurie pushed up from me, leaving a void, leaving me with a vacant feeling. She got to her knees, straddling me, and smiled with her secret smile. "Time for my last surprise," she murmured, standing to her feet. She went over to the cabinet where she had gotten the book and took out a small box. She brought it back, got down on her knees next to me, and put it in my hands. "My last surprise," she said. "A special gift just for us."

I looked down at the box and almost shouted in joy. Condoms! It was whole box-a three-pack-of condoms!

"God, Laurie…rubbers! This means…"

"Yeah," Laurie said, "it means you can put your cock in me now. It means you can make me a woman. It means we can actually fuck." Her words made a new surge of blood flow into my cock, and it swelled and throbbed like never before.

"I've never used a rubber before," I said. "I think all you have to do it just roll it on."