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"That's because I have such a good teacher," I came back. "But tell me," I said, "how did you learn to dance so well when your experience with boys has been as limited as mine with girls?"

"Don't you remember when I took dancing lessons? Three years of lessons produced at least something. As for knowing the latest steps, I doubt if there is a teenage girl in the country who doesn't watch American Bandstand to learn how to do the latest dances. How do you think boys ever learn? They learn from girls, just the way you're learning right now." Wiping a sheen of sweat from her forehead, Laurie continued, "But anyway, that's enough for now. Let's take a break and drink a Coke. I'll go up to the fridge and get us some."

I was relieved to see her go. I had a raging hard-on, and the pressure inside my Jockey shorts was so intense I was uncomfortable. Without her in sight for a few minutes, maybe it would go down some. I stood and walked around, hoping to relieve my horniness. It seemed to work, for by the time Laurie got back with the Cokes, I was down to just a half-hard.

Laurie handed me a Coke and sat down beside me on the sofa. Both of us were quiet, savoring the coolness of the drinks. I finished mine and put it on the end table. Laurie did the same. In almost a whisper, Laurie said, "Danny, you said the other day you didn't know how to kiss a girl. Is that true?"

"Yeah. Isn't that something? Fifteen years old and I've never kissed a girl. Has a boy ever kissed you?"

Laurie kind of half-laughed and said, "What do you think? Of course not, silly. I'm just like you." Then her voice turned soft and serious and she said, "Danny, do you think maybe we could…er…uh…"

"Teach each other?" I said, finishing the sentence for her.

"Yes," Laurie said softly, blushing just a little. "Maybe if we learned from each other we wouldn't feel so self-conscious about it."

"I think I would like that," I said, and turned to face her directly. I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her toward me. We were both a little stiff and awkward at first, but then sort of melted and leaned in against each other. Leaning even further, I softly put my lips against hers and kissed her very gently. She pulled back quickly and looked into my eyes. Then she leaned forward and put her lips back on mine, reached her arm around my neck, and pulled up tight against me. My heart was pounding in my chest and I could hardly catch my breath. I pushed her head against the back of the sofa and pressed my lips against hers, spreading them just a little. Our mouths softened and we rubbed our lips back and forward against the others. She was breathing hard, too, and I could feel her heart beating against my chest. We held the kiss a long time before finally breaking away. By now, my hard-on had returned in full measure and even with Jockey shorts on, there was a noticeable bulge. I hoped that Laurie was naive enough to not notice it.

"Golly, Danny, so that's what kissing is all about. I see now why people like to kiss. I feel all weak and fluttery. How did you feel?"

"Exactly the same," I replied. "Only I could hardly breathe and my heart beat real fast."

"So did mine, so did mine," Laurie said. "Well, now that we've covered fast dancing and kissing, I guess it's time for me to teach you how to slow dance."

"Okay," I said. "Is it harder than fast dancing?"

"In some ways it is, and in other ways it isn't. You have to learn to coordinate your steps with the person you're dancing with so that you don't step on each other's feet. I haven't had much practice slow dancing, since I haven't danced with a boy since my lessons last year. It's like bicycle-riding, though, and it should come back very quickly."

Laurie put on a slow CD and showed me how to put my hands and arms to slow dance. I guess I was a good learner because after about ten or fifteen minutes we were dancing in perfect step with each other. We had started out standing about six inches apart, but gradually we had moved closer together. The song that was playing then was a slow ballad and about all we had to do was to sway to the music. She put her head on my shoulder and leaned her cheek up against mine.

What space there had been between us was now completely gone and I could feel her press against me from cheek to toe. Her breasts were pressed against my chest and could feel the nipples through our tee-shirts. They were like little nubbins trying to bore a hole through the fabric. I found it hard to breathe just as when I kissed her. My heart was beating a thunderous tattoo. Hers was doing the same, because I could feel it against my chest.

"Umm, this is nice," Laurie said. "You're a dreamy dancer." She pressed her hips even harder against mine and I could feel the area at the juncture of her thighs press against my groin area. My hard-on was beating like my heart, and I was fearful she would be able to feel it.

Laurie pulled her head back and whispered, "Oh, Danny, this is so nice. I'm glad I'm with you right now."

It was too much to resist. I put my lips down to hers and kissed her deeply. The kiss was soft at first, but then I could feel her lips spread apart as I spread mine. I tentatively put my tongue between my lips and touched her lips with it. She spread her lips even further and pressed them harder against mine. The tip of her tongue came out and touched the tip of mine. It was like an electric current, tingling and flowing between the two of us. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and hers played games with it, twirling around and around it, curling and almost dueling it. Her hips pressed even harder against mine, and I put my hands down on her buttocks, caressing them and pulling her in even closer. She moaned softly into my mouth and her ass trembled and shuddered. There was no doubt but that she could clearly feel my hard-on.

Laurie pulled away from me slightly, looked me full in the face, and in a little-girl voice said, "Danny, is that what's called an erection?"

Embarrassed, I whispered, "Yes. But guys call it a hardon."

Laurie put her head back on my shoulder and said, "Oh, Danny, who am I fooling. I want to learn about boys so maybe I can get dates and know how to behave on them, but all I'm finding out is how little I know. I hardly know anything about boys and sex. All I know is what I learned in Sex-Ed, and that's darned little. Just a few fuzzy pictures in books. How ever in the world can I expect to succeed with boys when I know so little."

"Well, I'm in the same boat," I said. "I didn't even take Sex-Ed, and all I've ever seen are pictures in Playboy and Penthouse. And I know full well most girls I might be dating won't look like that. The only girl I know who is that pretty is you."

Laurie laid her head back on my should and said, "You always say nice things to me, Danny, and I appreciate it, but you know that's not so. My boobs don't even come close to matching those of the girls in those pictures. Just for that, you'll have to kiss me again like you did before. I think I really like kissing a lot." Laurie turned her face back to me and with her hand behind my head brought my lips down to hers. Her tongue immediately snaked out and brushed across my lips and then into my mouth. She caressed all parts of my mouth and rubbed her tongue all over mine. Her hips pushed back against mine and began a circular rubbing motion over my groin area. I was so horny I thought I would come in my pants right there. My hard-on throbbed, and all it would have taken is just one or two strokes to bring me off to a crashing orgasm. This time it was my turn to moan in her mouth and for my hips to jerk spasmodically.

Laurie broke the kiss, and putting her mouth close to my ear, very softly said, "Danny, since we seem to have done well teaching each other how to kiss, do you think maybe we might be able to teach each other some other things?"

I could barely get out an answer. "Ummmm…yesssss," I whispered into her ear and pulled her even closer against me. I put my hands on her back and rubbed it and then lowered them to the top of her shorts. Slipping the tips of my fingers inside, I felt the top of her panties. They felt smooth and silky. I moved my fingers under the panties and down on to her buttocks. They were smooth and just as tight and firm as I had imagined when I had been so enraptured by them earlier. I could feel the juncture between them, and I felt all the way down the crack until I came to the bottom. I was amazed to find her wet and slick, like someone had rubbed warmed K-Y Jelly over that part of her. I could feel the crotch of her panties and they were damp in the same way.