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The spasms lessened and slowly my cock began to shrink, after all this time finally to go down. Laurie kept it in her mouth until it was small and flaccid and then slowly eased it out with her tongue. Some jism dripped on it as she did. She raised her head, and looked up at me, a soft smile on her face. Her lips were coated with come, little drops of it were at the corners of her mouth, and a drop of it dribbled from her chin. "Oh, God, Laurie, that was unbelievable. I know my orgasm must have been better than yours because I DID go to heaven."

"Nothing could have been better than mine," Laurie said. "Maybe as good, but not better." She moved up my body, kissing me on the chest, and then full on the lips. I tasted myself the same way she had tasted herself. A feeling of sheer concupiscence flowed through me from the pure sensuality of such a kiss.

We lay there on the sofa together: naked, satiated, spent lovers. We relaxed and kissed slowly, enjoying the afterglow of pleasures. We probably would have dozed, awoke, and made love again if the phone hadn't have rung. We jumped, startled by the unexpected sound. Laurie answered it and made a face at me as she talked. She hung up the phone and said, "Darn! Darn, darn! That was Aunt Betty. It seems that Mom asked her to check on us and she's on the way over here to be sure we get fed today. We'd better get dressed, and you'd better go over to your house until she gets here. We sure don't want anyone thinking we've been…er, been doing the things we just did."

"No. Not with our straight-laced folks," I answered.

"Oh, Danny, I'm sorry. I thought we would have more time today. There's still a lot more I want to know, more questions I want to ask you. Maybe even some more…uh, some more…show-and-tell," she said finally, with just a hint of a smile. "Do you think maybe later on…maybe later on we could have some more…maybe some more…uh, dancing lessons?"

I was thrilled by her question. I had wanted to suggest that we continue our exploration, but didn't want to risk the good thing already going. She had taken it out my hands, though, and paved the way by suggesting it herself. "Yeah, Laurie, I would really like that. I would like some more…dancing lessons."

"I'll see if I can find out when our folks are going to be out of town again. I'll want to make sure we're here alone. Now I'm going to take a quick shower, and you need to run home and do the same. I'll call you when Aunt Betty gets here and has a meal ready."

With Laurie standing there, I quickly got back into my jeans and tee-shirt. "I'll see you later," I said, turning back to her. No word was spoken, but we leaned forward and kissed lightly before heading in our different directions.

Chapter III

After leaving Laurie's house, I went home and showered and changed clothes. The telephone rang about an hour later, and pretending I didn't know about Aunt Betty's being there, Laurie invited me over for dinner. The three of us had dinner together, and then Laurie and I volunteered to clean up the kitchen and put the dishes in the dishwasher. During dinner and even now Laurie seemed to sparkle with a new animation. There was a glow about her that hadn't shown before, and it was very becoming.

Laurie had put on pants and a blouse that complemented the blue of her eyes, and her appearance together with this aspect of her personality made her even more desirable. I ached to reach out and hold her in my arms just as she had been only a short time before down in the den. I whispered to her so that Aunt Betty couldn't possible hear, "Laurie, maybe it's that outfit you have on, but I've never seen you look prettier. God, Laurie, you're more than pretty, right now you're absolutely beautiful."

Laurie leaned toward me, lightly brushed her lips across mine, and with a little soft, almost secret, smile whispered back, "Maybe you're just now really seeing me as a girl. Anyway, you've got to quit saying things like that when other people are around." Then with an impish smile, she said, "That keeps me from collecting my penance."

"Okay, I promise to be good," I whispered, smiling back.

"And you always keep your promises," she whispered, laughing softly into my ear. Turning serious, she continued, "I really mean it, Danny. We have to be careful and act just like we always do. We can't give anyone ideas about us."

"Yeah. You're right, I know. I really do promise I'll watch myself."

The three of us watched television in the den for a couple of hours, and then I decided I had better go home and get ready for bed. I had been home for about thirty minutes when all our folks drove up. I listened to stories about Bridgeport for a while and then turned in. I slept soundly, with no disturbing dreams of Laurie.

The next evening, I went over to Laurie's to study for an English exam. We had several classes together and often studied together. We went to her bedroom to use her study desk. Although it was not unusual for us to shut the bedroom door in order to study, this time we left it open. As soon as we were seated, Laurie quietly cautioned, "Now you be sure and behave yourself."

Half-irritated, I replied, "I said I'd be good, didn't I?"

Laurie stroked her hand across my cheek and said, "I'm sorry, Danny. It's just that we can't be too careful."

"Well, you're not helping matters any," I replied, looking her up and down. She was dressed in cutoffs that barely covered her crotch and the bottoms of her buttocks and her tight tanktop exposed every line in her bra.

"Oh, gosh, Danny, I'm sorry. I'm not used to guys being interested in me, and I didn't think how I might affect you. I guess it's my turn to say I'll behave." I could tell from her expression that she genuinely was sorry, and I yearned to reach out and hold her and ask her forgiveness for scolding.

We finished studying around 9:00 o'clock and went down to the kitchen to have cookies and milk. After swallowing the last drop of milk, I picked up my book, told Laurie I'd see her at school the next day, and headed out the back door to go home. Laurie followed me out to the dark of the back porch and whispered, "Wait, Danny."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I just found out all our folks are going back to Bridgeport Wednesday evening," Laurie whispered excitedly. "They won't be back to around midnight. Aunt Betty is even going this time."

"Does that mean…?" I softly said.

Laurie nodded her head, and with a look of elation, whispered, "Yes, yes, yes. It means we can continue…it means we can continue our…er, our dancing lessons," she finally said. "That is," she said with a return of that impish smile, "you already have something planned for Wednesday evening."

I reached out, pulled Laurie up close to me, and whispered directly into her ear, "Well, I had planned to stay home and read War and Peace."

Laughing softly, Laurie hit me on the shoulder and said, "You'll pay for that."

Holding her even closer, I murmured into her ear, "Laurie, you're the only thing in my plans." She wrapped both arms around my neck and snuggled up real close. I touched her chin, turned up her mouth to mine, and kissed her deeply. She opened her mouth to me, and our tongues fought a fencing duel. Her hips pushed toward mine, and our whole bodies embraced. My cock sprung to its full rigidity, and through the scant cover her cutoffs provided, she could feel the knot it formed. She pushed hard against it, broke the kiss, and whispered, "Umm, you're just going to have to put that on hold for a while." Then she reached out the tip of her tongue, brushed it across my ear lobe, and with a laugh so soft I could only feel it through our embrace, she murmured, "Maybe you can take a cold shower."