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"Gee, you're mad," remarked Eileen.

"You bet I am!" Teresa's eyes lit up. "I know what I'll do! I'll really get her goat!"

"What? What'll you do?"

Teresa laughed and laid her head back against the wall. A thick coating of perspiration covered her broiling body. "I'm gonna let her have her lifeguard… But instead of finding myself some nice, cultured young man I think I'll go for a tall, dark bartender."

Eileen's eyes widened and she leaned forward with her mouth open. "Johnny? You're going to go after your mother's lover?"

"Ex-lover," Teresa calmly said.

"Wow," said Eileen. "She'll blow her stack."

Teresa chuckled. "That's what's so great about it, she can't do a damned thing. Can you imagine her admitting that she had an affair with Johnny? Can you see her trying to tell me to cool it? Ha! I'll laugh in her face!"

"You'll have an affair with Johnny just to get revenge on her?"

Teresa smirked. "No, not just revenge. I've always wondered what it would be like to sleep with him. I bet he knows his stuff all right… "

"Yeah, he's been around I'll bet. I guess it could be fun."

Suddenly Teresa turned to her friend and smiled. "How would you like to help?"

"Me? What can I do?" asked Eileen.

"Just screwing around with Johnny won't be enough revenge," said Teresa. "I want to teach her a real good lesson."

"What else can you do? What can I do?"

Teresa said it coldly. "Have an affair with my father."

Eileen's mouth fell open. "What?"

"Make a play for my dad. You told me hundreds of times you think he's real nice, very handsome."

"Yeah, but… but… " Eileen stammered. "I just can't go up to him and suggest we fuck!"

"Why not? If I know him he'll laugh it off and say something real charming. Then ten minutes later he'll suggest a time and place."

Eileen was aghast. "Your father? He's not like that, he's an important man. He wouldn't have anything to do with a young girl like me."

Teresa grinned. "The hell he won't. I've seen him when you're over visiting me. He keeps a good eye on you, believe me. You turn him on."

"No… "

While nodding her head, Teresa said, "Yes."


Johnny Carvel wasn't feeling too great. It wasn't every day he got dumped for a young kid. It used to be he moved in on the territories of the older guys and nailed their women. But now he had to face it, he was thirty-four and each year the competition would get stiffer.

Stiffer. He smirked. That was the word, all right. Not that he had lost any of his own hardness or talent but it was an uphill fight. The ladies his age and slightly older seemed to demand more and more each year while they turned him on less and less. What Johnny had to admit was he wanted the fresh young stuff as much as the ladies did.

That was it. A nice, tight young cunt to really make him feel like a kid himself. The only problem was that the young girls never had money and usually expected to be shown a good time. That cost him money. The older women had money and with the proper approach never hesitated to spend it on him. He liked that almost as much as fucking them, having them spend their old man's hard-earned bucks on him.

He was wiping down the bar for the hundredth time that afternoon when he lifted his face and saw the tits. Gems, the nicest set of tits in the whole country club. Teresa Cunningham's tits stretching against that ridiculous excuse for a swimsuit.

He looked all the way up to her face. She smiled. He smiled back. "What can I do for you, Teresa?" Johnny asked.

"I'd like a Tom Collins," she said.

Johnny's eyebrow lifted. "You trying to get me fired? You can't be in this bar, let alone have a drink, until you're twenty-one."

"A Tom Collins, please," she said.

"You have to be old enough, Teresa," he repeated. Then he added, "I'm sorry."

"I'm old enough to do a lot of things, Johnny. And drinking is just one of them."

Johnny liked the direction of her conversation. He also liked the husky sound of her voice. She had never acted like this with him before. He was interested. The bar was empty, so he mixed a Tom Collins, dropped a cherry in it and placed it on the bar between them.

Teresa reached for the drink but Johnny grabbed her wrist. "Like I said, if I give you this drink I'm putting my job on the line. And before I do that I want to know what else you think you're old enough to do."

He was leaning close and smiling. Teresa swallowed, smiled back and drew up her courage. "I'm old enough to give you what you want," she whispered.

But Johnny wasn't satisfied, he wanted to hear the exact words. "And what is that?"

"You know," she smiled and winked.

"Say it. Tell me exactly what you'll do if I give you this drink."

Teresa's cheeks were flushed. She blinked. "I'll fuck you," she stated.

Johnny felt the head of his cock swell in his pants as she said it. He liked that. He loved to hear a woman use the coarse vernacular. And he loved to use it himself.

"What makes you think you can handle me? I might break your sweet little cunt with my big prick," he said.

"If that happens I'll use my mouth," Teresa answered.

Johnny swallowed. She was serious, absolutely serious. He had received some pretty direct propositions in his years behind the bar but they usually came from some desperate broad who was either drunk or unappetizing. This was the first time a real dish, a young plum who could have her choice of guys, ever popped the suggestion.

Johnny released Teresa's wrist and pushed the drink at her. "There's a stockroom right behind me. Pick up the drink and take it in there. I'll be there in a couple of minutes to see if you're all talk," he said.

Teresa picked up the drink and slid from her barstool. As she moved behind the bar and went through the door to the small room lined with cases of liquor she said, "I can't talk with my mouth full."

Johnny nervously wiped down the bar again. The pool area had two people in it, both lounging half-asleep in the sun. They hadn't ordered a drink all day and he doubted if they'd want to start now. Alan was slumped in his lifeguard stand and looked just as oblivious as the sun-bathers. Grace Cunningham had been in her office earlier but left to go home and prepare for the dance tonight. Everything would be dead for at least a couple of hours.

He dropped his bar towel onto the floor. Even if someone did want a drink they'd call out. He could just step out of the stockroom, take care of them and go back. He went to the door, turned the knob and quickly disappeared inside.

She was totally nude. Standing there against the cardboard cases along the far wall without a thing on. Johnny pushed the door shut and pressed the lock on the knob. His breath felt like a loaf of bread in his throat. She was the image of her mother with everything tighter, higher, swollen with the vibrancy of youth.

Teresa inhaled a deep breath until her bare breasts lifted up high and out. Her round, pink nipples stared at Johnny like two amazed eyes. The soft flesh of her breasts thrust at him like solid, pointed melons. He realized his cock was jamming forcefully upward in his pants.

She held out the glass, the liquid was gone, all that remained were two ice cubes and the red maraschino cherry. "Delicious," she said.

His eyes took in the furry mound above the red lips of her tight-looking pussy and flawless thighs. "I'll say," he remarked.

Teresa sat down on one of the liquor cases and spread her legs wide apart. The gleaming tissues of her cunt opened up to invite Johnny home. He quickly unbuckled his belt and opened his pants. She watched closely as he dropped the pants to his knees, kept an eye on the sizable bulge straining in his white jockey shorts.