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She licked her lips and his gaze narrowed. His tension ratcheted up another notch. He wrapped one hand behind her neck and slowly pulled her toward him. “I know everything in both our lives is crazy right now.”

“It is.” That was an understatement if she’d ever heard one.

“The only thing I know for sure is that I want you.” He lowered his head and drew his tongue over her bottom lip.

Evie sucked in a breath and leaned closer.

“Let me have you,” he whispered. “I know I shouldn’t ask. Know I should have enough self-control to let you walk away.” He stroked her upper lip and she felt the hardness of one of his fangs. “But I can’t.”

This was seduction, pure and simple.

She already wanted him, but she’d been determined to walk away, to give him space. But he was weakening her resolve.

“Craig.” She didn’t know what she wanted to say, what she might have said, but he chose that moment to kiss her.

He pushed his tongue past her lips and into her mouth, exploring the moist inner recesses. She groaned and locked her arms around his neck. Craig straightened, lifting her right off the floor. She locked her legs around his hips and held on.

Her hands were everywhere she could reach him. She speared her fingers through his hair, lightly dragging her nails along his scalp. Craig moaned and deepened the kiss, stealing her breath.

The blood she’d recently consumed made her heart pump faster. Evie dragged her hands over Craig’s shoulders, feeling the play of his hard muscles underneath the fine shirt Damek had loaned him.

She hated having anything between them and tore at the fabric, sighing with relief when her palms stroked warm male skin.

Craig pulled away and laughed. “I’m going to owe Damek quite a bit before this is done. I’ve already destroyed his windowsill and now you’re destroying his clothing.”

Evie peeked over Craig’s shoulder at the windowsill and saw the deep gouges in the wood. “Somehow I don’t think he’ll mind.” There was no doubt in her mind that the vampire considered Craig his friend. Evie had the feeling that Damek didn’t have too many of those.

Craig laughed and tossed her into the air. He’d forgotten his own strength and she barely got her hands out in time to keep from smashing her head into the ceiling. As it was, there were now two hand-sized holes in the plaster.

Craig caught her, his face pale.

“Holy shit. I’m sorry. Are you hurt?”

Evie shook her head and smiled.

“I’m fine, but you might want to dial back the momentum a bit the next time.”

One corner of Craig’s mouth slowly rose in a half smile. “Next time?”

“Hmm.” Evie played with the ends of his hair, enjoying the way he easily held her in his arms. She wasn’t sure he even realized he hadn’t set her down but continued to hold her.

“Evie.” The depth of emotion in that one word made her lose her breath.

There was so much there—confusion, frustration and more, but most of all there was need.

His eyes were slightly tinged with red and his fangs were visible. Sexual desire was riding him hard. She knew because she felt exactly the same way.

Her breasts were full and heavy. The light weight of her bra abraded the tips, making them hurt. Her core felt empty, pulsing with a growing need.

She cupped his face in her hands and stared into his eyes. They glowed. And she knew without seeing them that hers did as well. His fangs gleamed. They knew what the other one was, understood the depth of emotions beating within each other.

Craig gave a low growl, locked his arm around her waist and pulled her tight against him. His pelvis rubbed against her jean-clad pussy in a delightful way. She arched her hips into him and moaned.

He kissed her, pressing his lips against her forehead, her cheeks, her nose and finally her mouth. He ate at her lips, voraciously tasting and licking, sucking and worshiping every inch of her mouth.

If she wasn’t a vampire, she probably would have passed out due to lack of oxygen, but thankfully that was no longer a problem. She didn’t know how long she could last without air, but definitely long enough.

She tore at the shirt that was still half on Craig. She wanted him naked. He wasn’t overly tall, but his body was lean and muscular. He was strong without being muscle-bound. His sandy-brown hair just touched his broad shoulders.

She loved being able to sift her fingers through the silky mass.

He walked across the room and suddenly stopped and set her on her feet.

She half expected him to tear her clothing off. Once again, he surprised her. Carefully, and oh so slowly, he undid the buttons on the blouse Sonia had loaned her. He slid the silky fabric off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor behind her.

He covered her breasts with his hands and her nipples pushed against the thin covering of her bra. Craig undid the clasp and eased the straps down her shoulders. “You are so beautiful.”

Evie had always been confident in her looks. She wasn’t the most stunning woman on the planet, but her hair was great and she had a decent figure. But the way Craig was looking at her made her feel like a goddess.

He went down on one knee in front of her and unzipped her jeans. Then he peeled the fabric down her thighs and shoved it around her ankles. Evie stepped out and kicked them away.

Craig gave a low sound of need and buried his face against the crotch of her panties. “I can’t hold out much longer.”

She caught his head in her hands.

Need thrummed through her like a living beast, demanding to be fed. “Then don’t.”

Craig inhaled deeply and the spicy scent of Evie’s arousal filled him. He felt as though he’d knocked back a bottle of whiskey all by himself. Intoxicated was too tame a word for the sensations coursing through him.

But there was fear as well. He’d almost hurt Evie earlier without meaning too. He had no idea how strong he was and that was scary. The last thing he wanted to do was harm her in any way.

He wanted to cherish her. Worship her.

His cock was being strangled by his jeans. He’d surely never felt this horny before, not even when he was a teenager. But the pain helped center him.

With his hands on Evie’s hips and his face against her mound, he struggled for control.

And then she took it all away from him with two simple words. “Then don’t.”

It was as though something inside him burst free from its chains and there was no going back. Craig gave a roar as he ripped her panties away, shoved her legs apart and buried his face against her hot, moist pussy.

Nirvana. Evie fell back but came up against one of the couches. Craig moved closer and indulged in what he’d been wanting to do since Damek and Sonia had left. He licked at her slick folds, nibbling here and there, paying special attention to places that made her gasp or moan.

Evie lightly scraped her fingernails over his scalp before digging them into his shoulders. The sensual sting shoved his lust up another notch. He sucked her clit into his mouth, lapping at the sensitive bud with his tongue. Evie screamed his name, but he didn’t stop.

He shoved two fingers into her tight channel, loving the way the walls of her pussy closed around him. His world narrowed to Evie—the sweet perfume of her orgasm, the frantic strokes of her hands over his arms and back, the little sounds of completion, the taste of her thick cream on his lips.

His balls were so tight he was vaguely surprised they hadn’t exploded.

Craig stood, stripped off his jeans and shoved them aside. He wasn’t wearing any underwear so his cock sprang forward, eager and ready.

Evie was staring at him, a slightly dazed look in her eyes. Her gaze dropped to his cock and she licked her lips. His erection jerked, bobbing toward her and liquid seeped from the tip. He longed to feel her sweet mouth around him, but he couldn’t wait. One touch and he’d come.