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He spun her around. “Put your hands on the sofa and spread your legs.”

Evie leaned forward and planted both hands on the back of the leather couch. Craig moved in behind her, his entire body covering hers. Once again, he was reminded how delicate she was compared to him. She might be a vampire, but she was still a woman, a much smaller one.

Craig took a deep breath and bent his knees until the head of his cock was probing her opening. “Don’t let me hurt you.”

“You won’t.” Her confidence steadied him like nothing else could have.

He pushed forward, slow and steady. Her body fought his penetration at first but suddenly gave way, accepting him. Craig closed his eyes and swallowed, fighting hard not to totally lose it. Home, he thought. It was like coming home.

Evie was panting hard, every nerve ending poised for another explosion.

She’d just come but was building toward another orgasm. Desperation and need powered both of them. She knew he felt it just the way she did. Borrowed time.

Reality would rear its ugly head soon enough, but for now it was just the two of them and what was between them.

The leather sofa was cool beneath her hands, but her skin felt hot. She knew she should be able to regulate her body temperature but, at this moment, it was beyond her capabilities. All she could do was stand there, bent over the back of the sofa, and hang on as Craig filled her.

His cock pulsed inside her core, setting off miniature fireworks. He was so deep. It was delicious. Perfect.

But Evie wanted more. She shoved her butt against him and he groaned. He said her name once and she knew he was trying to give her time to get used to him.

Even now he was looking out for her.

Her chest ached even as her libido went into overdrive. She squeezed her inner muscles tight and Craig swore. He rested his hands on the sofa next to hers.

His were so much larger, his skin more tanned. The veins in his hands and arms pulsed with life-giving blood. Her fangs ached to bite him, to sink into his wrist and feed.

Finally, he began to move. He slid his cock almost all the way out before plunging back in. Evie moved with him, pushing her ass back to meet his thrust and arching forward when he pulled out.

His strokes quickly went from slow and long to fast and short. His hips pounded against her butt, his balls bumping her clit, arousing her even higher.

Craig shifted his hands from the sofa to her breasts, cupping them, using them to hold her against him, to help him control the tempo of their lovemaking.

The slap of skin against skin, the spicy perfume of sex and their breathy gasps filled the room.

“Evie.” He pulled her back against his chest as he drove his cock home one final time. Warmth filled her pussy and the spasms of his cock sent her spiraling over the edge once again. She cried out, letting her orgasm burn through her. Her channel squeezed him harder, milking every last inch of him.

The tip of his fangs dragged over the back of her neck to the curve of her shoulder. She tilted her head to one side, giving silent permission. Craig sank his fangs into her skin and she felt the hard pull as he drank from her. Her pussy exploded and another orgasm rocked her to her core.

It was instinct, not intention, that made her grab his hand and lift his wrist to her mouth. He groaned, his cock jerking inside her, when she bit him. His blood was sweet and warm. She orgasmed yet again as his blood slid down her throat. Sublime.

Craig licked at her neck and she knew she had to stop drinking from him.

But it was so hard to make herself stop.

With a cry, she retracted her fangs from his skin. Blood dripped from his wrist and she quickly bent to lick at the wound, ashamed of her lack of control.

Evie lowered her head. Craig pulled out of her in one smooth stroke. Then he lifted her into his arms. Her braid got caught between them and she pulled it out of the way so it lay across her chest.

“Look at me.”

There was compulsion as well as command in Craig’s voice. She didn’t think he even knew he was using it. She could easily resist the compulsion, but didn’t. His eyes were once again vivid blue. Not the blue she’d seen when they first met, but the one that seemed to be illuminated by an inner light. They were mesmerizing.

“Thank you.”

Evie swallowed hard and nodded.

“We’ve got a lot to figure out, but we can do it together.” Craig carried her down the hallway to their room. Their room. When had she started thinking of it as that?

He set her down beside the bed and put his hands on her shoulders so she was facing him.

“I should have had more control.”

There, she’d said it. It shamed her that he’d been able to release her first, hadn’t been so caught up in the bloodlust. But was it really bloodlust? It felt different somehow.

“You have more than enough control, Evie. Give yourself a break. You’re only human.”

Evie laughed. She couldn’t help herself. Craig paused as though just realizing what he’d said and then he began to grin. “Okay, maybe not quite human anymore, but you know what I mean.”

She did. And somehow that made it easier to accept her shortcomings.

“You heard Damek. Most vampires don’t have as much control as either of us. I think we’re doing just fine. And sticking together will only help us strengthen that. You help me and I help you. Together.”

Evie knew their togetherness couldn’t last. She had a vampire to kill and he had a family that would never forget what she’d done. Still, she couldn’t resist imagining what it could be like, what it must be like to feel a part of a couple or a family.


She nodded. “Together.” At least for now. She strengthened the walls in her mind, the ones she’d built to help keep the vampire out of her thoughts. She had no idea if Craig could read her thoughts.

She couldn’t read his, not yet. His emotions, yes, but not his thoughts.

Evie was under no misconception that she could keep Damek out of her thoughts. He was simply too powerful.

But that wouldn’t matter. The older vampire wanted what was best for Craig and that included keeping him safe. She didn’t think he’d stop her from leaving when the time came for her to hunt her maker.

Craig pulled down the covers on the bed. “Climb in.”

As Evie crawled between the covers, it hit her that she didn’t feel the least bit awkward about being naked around Craig. It felt normal. Natural.

“I’ll be right back. I don’t know how long Damek and Sonia will be gone, but the last thing they need to see when they come home is our clothing strewn around their living room.”

Evie felt a blushing heat rise up her cheeks. She yanked the covers over her head and imagined what Damek and his wife would think about that. Even though their clothes would be gone, there was no way Damek wouldn’t know they’d had sex out there. If nothing else, he’d be able to smell it with his vampire super senses.

Locked in her cocoon of covers, Evie realized her skin smelled like Craig, like sex. Her pussy began to throb.

She tossed back the covers and flapped them in the air and quickly realized her mistake. Now the entire room reeked of sex.

Craig strode back in and tossed their clothing onto the chair. He kicked the door shut and started toward the bed, coming to a halt, like he’d hit a wall. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes.

When he opened them, they were tinged red. His cock went from semi-erect to totally erect.

He prowled toward the bed and slid in next to her. His gaze never left hers as he reached for her once again.

Chapter Seven