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Craig felt better than he had in quite some time. Evie was nestled next to him, her head pillowed on his shoulder. He’d taken her twice more before he’d felt sated enough to stop. He would have felt bad about it and worried about her being sore, but she’d been right there with him every step of the way, urging him on and using her hands and mouth to drive him out of his mind.

He ran his fingers over her arm and sighed. The dark seemed different now, not really dark at all. He could see everything clearly when he looked around the room. The rich fabric on the bed, the gleaming wood of the dresser.

And he could hear every sound Evie made when she moved or sighed.

For the first time since his life had been changed, he felt optimistic about his chances of not only surviving, but finding peace and happiness in his new life. Sure there were obstacles ahead, but he’d had those as a human, just different ones. And he was good at finding solutions to problems.

He knew that Evie was going to leave at some point. Or she was going to try. He wasn’t about to let that happen. If he thought she truly didn’t care about him that would be a different thing entirely. But he’d come to know her well in a short time and knew she’d leave him to protect him.

Every male instinct he possessed roared in displeasure at the wrongness of that. It might not be politically correct or very evolved of him, but it was his job to look after her, not the other way around.

He mentally shrugged. So sue me, he thought. But since the change, his primal instincts had deepened. And at the top of the list of things he needed to do was to protect Evie. Whether she wanted him to or not.

He could just imagine the argument they’d have about this subject if he broached it with her, which he didn’t plan too. He was too smart to do that.

He’d just go about his business, keeping her beside him. He’d love her so long and hard she wouldn’t want to run from him.

He smiled at the thought of putting all his efforts into that task.

She stirred and he eased her off his shoulder until her head was resting against the pillow. Her hair was still braided. It was a shame he hadn’t thought to loosen it. He longed to see that black, silky curtain of hair running over his skin and flowing over his pillow.

Yup, he better not let her see his thoughts. He was becoming quite possessive of his Evie. Craig concentrated on building a titanium reinforced wall in his mind. It snapped into place with a resounding slam. He couldn’t be sure, but he felt as though his thoughts might even be protected from Damek, at least for a while.

Maybe it was because he used his mind so much, understood his thought process and what he could do with it, that allowed him to do this. And maybe he was totally wrong. He’d have to test his inner walls before making any final analysis.

“Hey.” He kissed her sweet lips simply because they were there and he could.

Evie gave him a sleepy smile. “Hey, yourself. What time is it?”

He thought about it and without hesitation said, “Ten after four in the morning.”


He shrugged. “I think so. Feels right to me.” His watch was over on top of the dresser so he rolled out of bed and padded across the room to pick it up. He held up the timepiece so Evie could see it. “See, ten after four.”

“That’s incredible.” She hooked a loose piece of hair over her ear. “I knew it was late and dawn was getting closer, but I had no idea of the exact time.”

Craig shrugged, tossed the watch back down and went back to the bed.

“Probably just the way my mind works.

I’m sure you can do things I can’t.

Damek said that all vampires develop different skills and at different rates.”

He plumped up the pillows and leaned his back against the headboard.

“Tell me about yourself. Tell me about Evie Pelowski before all this happened.”

She shrugged. “Not much to tell.”

“Where were you born? Do you have any family?” He wanted to know everything.

She sighed and settled next to him, making sure the bedclothes were covering her. She brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. The posture was a defensive one.

“I was born in Boston. I grew up in a series of foster homes and left when I turned eighteen.” She rested her head on her knees. “You?”

Craig wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her. No one should have to feel so alone. He could hear the loneliness in Evie’s voice and wanted to reassure her that she’d always have a place with him. But he knew she’d see that as a sign of pity and it might make her run.

Instead, he told her about himself. “I was born in New York. My mom didn’t have the best of luck with men.”

“You mentioned that you and your siblings have different fathers.”

Craig propped one foot up on the bed, his knee tenting the sheet. He left his other leg stretched out. “Yeah. Quinn and Chrissten’s father was a werewolf.

Mom knew his secret but never let on.

He never knew and eventually left before she could tell him she was pregnant. They found him a few years ago and they’ve been slowly building a relationship.”

“That has to be awkward.” Evie’s eyes were half-closed and her hair was tousled, giving her a sleepy, sexy look.

Craig’s cock stirred yet again, shocking him. He’d always had a healthy sex drive, but nothing like this. He cleared his throat and tried to ignore his straining erection. “That’s an understatement. Anyway, Mom met another guy a few years later. He left when he found out she was pregnant.”

“I’m sorry.”

Craig reached out and rested his hand on her head, brushing her hair lightly. “It’s okay. Mom was great.

Always cheerful and happy, always making us feel special.” He missed her.

Her passing had left a hole in all their lives.

“She died when I was a teenager, but the three of us stuck together. At least until Chrissten was kidnapped.”

Evie sat up, her eyes widening.

“Kidnapped? By who?”

Craig reached for her and pulled her into his arms. “That’s a story for another day.” He settled her into his arms. “All that matters is we got her back. That’s how I met Damek.”

He kissed the tip of her nose. He couldn’t stop touching her. Evie was so very kissable. “Now it’s your turn. Tell me something about you. What brought you to Chicago?”

Evie settled her head against his shoulder. “Once I turned eighteen, I left my foster home. They couldn’t afford to keep me if the government wasn’t paying my room and board. I had some money saved from the part-time job I worked. I thought about New York, but for some reason I told the guy at the ticket booth to give me a ticket to Chicago.”

“Fate.” Craig pulled the elastic holder off the end of her braid and began to unwind the strands.

Evie shrugged. “Maybe. It doesn’t matter. The art scene here is vibrant and welcoming. I found a small hole-in-the-

wall apartment and worked at a coffee shop, painting in my spare time.

Eventually, I was selling enough to quit the day job and paint full-time.”

“Did you get a bigger place?”

Evie laughed and then sighed when he combed his fingers through her inky-

black hair. “No. I’m still living in the tiny place I landed in when I first moved here seven years ago. I guess I’d always wanted a permanent home. And my place might be small, but it’s home. Or it was home. Now I’m not sure I ever want to go back.”

Craig rubbed his hand over her head and down her back. “It will be okay.

We’ll get your things from your apartment.”

She gave a sad little laugh. “If there’s anything left. Vladimir struck me as the type who would destroy stuff.”