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She heard Craig calling her name, but she was lost in a void darker than midnight. The only color was the deep-

purplish red of rage. It filled her vision.

She thirsted for blood.

Like a caged wild thing, she fought the human bars that enclosed her. It was no use. As strong as she was, he was stronger. He pushed her face first against the wall and she dug her claws into the drywall, gouging deep. With his chest against her back and his arms around her, she was powerless to move. His legs surrounded her, immobilizing them.

She howled like a wounded animal.

The door slammed open and she heard a woman gasp and Craig’s command for her to leave them. Jealousy speared through her. Why was there another woman there? Craig belonged to her.

That stopped her cold.

She could hear them both breathing heavily, feel his hot, moist breath on her neck. Her heart was racing. She was hungry. Oh God, the hunger was eating at her insides along with the need for vengeance. She hauled a lungful of air into her and the enticing aroma of fresh blood made her moan and lick her lips.

So good. It would taste so good.

“It’s okay, Evie. I’ve got you. I won’t ever let you go. You’ll never be alone again.”

Craig’s words slowly sank into her psyche as the haze of rage slowly evaporated, leaving her feeling empty and spent.

What had she done?

A lone tear trickled down her cheek.

Craig slowly released his tight hold and turned her so she was facing him. He leaned close and captured her teardrop with his tongue. There was blood beneath his nose from where she’d hit him with the back of her head. She tugged at the hem of his shirt, lifting it until she could wipe the blood away. As much as she wanted to taste it, she was afraid of what she might do if she did.

Her claws and fangs had receded with her anger, but the shame and disappointment remained. “I’m sorry.”

What else could she say? She’d attacked him for no reason. She owed Craig everything. If not for him, she’d be alone on the streets. No, that wasn’t quite true.

If it weren’t for Craig, Damek would have killed her the moment he met her for what she’d done to his friend, or Vladimir probably would have tracked her by now.

Craig smoothed his hands over her arms. “It’s okay, Evie. It’s perfectly natural to get upset. Things have been out of your control from the beginning.”

“I don’t see you having a hissy fit over the situation.” And that made her resentful. How come he seemed to be handling things better than her?

He cocked his head to one side and studied her intently. She fought the urge to squirm.

“Maybe because I already knew about vampires and werewolves and accepted them. I know this world and understand the reality of it. This is all new to you. You had no idea what had happened to you. I knew all too well.”

“Not making me feel better.”

Her comment surprised him and then he laughed. “I guess not. But it’s the truth.” He took her hand and tugged her toward the door. “Come on, we need to reassure Sonia everything is okay before she calls Damek.”

Evie was suddenly in a hurry to do just that. The last thing she wanted was for Sonia to feel threatened by her. That would sign her death warrant. If there was one thing Evie was sure of, it was that anyone who was a threat to Damek’s wife died. Plain and simple.

And she couldn’t fault him for that.

The fact that he loved Sonia so much was a point in his favor.

She glanced at Craig as he led the way down the hall to the living room, amazed by how he treated her considering she’d turned him into a vampire. Even when she’d attacked him, he hadn’t harmed her, had only protected her. Her heart skipped a beat.

Craig stopped and swiveled around.

“Are you okay?”

Even now, he seemed so in tune with her. It was scary and enticing at the same time. “I will be as soon as I apologize to Sonia.”

She stepped around Craig and took the lead. She knew the other woman was waiting for them, could easily feel her presence. That was a skill she’d gotten since becoming a vampire. It was a weird, but useful ability.

“I’m so sorry,” Evie began. “I’ll pay for any damage to the room. I’m afraid the drywall took a hit.” She tried to make light of the situation, but her attempt fell flat.

Evie expected to see fear or maybe disgust on Sonia’s face. Anything but genuine concern. “I’m just glad you’re fine. Please, sit.” She motioned to the sofa and, although Evie wanted to be anywhere else right now, she sat. She figured she owed Sonia that much.

“I know it can be a lot to take in, and it has to be worse for you because you knew nothing of this world until you were attacked. I’d be shocked if you weren’t having more than a few problems adjusting.”

“That’s what Craig said,” she muttered. She didn’t feel worthy of their understanding. Having her here was complicating their lives to no end.

“And he’s right. It’s a lot to take in and adjust to. Give yourself some time and cut yourself some slack.” Sonia rose to her feet and smiled at them. “If you don’t need anything, I’m off to the library to do some research.”

Evie frowned and glanced at the clock on the wall. “Doesn’t it close in an hour?”

Sonia laughed. “With the amount of donations Damek had given them, the library is never closed for me. The night watchmen all know me and let me in.”

“How are you getting there?” Craig asked.

“You’re as bad as Damek,” Sonia playfully scolded.

Evie could only watch the byplay and wonder. She’d never had good friends, not like Craig did. Lots of acquaintances, sure, but she’d never lowered her guard enough to allow someone to really know her. It was her way of protecting herself. Now she could see how much she’d missed by doing so, how she’d isolated herself.

“But don’t worry,” Sonia continued.

“Jerome is waiting downstairs with the car. He usually comes inside the library and reads until I’m ready to go unless Damek needs him for something.”

Craig gave Sonia a kiss on the cheek.

Evie curled her fingers into the leather of the sofa to keep from jumping up and going after the other woman. It was crazy. She knew Sonia was very in love with Damek and that Craig was only a friend, but that didn’t seem to matter at the moment.

She was jealous and it didn’t sit well with her.

The door closed, leaving them alone in the apartment. “I should leave.” Even as she said it, she knew she wouldn’t.

First of all, she had nowhere to go, and she wasn’t stupid enough to think it would be easy to survive on her own with a crazy vampire after her. And secondly, she didn’t want to leave Craig, liked being around him. Plus, she felt a burning need to protect him and she could only do that if she was with him.

“Stay.” He sat on the sofa next to her and pulled out his phone. “I need to make some calls. If you want to go out after that, we will.”

She slumped back against the cushions and sighed. “I’ll wait.”

Craig rubbed his thumb over her cheek. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Evie. You’ve come such a long way in a short time.” A slow smile curved his lips, making her want to kiss them. “And you were hot when you were wielding that sword. Although, I’m thinking you might be more of a knife girl.”

His observation made her laugh.

That was one of Craig’s gifts. He made her forget her problems. No, not forget them. He made them easier to handle.

“You like a knife-wielding woman, do you?”

“I guess I do.” He leaned down until their lips were almost touching.

“Although, not just any knife-wielding woman.” He touched his lips to hers.

“Only you.” He kissed her then, deeply, hotly.

She slid her hand up his nape to tangle in his hair. He tasted so good, spicy and warm. All hot male with a tinge of the blood he’d drank earlier.