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The vampire would kill her. Oh, he might keep her alive for a while, but he would eventually tire of her. Craig would stake his life on it. There was something not quite right in Vladimir’s eyes. A tinge of insanity, perhaps.

Maybe living all those years had driven him to the brink, but Craig honestly believed there was something intrinsically wrong with the other vampire. He had no moral center, nothing to ground him.

He was also incredibly strong.

Craig battled with the vampire, trying to get the upper hand. They flew around the room, knocking over chairs and tables as they fought with neither of them getting the upper hand.

This had to end tonight.

Craig silently thanked his brother and Hank for all the hours they’d sparred with him as a human. Those lessons held him in good stead. He fought dirty, using his feet to kick at the other vampire, butting his head against his opponent’s face. But nothing seemed to faze Vladimir.

Evie was back on her feet. He could sense her getting closer. And if he could, so could Vladimir.

“It’s time to end this and take my prize,” the other vampire taunted.

Over his dead body. Craig freed one hand and tried to slam it through his opponent’s chest, but Vladimir was incredibly quick. At the very last second, he dodged to the side and pulled himself free of Craig’s hold.

Horror filled him when Craig realized his hand was shooting straight for Evie’s chest and the wooden stake she had clutched tight in her fist was aimed right at his heart. Evie’s eyes widened with horror and she yanked her hand back. Craig threw himself to the side, barely avoiding the sharp weapon.

He crashed into a table and rolled across the floor. He felt a bone in his right arm break and pain streaked up his arm. Almost immediately, the damage to the bone began to mend, but there was no time to marvel at the miraculous new healing powers of his body. He surged back to his feet, his gaze finding Evie, who’d stumbled into a chair but quickly righted herself.

Together, they turned to face Vladimir. The Haven pack was spread out around the room. All of them watching and waiting for a chance to strike. The scents of blood and sweat filled Craig’s nostrils and the bloodlust within him surged to life. Blood. He wanted blood and there was so much of it available to him. All he had to do was take it.

“Craig.” Evie’s sharp voice snapped him back, and he shook off the compulsion to feed. It could be fatal to lose concentration. If he’d ever needed control over his mind and body it was now.

“This is getting tedious.” The older vampire straightened his torn and bloody coat with a quick tug. “Evie, come.” He held out his hand, clearly expecting her to obey.

Craig felt the compulsion behind the command. He saw Evie struggling to overcome the vampire’s command even as she moved a step closer.

“No.” He banded his arm around her waist and pulled her away from Vladimir. No way was he letting the other vampire have her.

“I will kill you slowly for that,” Vladimir promised. “But not tonight.

Tonight I want my Evie and we will leave.” He held out his hand again.

“Come to me,” he demanded.

Craig knew Evie was mentally fighting Vladimir. Sweat rolled down her face and her features contorted in growing pain. Evie dug her fingers into his arm and Craig wasn’t sure if she was trying to hold on to him or get away. A trickle of blood seeped from her nose.

Frustration and anger flashed across Vladimir’s face. He turned and imperiously held his hand out to Chrissten. “Come.” Chrissten’s feet were moving before he finished speaking. She was halfway to Vladimir before Hank grabbed her and dragged her back kicking and screaming.

“You see what I can do,” Vladimir taunted. “How long can you continue to resist me? I can make you all crawl.” He smiled at all of them before arrogantly smirking at Craig. A shiver raced down his spine. The vampire was going to make a move of some kind. Craig could feel it. He tried to read the vampire’s mind but it was totally closed to him.

Everyone in the room was in danger, and Craig was worried he might not be able to protect them all.

“I can kill your friends one at a time until they are gone.” Vladimir moved so fast he was a blur, ending up behind Meredith. He yanked her head back and lowered his mouth to her exposed neck.

“I suppose I could drain her dry. All this fighting has made me hungry.”

“Let her go.” Craig shoved Evie behind him and took a step forward before Isaiah did something that might get himself or his mate killed. “Take me instead.” If he could get the deranged vampire away from his family and friends maybe he could find a way to defeat him. All he needed was time.

Damek was coming. They only had to hold out until he arrived.

Vladimir’s laugh made all the hairs on Craig’s body stand on end. If he’d had any doubts that the other vampire was pure evil, they were now gone. That laugh promised death and let them all know Vladimir would enjoy dispensing it.

The vampire enjoyed killing, enjoyed the rush of taking another’s life.

Craig took another step closer as Isaiah crept behind the creature holding his mate.

The front entrance slammed open and power rushed into the room like a wind roaring down a mountain peak during a storm, freezing everyone. The air turned so cold that Craig half expected ice crystals to form on his breath. The walls of the room pulsed, undulating with the disturbance.

Vladimir’s eyes narrowed as he searched for the threat.

Damek coalesced out of the darkness like an avenging angel. He shook his head. “You couldn’t wait for me, could you?” he chided them. He walked toward Vladimir, totally confident.

“You’ll want to release the woman.”

Vladimir tightened his hold on Meredith. Craig could see the fear in her eyes and his fury and sense of helplessness grew. She might be a powerful werewolf, but she was no match for a two-hundred-year-old vampire.

“I don’t think so.” Vladimir turned slowly toward the door and saw Isaiah behind him. “Get back or I’ll kill her.”

Damek shook his head. “You cannot win this. You’ve brought vampire hunters to my city. And you’ve made quite a mess these past few weeks.”

Your city?” Vladimir straightened and Craig could see the fury building in his eyes. He wasn’t used to being questioned. He was accustomed to taking whatever he wanted. Damek had found the other man’s weakness—his vanity. And like the master fighter he was, Damek wielded his weapon well.

“My city.” Damek’s blunt words left no space for argument. “I was here when it was nothing but wilderness, and I’ll still be here when you are nothing but dust.”

Vladimir drew himself up and lifted Meredith by her throat. Her feet left the floor and she began to struggle, using her wolf claws to tear at his hand and arm.

Vladimir didn’t even seem to notice or care he was bleeding. The deep, vicious cuts healed almost as quickly as Meredith could inflict them. “I am the oldest vampire in the world,” he announced.

“Really?” Damek raised his hand and deliberately closed his fingers into a tight fist. Vladimir’s eyes widened and he began to wheeze. He dropped Meredith and clutched his throat. Isaiah moved in swiftly, grabbed his wife and dragged her to safety.

A sense of destiny settled over Craig and he grabbed the sharp blade he’d dropped on the floor earlier in the fight.

He silently moved to stand beside Damek. Evie took up position beside him, her gaze focused on Vladimir. He could sense her determination to end this here and now.

The other vampire struggled and finally broke from Damek’s hold. Damek simply shrugged and lowered his arm.

“Who are you?” Vladimir demanded.