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Craig pulled away and laughed.

“Will that happen?”

“Who knows?” Damek shrugged.

“All vampires are different.” Then he was gone, leaving Craig alone.

But not for long. Craig raced against the coming dawn, following Evie’s essence as easily as following a marked trail. He would always know where to find her.

He shoved through the door of her building and all but flew up the stairs.

He paused at her door and had to concentrate on the locks. It was slightly harder than the one at the motel had been, but he still managed easily.

Craig stepped inside the tiny apartment. It looked as though a cyclone had blown through. Her things were scattered everywhere, some of them broken beyond repair. The window was devoid of covering and the early dawn light would soon be shining through the uncovered pane of glass.

But there was no sign of Evie.

Dawn was starting to break and a heavy lethargy pulled at him. He stumbled toward the only other room in the apartment, the only other place she could be. It made sense to sleep in the only room without a window, even if it was the bathroom.

He shoved open the bathroom door and Evie sat up in the tub. There were tearstains on her cheeks and the sight of them made his chest ache with sorrow.

He shoved the door closed and practically fell on top of her in the tub as the dawn sleep overtook him. “Told you I wouldn’t let you go,” he muttered.

Evie knew the sun had risen, could feel it in her bones. Beside her, Craig was passed out cold, his body unable to resist the death-like sleep that the sun brought to most vampires.

How had he found her?

It didn’t matter. All that mattered was he’d come for her. His last words gave her hope. He was half out of the tub, his upper body bent at an awkward angle over the edge. Not a comfortable position, not that he knew. He was passed out cold.

She pulled him all the way into the tub with her. He was too tall for her to be able to straighten out his legs, so she settled him as best as she could, using a couple of rolled up towels for an extra pillow. There was no way to make him really comfortable. He’d definitely have a crick in his neck when he woke.

She almost laughed. They were vampires. Neither of them would have a crick in their necks, or if they did, it wouldn’t be for long. Her injuries from the fight earlier tonight were already healed, and Craig had looked fit and hearty before he’d dropped into a deep sleep exactly at dawn. He’d washed and changed his shirt and there was no blood, dried or fresh, on him anywhere.

She couldn’t believe he was here.

That he’d really come for her.

The barriers around her heart crumbled into dust.

Craig had never let her down. Not once.

She loved him. That meant she had to take the chance that they could build something that could last. Any other option was unthinkable. She’d panicked and run from him. She’d have to apologize to him and his friends for that.

She settled next to Craig and pulled his arms around her. Sighing, she closed her eyes. Before she could settle into sleep, her phone rang. She glanced at Craig but he didn’t stir. It rang again so she plucked the device out of her pocket and answered. The call display told her it was an unknown number. “Hello.”

“I did not think you would be asleep.” Damek’s voice startled her.

“Craig made it to you.”

It wasn’t a question, but a statement of fact, as though the vampire had no doubt Craig was with her. “Yes, but he’s asleep.”

“Ah, his mind is strong, but his physical body succumbs to the rise and fall of the sun.”

“Yours doesn’t,” she pointed out.

“And neither does yours. I sensed that about you.” Damek paused and then continued, “Over time, you may be able to be outside on dull days, early in the morning and late in the evening.”

“Really?” Wow, that was something to look forward to.

“I do not need to tell you to take care of him, do I?”

The threat was there, but for the first time, it made Evie smile instead of turning her insides to ice. “No, you don’t need to tell me that.”

“He will need you when he wakes.”

It wasn’t so much what Damek said as his tone. “What happened?” Had something else occurred after she’d run off.

“That is for Craig to share or not. It is his choice.” He continued on, his voice brisk. “I have someone delivering blood to your apartment later today. If you hear someone outside your door, that is probably who it is. Still, take no chances. Craig is in your care.”

“I’ll handle it.”

“I will see you soon.”

The line went dead and Evie tucked her phone back into her pocket. She hesitated and reached for Craig’s phone, finding it easily. She went through his list of contacts and found what she was looking for. She didn’t want to talk to anyone, not yet, so she sent a quick text message. Satisfied, she laid his phone on the edge of the tub. Craig was as still as death, the beat of his heart all but nonexistent. She settled her head on his chest and pulled his arm around her again.

Knowing he was in a deep sleep and couldn’t hear her made it easier for her to say what was in her heart. “I love you.” She’d never said those words to another person in her life. Saying them seemed to shake some of the heaviness pressing down on her.

Maybe their relationship wouldn’t last. But maybe it would. For the first time in her life, Evie believed love could happen for her. Craig obviously cared for her. That was a start. And for now it was enough.

The sky was lightening outside, bringing a yellow glow in through the front windows of Haven. The club wouldn’t open at all for business today, but two tables in the back near the kitchen were filled with people. Quinn looked around and wondered for the millionth time how his life had brought him to this point.

Bethany leaned against him and kissed his cheek. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah.” He kissed her lips, slowly and leisurely. She opened to him, as she always did, welcoming his touch. When he finally pulled back, he smiled. “Now everything is perfect.” She gave a small laugh, her cheeks turning pink.

Around them, the rest of the Haven pack and his family laughed and talked.

They’d defeated another foe last night. It was time to celebrate.

The only person missing was Craig.

Quinn wondered where his younger brother was and what he and Damek had done when they’d left. Damek had been on a mission for sure. There was a lot Quinn didn’t know about vampires, but he knew some of them had minions. Then there were the vampire hunters.

He wouldn’t relax until he heard from Craig. But that wouldn’t be until tonight at the earliest. He’d have to keep busy today. Otherwise, he’d go crazy waiting. He wasn’t even sure where Craig was. He only hoped he was with Damek. He might not always trust the ancient vampire, but he knew Damek would protect Craig with his life.

His phone pinged, letting him know he had a message. He fished it out of his pocket and his heart skipped a beat. It was from Craig. He was safe and would call later. Quinn checked the time. The message had just been sent.

How was that possible? It was after sunrise.

Quinn’s gaze narrowed as he studied the message. It wasn’t signed.

Furthermore, if his brother could text, he could call. Either Damek had sent it or someone else had.

An image of Evie popped into his head. Was it possible? Quinn didn’t know and didn’t care. All that mattered was Craig was safe. The rest would work itself out.

“What is it?” Chrissten asked. “Is it from Craig?”

Quinn nodded. “A text message.

He’s fine and will call later.” A sense of relief went around the table. Meredith smiled and everyone resumed their conversations.