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“Well, I’ll hand it to you, your persistence paid off. It looks like you got what you wanted in the end.”

“Emily,” he growled and stepped in front of Alex, blocking his ex’s line of fire. “Do not say another damn word.”

“God, you’re so blind. I told you this morning, she’s not good enough for you,” Emily said in a surprisingly calm voice. “It’s your money she’s after. You know that, right?”

He heard Alex suck in a sharp breath behind him a second before she charged forward. “You spiteful cow.”

He grabbed Alex around the waist and hauled her back.

“Have you finished?” he said to Emily, looking down at her and wondering what he’d ever seen in her. And how the hell he’d ever escape the twisted cycle they were locked in, allowing this woman to mess with his life. Emily shrugged, looking extremely pleased with herself. Her gaze moved to Alex, and she smirked.

When he turned to face Alex, he knew why. The look on her face terrified him, made his gut twist. What are you thinking, baby? Emily was a bitch, but Alex had dealt with far worse.

Jesus, he needed to get her away from these vultures. “Would you mind giving me a minute alone with Emily?” Alex didn’t say a word, just pulled out of his arms and headed back to the dressing room. Her easy compliance alarmed him more than anything else.

“Oh, look, she’s obedient as well,” Tammy said.

He spun around and pinned his ex-wife’s friend with a look that had silenced more than one asshole in the boardroom. “You’re a nasty—”

“Deacon.” Emily placed her hand on his arm and squeezed, successfully cutting him off. She stared up at him, the wounded innocence back, plastered on her face. It took all his control not to shake her off, shove her away. “I’m just worried about you, that’s all, darling.” Then she took her friend’s arm and left the shop.


He wasn’t quite sure what to do. Should he go in after Alex, explain? But what could he tell her? He had to keep Emily’s secrets or risk the unthinkable. Despite their differences, what she’d done to him, he didn’t want anything bad to happen to her. He sure as fuck refused to be the reason she took her own life. In the end he decided to stay put and wait it out. He knew Alex well enough to know she’d need a minute. If he went after her now, she’d retreat—her default when something didn’t go to plan or she was hurt.

Alex came out a short time later, and thankfully the haunted expression was gone. “Well, that was fun.”

He grabbed her upper arm and pulled her into his side. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea they’d be here.”

“Why are you sorry? It wasn’t you calling me a gold digger.”

He tightened his hold, turning her so she faced him fully, and slid his fingers under her chin, tilting her head back so he could look in her eyes. “They don’t know what they’re talking about. They don’t know you. Now let’s forget about what just happened and get back to having a good time.”

She crossed her arms. “Spending your money?”

“Don’t.” He held her gaze and hated the distance he saw there. “Do not let her get to you. That’s exactly what she wanted.”

“I’m fine.” She held out her hand for her bag, and as he handed it back, accidentally upended it. “That’s the last time I leave you to hold my purse.”

Chuckling, he knelt beside her to help pick everything up. “You promise?”

She smiled, and relief washed over him. It was probably cheesy, but that’s all he wanted. To make her smile. He was leaning forward, handing her her phone, when her gaze moved over his face and traveled down his throat to his chest. Her smile vanished.


She reached out and yanked open the first two buttons of his shirt. He’d completely forgotten about the scratches on his chest. “It’s not—”

“What I think?” She swallowed hard and looked down, shoving everything back in her purse. “You saw Emily this morning?”

“Yes, but—”

“She gave you those?”

“Yes, but—”

Alex stood abruptly, spun on her heel, and bolted for the door. “Alex, wait.”

“Your things, Mr. West?” the shop assistant called after him.

“Send them to my office.” Then he raced after Alex. She was striding down the street, shoulders and back stiff. He caught up, grabbed her arm, and spun her to face him. “Dammit, Alex, let me explain.”

“Whatever. You and your ex screw from time to time.” She shrugged. “I’d rather not hear the dirty details if you don’t mind.” She shoved out of his hold. “We also had a deal. No messing with anyone else, which means you forfeit and I win.”

“Win? This isn’t about…” He shook his head to clear his thoughts. “Right. I’m going to talk, and you’re going to listen. Do you hear me?”

“I’m standing right here. I have ears. So yes, Deacon, I hear you. Whether or not I listen is another thing entirely.”

“Would you cut the attitude for one damn minute?”

“Is that all you wanted to say?”

His brows shot up. “What the—”

“The answer is no. No, I will not cut the attitude.”

“Alex.” He made sure she heard the warning in his tone.

Martin pulled up at the curb beside them, and he could have hugged the man for following them.

“Deacon,” she said in a deep mocking voice, mimicking him. “Well, did it work? Are you intimidated?”

The woman was driving him insane. “Can you get in the car, so I can explain?” She didn’t move, just stared at him. “Alex?”

“You didn’t use the magic word,” she said.


She strode toward the car. “Fine, but only because I need a ride home.”

He climbed in after her, but she wouldn’t look at him. “So, Martin, how’s it going?”

His poor frazzled driver looked stunned. “Ah, fine, thank you, Miss Franco.”

“How’s the family?”

“They’re well. Thanks for asking.”

“No problem.”

“So, how long—”

“Alex,” Deacon barked.

She stiffened and turned to him. “Well, that was rude. I was talking to Martin.”

“Martin needs to concentrate on driving.” He grabbed her and slid her across the seat so she was plastered to his side. She didn’t struggle, she ignored him, and he realized that was so much worse. “Look at me.” She stared out the window, continuing to ignore him completely. “Well, at least you’ve shut up long enough to listen.”

She tensed against him, her outrage blatant.

“Yes, I did see Emily this morning. She came to my office uninvited, and when she confronted me about my interest in you, I told her the truth, that we were seeing each other. She didn’t take it very well.”

Alex spun to face him. “So what? You’re telling me she attacked you like some wildcat because you’re seeing someone else? She has a boyfriend, doesn’t she? Why would she care who you’re seeing?”

She didn’t trust him, not in the slightest, and that pissed him off more than it should under the circumstances, especially with his own issues in that department. “Yes, she attacked me, and it wouldn’t be the first time. The woman has a temper, and I’ve taken the brunt on more than one occasion.”

“But why…” Alex turned more fully. “Deacon…”

“Do you believe me?”

She bit her lip and mulled over the simple question far too long for his liking. “I guess so.”

“Either you do or you don’t.”

“Fine.” She threw up her hands. “I believe you.”

“Good.” He brushed her silky dark hair off her shoulder and cupped the side of her throat, letting the smooth heat of her skin soothe him, calm his pounding heart. “I don’t want to talk about her anymore.”

“Fine with me.”

He dragged her onto his lap and kissed her, slow and deep, letting her taste, her warmth calm him further. He pulled back, then kissed her once more because he had to. “I’m going to miss you while I’m away,” he said, lips touching hers. She made a small noncommittal sound in the back of her throat.