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He looked up at me. His eyes a dark blue. “I think I’m hung over.”

“How much did you drink last night?”

He sat up and entwined his fingers through mine. “It’s not from last night.” He looked down, his lashes fanning his cheeks. “After I saw you and Colton … let’s just say the flight back to Vegas is a bit of a blur.” He drew in a deep breath as if the thought physically hurt him. “When you got here I wasn’t taking a nap … I was passed out.”

“You drank enough to pass out?”

His dark brows shot in as he stared at my fingers entangled with his. “I just wanted it to stop hurting.”

I waited ’til I could see the blue of his eyes before I spoke. “I’m here now.”

He looked exhausted as he said, “I can’t believe how lucky I am that you’re mine.”

“Nothing is going to take me away from you.”

He looked down at our fingers entwined and whispered, “I hope so baby. I really, really hope so.”

Chapter Fifteen HEATH

I didn’t tell her for any other reason than I’m an asshole and I wanted one last night with her. I’m a selfish ass, I know. But once I told her, she would break up with me and never let me see her again. And I couldn’t blame her. I was a cheating jerk and didn’t deserve her.

Keeping it from her tonight wasn’t the right thing to do, I knew that, but I needed something to hold on to once she was gone.

But my selfish intentions were quick to work against me because everything she did reminded me of just how much in love with her I was. It made my heart ache and I spent the night in agony, knowing she would stop loving me when she found out.

How could I have done this to us?

To her?

Despite my hangover I didn’t want to sleep. I wanted to savor every last moment with her; because in the morning I would tell her and she would walk out of my life forever.

But sleep crept up on me. Lying with her in my arms I was overcome with an incredible peace like I had never known, and in my contentment I fell asleep.

I woke up with a start, just as dawn was breaking across the city.

Harlow was in a deep sleep beside me, her breath quiet, her beautiful dark lashes fanning her cheeks. As I gazed down at her my body physically ached for her.

How on earth was I going to live without her?

For the briefest moment I considered not telling her, but immediately vanquished the thought. That wasn’t who I was. I may have been a lot of things, but a coward wasn’t one of them. There was no other option but to man up and admit that I had fucked up the best thing that had ever happened to me.

When Harlow stirred I kissed her gently on the top of the head and settled next to her, holding her warm body against my chest, breathing in the subtle scent of her, hoping to permanently etch it onto my senses so I could remember it when she was gone.

My stomach ached at the thought. I didn’t want her to hate me. I didn’t want her to leave me. Being with her made me a better person. She soothed my restlessness and turned an indifferent, angry man into a decent human being. But my insecurity had unraveled it momentarily, just long enough for me to fuck it all up.

Her gentle lips brought me out of my deep thoughts. She was looking up at me through sleepy eyes, her perfect mouth turned up in a small, contented smile.

“Hey,” she whispered.

“Hey, yourself.”

She curled her warm body around mine and I felt myself respond. She closed her eyes and her hand slid along the length of my chest and across my hips, brushing over my boxers, as a delicious hum escaped her throat.

Wandering fingers slid under the waistband and inside my boxers, wrapping warmth around me as she gripped me and began to slowly stroke. Another contented smile slid across her lips when she felt how hard she was making me.

Pleasure pulsed through me and I moaned. Instinctively I raised my hand to brush her hair from her shoulder and trace an invisible line down her throat to her breasts, sighing as a sweet, pleasurable pulse began to beat beneath her fingers.

I bent my head to kiss her mouth and she murmured against me. Short sweet kisses grew deeper and longer. As another pulse of pleasure shot through me, I sealed my lips over her mouth in a long lingering kiss, savoring the moment and how amazing she felt against my lips.

She stopped stroking and took my hand, placing it between her thighs where my fingers slid easily into her wet warm body. She sighed softly and I groaned, desperately wanting to be inside her. I rose up and kicked off my boxer shorts in one swift movement and moved myself between her legs, positioning myself against her.

As she looked up at me, her eyes heavy lidded with desire, I gently, slowly, pushed into her.

She sighed and moaned, then licked her lips as I pulled back, only to push back into her, deeper and right to the hilt. She gasped and moaned, and adjusted her hips to wrap her legs around me, pulling me deeper into her. The pleasure stalled me and I stopped to catch my breath. The sensation was incredible. Her skin was so warm. So smooth. So wet. As she raised her arms to engulf me in her embrace, she pulled me tightly to her, which forced me deeper into her.

Pleasure filled every part of me. Like nothing I had never known. And I had to squeeze my eyes shut to fight off the urge to come. I wanted it to last. I wanted her to feel how I was feeling right at that moment. So I thrust deeper into her, making her cry out, but then stopped, and pressed myself hard against her.

Cupping her face in my hands I looked into her warm eyes.

“I’m so in love with you Harlow,” I said gently, meaning every word like I had never meant anything else.

She smiled softly and her long lashes were a gentle fan as she blinked. “I love you too.”

When I felt her pulsate around me, physical pleasure and love collided within me, forcing me to draw in a deep breath. If she kept doing that, I was going to come. But that wasn’t what this was about. I needed her to know just how much she meant to me.

“I want you to know that I’ve never felt this way. You make everything worthwhile.”

We made love then. Slowly. Purposely. Taking our time. Every movement purposeful. Every stroke penetrating deeper and deeper. I had never had sex without protection and the sensation was mind blowing.

As Harlow’s breaths came quicker she raised her hips to meet the slow grind of mine, her hands running up my back, her nails gently grazing my skin as she came closer to the edge. My name dropped breathlessly from her lips, “Oh Heath.” And her eyes closed tightly as she pulsated around me, her tight wet body throbbing against me. Her neck tilted upwards and her back arched, her hands gripping into my shoulders and the sheets around us.

One more thrust into her and I was gone. I squeezed my eyes shut and stars cartwheeled across my brain. All the oxygen in my lungs escaped and my body stiffened as the most incredible pleasure overwhelmed me. Warmth and light drugged my senses. Joy and ecstasy seeped into every pore. Goddamn.

My head fell to her neck and I buried my face in the warmth of her skin. “Oh baby,” I shuddered, spilling into her in what had to be the longest orgasm in my life. I didn’t move. Couldn’t move. I was paralyzed by the euphoria that overwhelmed my brain.

We were both still as we caught our breath and our bodies cooled. Finally, I raised my head and she looked up at me with lazy contentment. Christ, I was so in love with her, it hurt.

We stayed entwined for the longest time, with me still inside her.

When I finally went to move she held me still with her legs, pinning me against the slick skin of her naked body. She clenched and released around me, the slippery warmth of her muscles furling and unfurling, making me harder.

Slowly. Without words. We made love again. This time lazily, our bodies working together in a perfect, slow rhythm. She came again, clutching the sheet around us and moaning. My orgasm came as a surprise, from out of nowhere, to completely devastate my already hazy brain.