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“Don’t take this the wrong way, but your family seems to enjoy their wealth.”

“My grandfather came over from China and started out as a bricklayer. He is a self-made man, and he’s instilled the same ‘work hard, play hard’ ethic in all of us. But come on, we’re not in the same league as the Khoos. The Khoos are crazy rich. They are always at the top of the Forbes ‘Asia Rich List.’ And you know that’s just the tip of the iceberg with these families. Forbes only reports on the assets they can verify, and these rich Asians are so secretive about their holdings. The richest families are always richer by billions than what Forbes estimates.”

A piercing electronic melody began to play. “What’s that sound?” Rachel asked, before realizing it was her new Singapore cell phone.

It was Nick calling. “Hey you,” she answered with a smile.

“Hey yourself! Having a nice afternoon catching up with your friend?”

“Absolutely. We’re back at the hotel enjoying high tea. What are you up to?”

“I’m standing here staring at Colin in his underwear.”

“WHAT did you say?”

Nick laughed. “I’m over at Colin’s. The tuxes just came in, and we’re having the tailor make some final adjustments.”

“Oh. How does yours look? Is it powder blue with ruffles?”

“You wish. No, it’s all rhinestones with gold piping. Hey, I completely forgot to tell you, but my grandmother always has the family over for dinner on Friday night. I know you’re still jet-lagged, but do you think you might be up for going?”

“Oh wow. Dinner at your grandmother’s?”

Peik Lin cocked her head at Rachel.

“Who all is going to be there?” Rachel asked.

“Probably just a handful of relatives. Most of my family are still out of the country. But Astrid will be there.”

Rachel was a little unsure. “Um, what do you think? Would you like me to come, or would you rather spend some time alone with your family first?”

“Of course not. I’d love you to come, but only if you’re up for it — I know it’s pretty short notice.”

Rachel looked at Peik Lin, deliberating. Was she ready to meet the family?

“Say yes!” Peik Lin prompted eagerly.

“I’d love to go. What time do we have to be there?”

“Seven thirty-ish is fine. Here’s the thing … I’m at Colin’s place in Sentosa Cove. The Friday-evening traffic is going to be horrible going back into town, so it’s much easier for me to meet you there. Would you mind taking a taxi to my grandmother’s? I’ll give you the address, and I’ll be at the door waiting for you when you arrive.”

“Take a taxi?”

Peik Lin shook her head, mouthing, “I’ll take you.”

“Okay, just tell me where it is,” Rachel said.

“Tyersall Park.”

“Tyersall Park.” She wrote it down on a piece of paper from her purse. “That’s it? What’s the number?”

“There’s no number. Look out for two white pillars, and just tell the driver it’s off Tyersall Avenue, right behind the Botanic Gardens. Call me if you have any problems finding it.”

“Okay, see you in about an hour.”

As soon as Rachel hung up, Peik Lin snatched the piece of paper from her. “Let’s see where Grandma lives.” She scrutinized the address. “No number, so Tyersall Park must be an apartment complex. Hmm … I thought I knew every condo on the island. I’ve never even heard of Tyersall Avenue. I think it’s probably somewhere on the West Coast.”

“Nick said it was right by the Botanic Gardens.”

“Really? That’s very close. Anyway, my driver can figure it out. We have much more important things to deal with — like what you’re going to wear.”

“Oh God, I have no idea!”

“Well, you want to be casual, but you also want to make a good impression, don’t you? Will Colin and Araminta be there tonight?”

“I don’t think so. He said it was just his family.”

“God, I wish I knew more about Nick’s family.”

“You Singaporeans crack me up. All this nosing around!”

“You have to understand. This is one big village — everyone is always in everybody’s business. Plus, you have to admit it’s become much more intriguing now that we know that he’s Colin’s best friend. Anyway, you need to look fabulous tonight!”

“Hmmm … I don’t know. I don’t want to make the wrong impression, like I’m high maintenance or something.”

“Rachel, trust me, no one would ever accuse you of being high maintenance. I recognize the blouse you’re wearing — you bought that in college, didn’t you? Show me what else you brought. It’s your first time meeting the family, so we need to be really strategic about this.”

“Peik Lin, you’re beginning to stress me out! I’m sure his family will be just fine, and they won’t care what I’m wearing as long as I don’t show up naked.”

After multiple costume changes supervised by Peik Lin, Rachel decided to wear what she had been planning to wear in the first place — a long, sleeveless chocolate-colored linen dress with buttons down the front, a simple cinched belt made out of the same fabric, and a pair of low-heeled sandals. She put on a fun silver bracelet that wrapped around her wrist several times and wore the only expensive piece of jewelry she owned — Mikimoto pearl studs that her mother had given her when she got her doctorate.

“You look a bit like Katharine Hepburn on safari,” Peik Lin said. “Elegant, proper, but not trying too hard.”

“Hair up or down?” Rachel asked.

“Just leave it down. It’s a little sexier,” Peik Lin replied. “Come on, let’s go or you’ll be late.”

The girls soon found themselves winding along the leafy back roads behind the Botanic Gardens, searching for Tyersall Avenue. The driver said he had driven past the street before but now could not seem to find it. “It’s strange that the street doesn’t show up on the GPS,” Peik Lin said. “This is a very confusing area because it’s one of the few neighborhoods with these narrow lanes.”

The neighborhood took Rachel completely by surprise, as it was the first time she had seen such large, old houses on sprawling lawns. “Most of these street names sound so British. Napier Road, Cluny Road, Gallop Road …” Rachel commented.

“Well, this is where all the colonial British officials lived — it isn’t really a residential area. Most of these houses are government-owned and many are embassies, like that gray behemoth with the columns over there — that’s the Russian embassy. You know, Nick’s grandma must live in a government housing complex — that’s why I’ve never heard of it.”

The driver suddenly slowed down, and veered left at a fork in the road, heading down an even narrower lane. “Look, this is Tyersall Avenue, so the building must be off this road,” Peik Lin said. Huge trees with ancient, serpentine trunks rose up on both sides of the road, layered with the dense undergrowth of ferns belonging to the primeval rain forest that once covered the island. The road began to dip and curve to the right, and they suddenly noticed two white hexagonal pillars framing a low iron gate that had been painted pale gray. Tucked into the side of the road, almost hidden by the wild foliage, was a rusty sign that read TYERSALL PARK.

“I have never been down this street in my life. It’s so strange to have apartments here,” was all Peik Lin could say. “What do we do now? Do you want to call Nick?”