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Crookedkit purred. He wanted to join in, but Rippleclaw was close by. It was bad enough being called a kit without acting like one. A shadow flitted over the clearing. Crookedkit looked up. A heron was circling. Its great wings flapped, white against the gray sky. Its beak was long and sharp like a newleaf reed spear. His heart lurched when he saw its beady eye fix on the camp. The kits were still small enough to be easy picking for a big, greedy bird.

“You’re WindClan,” Graykit called to Willowkit. “And I’m RiverClan. Try and invade my camp.” Graykit was in the center of the clearing. She’d piled walls of snow around her and was ducking behind them.

Squeaking a battle cry, Willowkit rushed one and struggled over the top. “Invasion!” she mewed, throwing herself on top of Graykit.

The heron drew into a tighter circle over the clearing.

Crookedkit stiffened. “Graykit.” He tried to keep his voice calm. He didn’t want to panic them and send them running in opposite directions. He had to keep them together. “Willowkit, come here.”

“Get away, you WindClan fleabag!” Willowkit had Graykit in a shoulder-lock and was pummeling her with churning hind legs.

“You won’t take the camp!” Graykit squealed, struggling to free herself.

“Willowkit!” Crookedkit pushed his way toward them through the snow. “Graykit! Let’s get back to the nursery.”

“Why?” Willowkit let go of her sister and blinked at him.

“We’re not cold!” Graykit complained.

Suddenly the heron stalled mid-air and dived. Its piercing cry split the air as it aimed for the kits.

StarClan, help us!

Crookedkit leaped.

“Heron!” His warning cry rang around the camp as he dived on top of Willowkit, pushing her deep into the snow. Reaching out a paw, he grabbed Graykit and dragged her underneath him.

The air whistled above him as the heron screeched down.

He held on to the kits and tensed the muscles along his back.

What about my destiny?

Closing his eyes, he prepared for sharp talons to rip his pelt.

Mapleshade! You told me I’d be leader!

He pictured the beak spearing his flesh. He was going to die for sure.

Suddenly Ottersplash’s shriek wailed over him. “You mangy river rat!”

The heron’s cry turned to a screech of fury and pain. Crookedkit looked up. Ottersplash was clinging to its back, hauling it down to the ground. Beetlepaw leaped and landed on the heron’s neck.

Rippleclaw reared at the edge of Crookedkit’s vision, claws unsheathed, ready to attack.

The great bird struggled, flapping against the snow as Ottersplash released it.

Rippleclaw dropped on to all four paws.

“Let it go!” Ottersplash called to Beetlepaw.

The broad-shouldered apprentice hung on, like soot against snow. “It’ll feed us for a moon!”

“We don’t eat heron!” Ottersplash yowled.

Growling, Beetlepaw let go and the heron floundered on to its spindly feet, then heaved itself out of the clearing.

“Why don’t we eat heron?” Beetlepaw frowned as he watched the great bird escape.

Rippleclaw padded forward. “If you’d ever tasted heron, you’d know.” He looked at Crookedkit. “That was fast thinking.”

Ottersplash nodded. “Well spotted.”

Brightsky darted toward them. “It’s a good thing you saw it!”

The nursery shook as Fallowtail burst out of the entrance.

Trembling with relief, Crookedkit sat up, letting Willowkit and Graykit struggle out from under him. They sneezed and shook snow from their ears.

“What did you do that for?” Willowkit snorted.

Fallowtail slewed to a halt beside them. “What happened?”

“It’s okay, they’re safe,” Ottersplash reassured her.

Hailstar appeared from his den.

“Crookedkit just saved the kits,” Ottersplash told the RiverClan leader.

“A heron tried to take them.” Rippleclaw shook snow from his paws. “Crookedkit grabbed them just in time.”

“He nearly crushed us!” Graykit complained.

Ottersplash flicked the kit’s ear with her tail. “He risked his own pelt to protect yours!”

“Thanks for fighting it off.” Crookedkit nodded to Ottersplash and Beetlepaw. “I thought I was going to lose my ears.”

Fallowtail wrapped her tail around her kits. “Thank you, Crookedkit.”

Hailstar circled them, tail high. “How big was the heron?”

“Huge!” Ottersplash gasped.

I didn’t see it!” Graykit complained.

Willowkit sniffed. “That’s because Crookedkit was sitting on us.”

Anyone can sit on a kit.” Beetlepaw huffed. “I helped fight it off.”

Hailstar dipped his head to the black warrior. “Well done.” He turned to Crookedkit. “But you stopped it from harming the kits.” His eyes glowed. “I should have done this a long time ago, but your Clan needed to see your courage and loyalty for themselves. Today you risked your life for your Clanmates.” He raised his muzzle. “It’s time I gave you your apprentice name.” He lifted his voice to the sky. “Let all cats old enough to swim gather to hear my words,” he called.

Crookedkit’s heart soared. At last! His destiny was beginning to come true! He glanced at Beetlepaw, who was scowling beside him. You won’t just be competing with Oakpaw anymore.

The elders were already hurrying from their den, disturbed by the commotion. Shellheart, padding into camp, paused. “What’s going on?” He stared at his Clanmates who were gathering at the edge of the clearing. Crookedkit proudly met his gaze and nodded. He knew his father would figure out what was happening.

His brother guessed first. Oakpaw raced across the snow. “We can train together at last!” He ran his muzzle along Crookedkit’s twisted jaw. “We’ll be warriors soon. I can’t wait! I promise as soon as I’m leader, I’ll make you deputy.”

Thanks! Crookedkit purred. But I plan on being RiverClan’s leader first.

Hailstar glanced around his Clan. His gaze stopped at Cedarpelt. Crookedkit’s heart sank. Had the brown-striped warrior forgiven him for running away? “Cedarpelt!” he called. “You distrusted Crookedkit when he returned. You will demand more of him than any other warrior.”

Even more than Mapleshade? Crookedkit looked at his paws, guilt pricking him as he thought of his secret mentor. “You will mentor him to become the fine warrior I know he can be. One day I hope his honor and bravery will match yours.” Hailstar’s gaze flicked to Crookedkit. “From this moment on, you shall be known as Crookedpaw.”

Crookedpaw broke into a purr so strong that it shook the snow from his whiskers. Oakpaw circled Shellheart excitedly while the RiverClan deputy pawed the ground.

Brambleberry raised her muzzle. “Crookedpaw! Crookedpaw!” The medicine cat’s eyes shone with pride.

Beetlepaw, Volepaw, and Petalpaw joined in and Troutclaw’s rasping call made the cold air shudder. As his Clanmates called his new name, Crookedpaw looked for Rainflower. Had she seen him become an apprentice? This was just the beginning of his destiny. Where are you? His gaze darted among his Clanmates’ cheering faces.

There she was! Beside Shimmerpelt.

“Crookedpaw! Crookedpaw!” Shellheart and Oakpaw yowled to the darkening sky.

Crookedpaw stared at his mother, his heart quickening as she stood still and silent. Then, with a rush of relief, he watched her lift her muzzle and call his new name.


Chapter 11