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“Split up!” Crookedjaw yowled.

Oakheart veered up the slope, Beetlenose shot straight ahead. Crookedjaw swerved toward the river, taking a path around the top of the camp. He glanced back and saw the dog thumping behind him. Flying past the camp, he skimmed a patch of withered bluebells. Blood roared in his ears as he weaved between the blurring trees. The dog thundered behind him, saliva flicking from his muzzle. Crookedjaw skidded on wet moss and lurched sideways, fighting to keep his footing. He could feel the dog’s sharp, hot breath on his tail. His lungs screamed, but terror drove him on.

The camp was behind them now. Crookedjaw swung sideways and headed downhill, hoping to gain speed. The dog tried to follow, but its clumsy paws slid on the grass and it crashed on to its side. Crookedjaw bounded down the slope. The river glittered through the willows. If he could just make it to the water, he could catch his breath. The dog was back on its paws and pounding after him. With a grunt, Crookedjaw broke through the swath of ferns edging the bank and burst onto the shore.

Rainflower was standing among the rocks at the water’s edge, drinking from the river. She spun around, her eyes wide, and stared at him in horror.

“Dog!” Crookedjaw turned and raced back up the slope. The dog couldn’t be allowed to reach the shore. He spotted it hurtling toward the ferns and screeched to get its attention. The dog tried to turn when it saw him, but its weight carried it down through a long, skidding arc that crashed through the bushes onto the shore. A terrified shriek split the air.


Crookedjaw whipped around, claws throwing up earth as he ran for the shore. He shot through the ferns in time to see his mother hit the water. The dog stopped, its eyes glittering with surprise, and glanced back at the cat thrashing among the rocky shallows. Its gaze lit up.

Crookedjaw growled and leaped for the dog. Slashing its nose, he turned and ran. The dog howled, rattling stones as it gave chase. Crookedjaw gulped for air as he hauled himself up the hill. He felt the ground shake beneath his paws. The dog was gaining on him.

Oakheart burst from the hawthorn ahead. “Go and save Rainflower!”

Beetlenose skidded out beside him. “We’ll take the dog!”

Crookedjaw dived into the prickly branches and crouched, trembling, as paws pounded away through the willows. Gasping, he struggled out of the bush and bounded downhill. He scrambled through the ferns and scanned the shore.


His mother lay in the water, pressed by the current against a jagged rock while the river slid silently around her, tugging at her soft gray fur. Crookedjaw darted down the bank and splashed into the shallows. Leaning forward, he grabbed her scruff and dragged her from the water.

Leave her! Mapleshade’s scent enveloped him. Save your Clanmates!

The water drenching Rainflower’s pelt tasted of blood. She must have hit a rock when the dog knocked her into the river. With a jolt of horror, Crookedjaw realized her eyes were open and blank. He let her body fall on to the pebbles and backed away. I have to fetch Brambleberry!

Mapleshade’s outline appeared in front of him, her orange-and-white fur almost transparent so that he could see the reeds and water behind. “Get back to the chase! You have to be there! Remember your promise!”

Crookedjaw hesitated.

Mapleshade hissed in his face. “You want to be great, don’t you?”

Crookedjaw glanced once more at his mother. Her body lay limp and still with water streaming from her pelt. What else could he do for her now? Taking a deep breath, he turned and ran up the bank. He caught up with his Clanmates on the other side of the hawthorn bushes. The dog was tiring, tongue hanging, lumbering clumsily through the undergrowth. Crookedjaw pelted past him and fell in beside Oakheart. Oakheart glanced at him out of the corner of his eye and kept running.

The trees were thinning and the land flattened out as they approached the farm. The warriors broke through the RiverClan scent line, leaving their territory. A wooden fence loomed ahead and they squeezed under it, racing into a wide field. Cows moved slowly across the grass. The dog yelped behind them. It couldn’t get under the fence and was venting its fury in snarls.

Triumph flared in Crookedjaw’s belly. “We did it!” He came to a halt beside his Clanmates. They turned, panting, and stared at the dog. Its eyes burned with rage as it scrabbled at the dirt beneath the fence.

Crookedjaw arched his back and hissed. “Dumb dog!”

Oakheart circled him, bristling. Beetlenose was panting, white rims showing around his eyes.

A shout rang through the willows. Crookedjaw crouched in the grass as a Twoleg strode up behind the dog and grabbed it by the neck. Cursing and yelping, the Twoleg dragged it away. Relief flooded Crookedjaw.

“Is Rainflower okay?” Oakheart’s question hit him like a stone.

Crookedjaw stared at his brother. “I was too late,” he whispered.

“She’s dead?” Oakheart’s eyes glittered. “Was it the dog? Did it bite her?”

“It knocked her in the water.” Crookedjaw lowered his gaze. “She must have hit her head on a rock as she fell.”

Oakheart stiffened. “Maybe she was just stunned. Did you get Brambleberry? She might be awake by now.” Hope edged his mew.

“I—I left her by the river.”

“You left her?” Oakheart blinked at him. “You didn’t get Brambleberry?”

“There wasn’t time. I had to stop the dog.”

Oakheart bristled. “We were taking care of the dog. I left you to take care of Rainflower.”

The hardness in his brother’s mew turned Crookedjaw’s blood cold. Had he made the wrong decision? He closed his eyes. No! I promised to save my Clan, and that’s what I did! Rainflower was dead. She was definitely dead.

Wasn’t she?

Crookedjaw blinked open his eyes. Oakheart was racing away under the fence and into the willows. Crookedjaw headed after him, skidding down the slope and bursting on to the shore.

Oakheart was crouching beside Rainflower. Her eyes had clouded. Blood stained the rocks around her head. “She’s dead.” Oakheart turned and stared at Crookedjaw. “Our mother is dead.”

Chapter 30

Rainflower’s body lay stiff in the moonlight. Oakheart had dragged it to the clearing, warning Crookedjaw away with a snarl each time he’d tried to help. Crookedjaw crouched outside his den and watched his Clanmates file past his mother.

Echomist touched her nose to Rainflower’s pelt. “You were a loyal warrior.”

Piketooth leaned down to her ear. “We’ll miss you.”

Crookedjaw’s eyes stung. Now he’d never have a chance to make Rainflower proud of him. Pain jabbed his heart like thorns.

Oakheart sat on the far side of the clearing, Petaldust and Voleclaw pressing close. Oakheart stared ahead as Shimmerpelt padded away from Rainflower’s body and murmured something to him. Timberfur dipped his head in respect to the grief-stricken warrior.

Anger flashed through Crookedjaw. Rainflower loved Oakheart more than she had ever loved Crookedjaw. Well, let them fuss. Crookedjaw turned his head away. I don’t care. His heart twisted in his chest.

“It’s okay.” Willowbreeze walked away from the body and settled beside Crookedjaw. She leaned into him gently. “She’ll be watching over you from StarClan.”