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“Deganawida sees good within you,” Ayenwatha greeted them with a smile. The warrior appeared to be very pleased with whatever initial evaluation the great sachem had just rendered, further allaying Logan’s anxieties. “It is our way to respect each individual as a creation of the One Spirit, but we also cannot endanger the village.

“I will speak further with Deganawida, and it may be that you will be allowed to walk outside the village… but warriors of the village must always go with you. I hope that you understand this necessity. These are not usual times… for you, or for us. For now, rest, and soon you shall eat and drink to your fill.”

Without further comment, or waiting for any sort of reply, Ayenwatha turned and walked out of the chamber, leaving the seven alone to themselves once more.

Logan glanced over at his companions. He could sense that all of their moods had been given a lift upwards, likely encouraged by the favorable reaction of Deganawida, and the lightened mood that had just been exhibited by Ayenwatha.

All of them looked to be very fatigued, a fact that quickly emerged in the conversations that then took place amongst themselves. It was unanimously, and swiftly, decided that they should all make use of the time available, and take full advantage of the chance for a little rest.

Logan had no arguments, as there was little else to do to occupy the time. It would be a little easier to relax in their current environment. There was no need for a watch anymore, as they were under considerable guard within the center of the village, and within the longhouse itself.

For the first time since they had come into the new world, Logan realized that there was little risk in letting his own guard down for awhile. Even so, he knew that it would still be a very hard thing to do, with every part of his being still set on edge.

Spreading themselves throughout the two similarly arrayed halves of the chamber, the seven took their places upon the raised platforms. Using the animal skins and cornhusk mats, they wearily adjusted their positions, lay down, and gave themselves over to rest.

Logan soon found that the harder surface of the platform was rather uncomfortable, even with mats and skins providing a buffer between his body and the bark platform. It was nonetheless a great improvement over the altogether unforgiving bare earth, on which he had restlessly spent the previous night.

Yet the platform was not the only source of discomfort for Logan. His own stomach had begun to incur the first pangs of a steadily growing hunger. Logan’s only comfort was that he knew that when they were roused awake, the feast that had been declared by Deganawida would be imminent.

As sorely tired as he was, the hard platform and empty stomach proved to be of little impediment. The discomforts faded along with his consciousness on his drift into a deep and welcome slumber.


“Ooooohhhh,” exclaimed Lee, stretching as he took in a deep breath of the new morning’s crisp air.

Reaching down, he cupped some of the cool creek water within his hands and generously splashed it all over his face. He blinked his eyes rapidly, shuddering as the cold water trickled down his face, neck, and chest. The vibrant feel of the chilly water was instantly invigorating, melting away the lethargy that had still clung to him long after he had opened his eyes to the new day.

Clasping his hands above his head and arching his back, he again stretched, endeavoring to rid himself of the lingering rigidity in his body that had formed as a result of sleeping for hours upon the hard, unforgiving ground. A few cracks and pops sounded as he worked his back and limbs.

“Body stiffen up, old man?” Ryan asked, chuckling as he came up to stand at Lee’s right side. In his right hand, he held both his and Lee’s sharpened stakes. “Accommodations not good enough around here? Didn’t you request extra pillows?”

Lee shot Ryan a bemused glance, a last few drops of water dribbling off of his face and hair. “Very, very funny, and good morning to yourself. But if you could talk to the cook, I’m starved. Or, maybe you can fix something up? Whip something together. You know I’ve taught you a few things.”

“Supplies are low, and the wok is currently under repair,” Ryan retorted with a half-hearted grin.

Lee could see right through the teenager’s facade of humor. The young man was feeling very grim about their meal prospects. The topic was the greatest worry weighing down upon Lee’s mind, ever since morning had arrived and confirmed that the previous day was no dream.

“Then we need to take care of it,” Lee replied firmly.

“What the hell can we do about it?” Ryan queried in a voice laden with frustration. He handed Lee’s stake over, adding in a lower, tense tone, “And here, we probably shouldn’t walk around without these real close at hand.”

“What can we do about it? Take some risks. Let’s go see what we can find,” Lee responded, sounding more confident than he felt, feeling the stout, bark-covered haft of the crude weapon. He glanced down at the stake in his hand, and then over at the one in Ryan’s. “We have something to work with, at the least.”

“What about the ladies?” Ryan asked.

“I’ve already talked to Lynn. She was the first to get up today, evidently. Took over early from Erin’s last watch. I told Lynn to stay and watch the camp, and that we’d go and see about food. If we don’t succeed, we can switch teams whenever Erin gets up. They can give it a try,” Lee said, stepping to the brim of the creek’s bank.

He looked across to where the water trundled along the brim of the far bank, gauging the distance.

“I’d bet it’ll be awhile before that girl gets up,” Ryan remarked sarcastically.

“I’d bet too. Which is why we should go now, while we are ready and rested,” Lee responded.

With a leap, he hurtled the span of the creek. His feet squished into the soft footing on the opposite side, splattering a little mud and water all around.

“Coming?” Lee inquired of Ryan, turning back towards the youth.

Ryan tensed, took a step, and propelled himself across, his youthful spring and longer legs taking him a little farther than Lee. Lee winced as Ryan descended, fully resigned to being amply covered with splotches of mud. Fortunately, Ryan landed upon a more solid swathe of ground, and did not spatter Lee with the impact of his landing.

“The question really is, are you ready?” Ryan asked Lee, sparks of excitement reflected in his eyes. “Hmmmm, old man?”

Lee was glad to see the flair of youthful adventure within Ryan’s face, as his own mind was more oriented upon the very troublesome concerns regarding their unfamiliarity with the immediate environment and its denizens. He wished that he could embrace it all more like an adventure, and was not about to do anything to dampen Ryan’s current spiritedness.

“Yes, yes, the old man is ready,” Lee replied with sharp sarcasm.

Ryan took a step away from the bank. He pointed the sharp end of his stake towards the depths of the woods beyond, while looking back at Lee.

“Then shall we?” he asked, with raised eyebrows and a grin.

“Just remember, use gestures from here on out,” Lee said, holding his finger to his mouth as he stepped by Ryan. “We make enough noise moving. Let’s try and not add to it.”

Ryan nodded as they set forth together. The two of them stepped softly, both careful in their efforts to remain as silent as possible.

Lee did not want to wander very far from the camp, as the last thing that needed to happen was for them to become lost. He took great care to make several mental notes of their surroundings. He pinpointed their pathway as best as he could, cataloging distinctive landmarks in the forms of certain trees, as well as some uniquely shaped rocks. Committing them to memory, he knew that the natural signs would be their lifeline on the way back.