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Ayenwatha smiled. “We are very pleased to grant you what we are able. It is just that if these were not times of probable war, it would be a much greater feast. The darkness coming from the Unifier dampens much in these lands.”

Erika then asked the two tribal leaders, “You speak of this Unifier again… If I may ask, who is He? And where did He come from?”

Deganawida looked away for a moment, as a sad look crept into his eyes. He gently cleared his throat, and gazed upon Erika and the others for an extended pause, before answering her query.

“What we see today, the world facing all of us now, could only rightly be spoken of in a very long tale. This darkness that we confront now is something that I know has been many ages in coming, for such momentous things do not happen with a single pass of the moons.

“I have long watched this Unifier, and pondered every tiding involving Him. I have learned much in the years that have passed, and have questioned many learned people.

“The Unifier’s rise was accompanied by displays of great strength, demonstrating signs of power and offering an abundance of trade and glory to those that followed Him. Destruction came to those that did not, or who resisted… individual people at first, and now entire realms.

“Avanor, the land of the Unifier, was a territory caught up in the ebb and flow of kings and lords. The Unifier liberated the people of Avanor from the great burdens of being caught between the desires of Gallea and Norengal, and the lords who were, in truth, beholden to both.

“The fighting between lords at the time of the Unifier’s rise was terrible, all throughout the lands. Even the Peace of the All-Father declared by the Western Church did little to ease the sufferings of the common people.

“In such a dark hour, the rulers of the lands, who could not keep control of their own realms, were pulled towards giving full powers over to Him.

“All of this, I am now certain, was intended by Him from the beginning.

“In time, the Unifier grew a mighty circle around Him. Many powerful sorcerers steeped in the mystic arts committed to Him, or were brought up within His mighty citadel. It is said that many Wizards, indeed some of the greatest among them, heeded His seductive call.

“In time, there arose many more wars and times of great trouble, beset with famine and disease. The Unifier’s rise did not end strife. Yet none would dare question Him, for all rulers’ efforts had turned towards achieving the unity that He had offered; to all who would bow their will to His.

“This promise… this offer of a world placed under full order and control, was unprecedented. It was a promise to elevate the rulers of the world’s kingdoms to be at the side of a great throne astride the entire world. It offered a height of power previously unknown, and one that would be unassailable when brought into being. This promise proved irresistible to those lusting after power and wealth.

“A gathering of realms was begun, even if it was only in a secret understanding that the common people were very unaware of.

“The Unifier’s greater vision was made clear to the rulers attracted to His seductions and promises. They were told that when the Unifier’s new world came to pass, the means of trade would be governed under one standard. In addition, all people would one day be identified under a common standard as well, even with marks upon their bodies such as those now said to be on the skin of rulers and others who have fully committed to Him. These were powerful enticements to those already steeped in a love of dominion.

“Peace. Prosperity. Order. The end of all chaos and wars. These things were at the behest of the rulers of all realms, if they only would join with the Unifier. Who could argue with such ends?

“It is no secret that if the Unifier achieves His vision, His rule will one day supersede that of all realms. The world’s rulers merely think that they will continue in their own power, and have a seat at the Unifier’s table.

“It is my fear that it will not be long before the Unifier is openly declared to be the supreme authority of the world, over all manner of rulers and kingdoms. Delirious in promises of power and wealth, the world’s rulers will acclaim Him as such.

“For those so used to the things of control and power, they willfully deceive themselves, victims of the same overtures and maneuvers that they have often used in securing power in their own realms.

“So very few stand opposed to Him now. Only three realms that I know of, with any strength to resist, remain steadfastly opposed; the realms of Saxany, Midragard, and the tribes of the Five Realms, of which our tribe is one.

“Perhaps there are more, somewhere within the far reaches of Ave, but it is certain that these three lands bravely refuse to bend their knee to Him. For our choice, as one of these three lands, we face terrible lies and accusations, as the storms of war gather upon the horizon. We are deemed a wicked and vile people for opposing the completion of the Unifier’s vision, for merely wishing to retain our own sovereignty, and self-determination for our own people.

“I am under no illusions. It is certain that we are about to face a time of great tribulation.”

As Deganawida finished his somber oration, there was a heavy silence hanging over all of those who were listening nearby. The telling had quickly sobered the jovial nature that had taken root and flowered during the feast.

“It is not all that strange, to my ears,” Logan commented quietly to Janus, who sat at his right side. “I’ve often thought that’s where our own world seems headed. A domination of all, by an elite few. Just not as far along as this world is, apparently.”

“I saw that all too clearly as well,” Janus murmured in reply. “And maybe it is farther along in our world than we think. The powerful have always had an insatiable desire for control, evidently no matter what world they happen to reside in.”

“You can’t appease those types, that’s for sure,” Logan agreed, drifting off into contemplative silence once more. He found himself wondering as to why the populaces influenced by the Unifier could become so vigorously stirred to war.

There seemed to be so little that the tribal people could offer those who lusted after wealth and power. He had seen the considerable trappings of the marching army that had been assembled in the west. They hailed from a very material culture, one that was most certainly abundant in metals, fabrics, well-bred horses, and many other signs that hinted to a society rife with luxuries.

The tribes, on the other hand, did not seem to possess any great material wealth. Other than a few decorative, crescent-shaped silver gorgets, Logan had seen little sign of precious metals amongst the villagers, most of whose possessions derived from corn husk, timber, or hide. Logan could not see the allure inherent in launching a war against such a people, and figured that the motivations had to come from another kind of source.

There had to be a reason, even if it was from a distorted and manipulated perspective. Logan could also not overlook the distinct possibility that there may well have been something done to provoke the lands to the west.

He had only heard one side of the story, after all.

Logan looked over to Deganawida, who was gazing upon the seven with a thoughtful countenance. A slight grin, tinged with sadness, slowly came to the old sachem’s face.

The uncomfortable silence around Logan deepened, as all seemed to be waiting for Deganawida to break the impasse.

“Do not trouble yourselves, honored guests of the Onan. Now is a time to leave the worries of the world behind us, at least for a little while,” Deganawida said at last. His voice was soothing, as he smiled reassuringly at the others. “Perhaps it would be better to let me tell you a happier tale, one about the origin of the five tribes, and how the Five Realms came together.”

One by one, Logan and the other exiles nodded to Deganawida. For his part, Logan was ready to hear about something a little less foreboding.