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The other three responded with a series of expletives. Antoine stood with Ryan, as the shouting match drew the two sides steadily closer.

One of the three suddenly launched a high punch at Ryan. Blazingly fast, he avoided the punch and moved in, landing a crunching blow on the nearest youth’s face, spinning and catching a second on the jaw with an elbow strike, and landing a solid kick to the third youth’s right knee.

All three of them crumpled to the ground, pain and stunned amazement upon their faces.

“Yeah, I thought so,” Ryan mocked them.

“You thought so?” came a fourth voice.

Out of the shadows came another youth, carrying a sleek, black object in his hand that was pointed right at Ryan.

“Are you so bad now?” the fourth youth roared, walking slowly and holding the pistol forward.

Ryan had been in such moments before, and it was no time for bluster and bravado. He and Antoine took off at a sprint without delay. It was several blocks more before they finally slowed down.

They had not been chased, the fourth youth having remained behind with his friends after likely feeling that he had won back some of his group’s damaged pride. Ryan and Antoine continued onward at a comfortable pace, their breath slowly returning to normal.

When they were a considerable distance away, Antoine turned to Ryan with a grin. “You didn’t even let me have a chance to get some hits in!”

Ryan chuckled. “Had to do it. Shut them up quick, didn’t I?”

“Save some for me next time,” Antoine said.

“Maybe,” Ryan replied, grinning and exchanging a series of spirited hand slaps with his friend.

The two cavorted about the downtown area for the next few hours, joking and talking with several individuals as they encountered others that they knew.

It was an inexpensive and mildly entertaining way to pass the time, until the curfew hour approached.

The thought of the curfew often made them laugh. The only ones who followed it were the ones that never got into any trouble in the first place. The youth that had little to lose, and were adept at trouble, simply had a new thrill added to their adventures as they worked to avoid the officers of the law.

Ryan and Antoine knew that if they were caught, their parents would receive a citation and fine. The fine was the only aspect that would raise his mother’s ire, and Antoine’s mother and stepfather as well, as their interest in the two boys was negligible at best.

After a brief consultation, the two decided to go on up to Lee Chen’s restaurant. Lee’s Wok was a fairly lengthy trek from where they were, but they made the journey of several blocks to the south side of downtown without incident.

Only one police cruiser passed them on the way. The officer eyed them as he slowed down for a few seconds, making Ryan and Antoine tense as they prepared to run, but the officer abruptly sped up again and continued on down the street.

When they had finally reached the restaurant, Lee was diligently mopping up the floors as the place had closed around an hour prior to their arrival.

His short, straight black hair was under a white cap, and he was clad in his familiar apron, over a short-sleeved collared shirt and a pair of work slacks. His round face always seemed to be held in a positive countenance, though Ryan was well aware that the man dealt with constant stresses.

Lee was clean-shaven, except for the hints of a moustache below his nose, the latter being of a flatter profile. His dark eyes had a kindly look to them as he glanced up at their entrance, and he smiled amiably in greeting.

“Hi guys, I suppose I can’t tell you two that we are already closed,” he said, with his light Chinese accent.

“No you can’t, Lee. You can’t get rid of us. You know that… So what’s up?” Ryan asked. “How did we do tonight?”

“Not bad. Little above average. I may not be able to get rid of you, but I can’t entertain you. I have to cut egg rolls tonight, both regular and vegetable, so I’ll be here for awhile. What are you two up to?” Lee inquired of them.

“Not much, just hangin’ around,” Ryan replied, his voice lowering.

“Ryan got three at once tonight, you should have seen him!” Antoine said with a flare of excitement in his voice. He then quickly added, “They attacked him first, Lee. Ryan didn’t start it.”

Ryan frowned and gave Antoine a light elbow to the ribs. He did not regret the fight, but he was increasingly discovering that he did not like the feeling of Lee’s disappointment.

As expected, the smile faded quickly from Lee’s face. “Trouble again? Fighting does no good. It can only lead to bad things for you! You know that Ryan!”

“I do my best,” Ryan mumbled in the aftermath of the scolding.

“I hope you are here to work tomorrow. We will need help, Ryan, and it will keep you from making bad decisions,” Lee said curtly.

Ryan nodded. “I can be here, if you need help.”

“I do. And remember, we close early on Sunday, and I’m hoping to watch some movies, just to give you two some advanced warning,” Lee said, his tone lightening. “We can order some food in too.”

Ryan knew that the invitation was largely for him, though Lee had politely extended it to his friend. Lee was not overly fond of Antoine, as Ryan was well aware.

“Are you going to go all out? Will it be Chinese?” Ryan quipped, seeing a chance to escape Lee’s disapproving tones.

“No,” Lee responded with a grin. “It must be something else. Pizza maybe.”

“That’ll do,” Ryan said. “I’m in. And you?”

He glanced over at Antoine.

“I can’t,” Antoine replied. “I got some stuff I gotta take care of on Sunday.”

As with every time that he was in Lee’s presence, Antoine was careful to keep his street endeavors at a low profile. He need not have bothered, as Lee had long since figured out the truths about Antoine’s activities.

Ryan had not denied the obvious many months ago when Lee had brought up the subject. His relationship with Lee had always been an open and honest one, and he was not about to let Antoine’s foolhardy pursuits cause him to taint what was perhaps his only pure friendship.

“Well, I just remembered something. I will be there unless Pamela wants to do something,” Ryan stated with a grin.

“Women, women,” Lee said smiling, shaking his head. “They used to keep me busy, worried… and broke. Until I got smarter. Now I am much better off! Less headaches. More money in my pocket.”

“Can’t argue with that. You got me there,” Ryan replied, laughing.

“It’s the truth,” Lee replied. He then shrugged his shoulders. “Well, you two are welcome to stay here, and have a soda, but keep the front door locked. I need to get to making egg rolls.”

“You need to take a vacation, man,” Antoine said.

“I would if I won a lottery. But I gotta pay the bills. Trying to take care of saving some money for my nephew,” Lee replied. “And my mother is my priority.”

“You probably haven’t missed a day of work in a hundred years,” Ryan joked.

“I look good for being over a hundred then!” Lee retorted, as he set the floor mop down.

Walking across the room, he bolted the front door and turned the light to the main dining room off.

“Now, on to the back,” he remarked.

Ryan, with Antoine behind him, followed Lee as he walked through the gloom of the dining room and proceeded to the back kitchen.

Lee opened a refrigerator door and pulled out a couple bottles of soda, a popular, ginger ale-like soft drink made regionally. He used a bottle opener to remove the caps and handed them over to Ryan and Antoine.

For himself, he opened a can of cherry-citrus soda.

“You run on caffeine, man,” Ryan chided, as Lee chugged down about half of the can in the first draught.

“Fuel for the fire, The Official Drink of Lee’s Wok,” Lee boasted, holding the can up and smirking, as if on a television commercial.