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The warmth of the spell slid right down into Ivy's bones. She sighed with pleasure. Dry and warm was the best feeling in the world, Ivy decided. And the cleaning that went with the spell was rather nice too. At least one or two layers of grime had disappeared from her armor, not that magic could ever give it a polish to compare with Sanval's breastplate.

The rest of the group looked as happy as Ivy felt. Kid's curls tightened around his horns, Gunderal looked more pink than white, Zuzzara stopped sneezing, Sanval's armor practically dazzled the eye in the lamplight, and even Mumchance's scanty beard had curled back up around his chin, instead of dripping down his chest. Wiggles danced on her back legs, obviously delighted to be a white fluffy dog again instead of resembling a drowned white rat.

"Love that spell," Ivy said to Zuzzara.

"Good," said Zuzzara, "you can pay to recharge the ring next time. You know how much fire and air spells mixed together cost?"

"What was that?" asked Sanval, holding up one arm to examine with bemusement the regained brilliance of his armor.

"Couple of spells, combined, and caught in the gem," explained Gunderal. "One spell dispels the water and dries you off. Another warms you up. And your clothes are cleaned in the process." She gazed with satisfaction at her silk skirts, once again swirling like flower petals around her dainty ankles.

"You only stay warm for a bit," said Zuzzara, "but you stay dry until you fall into another river or snow bank. Gunderal thought it up for a winter campaign."

"It was the most horrible, miserable time of my life," murmured the wizard with an exaggerated shudder. "I was not just wet and cold all the time. My clothes were muddy and stayed dirty. There was no place to take a hot bath or clean your things."

"That wasn't so bad." Ivy shrugged. "But having your feet wet and cold all day and all night is never fun."

"So I thought of a way that we could combine a few spells to clean us all up," said Gunderal with a shake of her head at Ivy's usual dismissal of the importance of baths. "But since I can't cast fire spells, we have to hire someone else to cast them and store them in the ring. Of course, I can't wear the ring either. Something about the fire spell turns my finger bright red!"

"So I wear the ring," explained Zuzzara.

" 'Dry Boots' is what we ended up calling that combination of spells. Although the wizard who charged the ring used fancier words," recalled Ivy.

"Dry Boots is what it is. Dry boots is what it does," said Zuzzara. "Wizards can be too fancy at times."

"Not me," whispered Gunderal. She was still pale from the pain of having her arm strapped, but she used the fingers of her good hand to twist her curls back into their perfect, blue-black ringlets. Her potions were smashed, but her enameled hairpins and shell combs had survived the fall. She made two more twists of her hair, achieving a fetching topknot. "I just like to be warm, and clean, and well dressed."

"An excellent preference," Sanval agreed with a nod of approval at Gunderal. Ivy sighed and shook her head at the pair's mad obsession with cleanliness.

"Zuzzara was talking about magic," said Mumchance with a roll of his good eye at Gunderal's grooming. "And even you, lovely Gunderal, can get carried away. You can't just make it rain. When you call the rain, it has to rain with black clouds and lightning strikes, and a cold wind rising up from the earth. Has to rain until it floods, and we're all floating away on the barn roof."

"Just that one time," said Zuzzara, stepping in front of Gunderal. She might fuss at Gunderal all day and night, but she always defended her when others did the same thing. "Don't be so hard on her."

Ivy let them chatter when they should have been moving because she knew the wizard needed time to regain some strength. But the delay still worried her. The water was definitely lapping over the edge of the riverbank.

"All I'm saying…" said Mumchance.

"Is that we had a magnificent rainmaking business until we had too much rain. You humans and demi-humans never learn to control your magic-not like dwarves," said Ivy and Zuzzara and Kid all together. Gunderal giggled, a faint flush of color coming back to her cheeks. Mumchance rolled his eyes.

"It's an old argument," said Ivy, "and it never quite goes away." Zuzzara snorted.

"Well, Gunderal, my lovely wizard," said Mumchance, "you've done even better this time. The river is rising, Ivy."

"I know, I know," said Ivy, "and it's my fault, not Gunderal's, that we're sitting so low underground. If Gunderal feels well enough to move now, we need to find a way out. Mumchance? Kid?"

The dwarf nodded at Kid, who nodded back. The dwarf's sense of direction underground was superb, but Kid came a close second. Sanval started to say something, but Ivy laid a finger against her lips. Silence was needed now.

The dwarf closed his eye and cocked his head. He stomped his feet a bit, his boot heels ringing on the ground; and Kid stomped back, making the high sharp clicks of hooves against stone. Kid's ears swiveled under his glossy curls, forward, back, and then flat to his head. Mumchance nodded left and then nodded right, and clucked his tongue. Kid whistled. The two opened their eyes at the same time and turned in the same direction.

"That way," said Mumchance pointing off to the right. "There's a tunnel entrance down there."

"Maybe two, my dear," said Kid, sniffing the air. "Big hole and little hole, running close together."

Ivy nodded. Underground, Mumchance had the best sense of direction, but Kid often surprised them with his unerring instinct for the safest route or the quickest way to the surface.

Zuzzara bent down to pick up Gunderal. "I can walk," whispered the wizard. "It's not my legs that are broken."

"What if you faint again?"

"Don't argue," said Ivy, "or argue later. We need to move." Even with her human eyes, she could see the water was higher now, almost to the lip of the ledge where they rested. "No more Dry Boots, remember?"

Gunderal made a face and stood up, following the others away from the river water. Although she was descended from the water genasi on her mother's side and could, with a simple spell, breathe perfectly well underwater, she was not dressed for swimming and was rather relieved that nobody had asked her to try to find a way out through the river. Normally, when Gunderal went swimming, she had a special, magical scaled outfit to wear-one that looked stunning both wet and dry.

The Siegebreakers felt along the ledge, walking cautiously in the direction that the dwarf had indicated.

Unlike the ledge, which appeared to have been made by men or dwarves, and was part of some ancient canal running into one of the earlier incarnations of Tsurlagol, the new tunnel appeared to have been dug out by some huge animal. Letting Kid lead, Ivy gestured for the others to follow. They fell into their usual pattern for a cramped space, a single file line. Kid clicked away first, Mumchance following with the lantern, and then Gunderal behind him. Ivy swung into her usual place behind Gunderal and felt uneasy. She glanced back to encounter Sanval's cool gaze rather than Zuzzara's "hurry up" stare. Zuzzara's bulk loomed behind Sanval. It was the usual order, but with one added. At her back was someone unknown. Would he know the right way to duck if she needed to swing in a cramped space? She would never hit Zuzzara by accident in a fight; the half-orc was used to Ivy, and Ivy was used to her. They knew which way the other would move. Ivy hoped that Sanval could stay out of the way in a fight. She suspected that cutting off one or two of Sanval's limbs might not help her win payment from the Thultyrl.