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"Too many reptiles, my dear," said Kid, bending over to examine a small pile of bones.

"Reptiles?" said Gunderal, who had a bigger dislike of snakes than Zuzzara had of rats. Ivy could not stand either rats or snakes, and so she killed them whenever she met any. Slicing off their little heads always made her feel better.

"Snakes, lizards, something else, my dear," said Kid, still stirring through the skeletons on the floor. "But these bones are men and halflings and dwarves."

"Treasure hunters," explained Sanval. "The ruins were rumored to be laden with ancient treasures, magical artifacts, and so on. Men came, and dwarves too, and others as well, to dig through the buried cities. Tsurlagol has been many cities-each one destroyed in a siege and then rebuilt."

"And wherever the treasure hunters go, predators follow close behind," grumbled Mumchance.

Sanval nodded. "The ruins gained an evil reputation, and most of the entrances were sealed. Then Tsurlagol fell in another battle, and another."

"Until they lost track of their own ruins," Mumchance said.

"Sort of place that my mother would have loved, if it were stacked with treasure," observed Ivy. "She probably could have sung you the city's entire history right back to when the first stone was laid for the first wall. When she wasn't saving the world or singing for some king, she was the most avid treasure hunter, always going underground after some artifact or other. That was one of the things that my father could never understand. He thought all jewels and gems were just worthless sparkly rocks compared to a nice flowering bush or a flourishing oak tree."

As they talked, they all circled slowly around the enormous hall, careful to stay within the small circle of light cast by Mumchance's lantern. Kid ventured the farthest into the dark, reaching into the shadows to feel the walls and better assess their condition.

"Your parents sound…" Sanval hesitated. He obviously could not find a polite way to inquire about her ancestry, but he tried. "They don't seem to have been quite the same as you."

"Not hardly," said Ivy with a snort. "They were heroes. When your Thultyrl finishes his great library, you can find their exploits in a dozen story scrolls. Saved the world from incredible evil a dozen times." She always found her parents hard to explain, especially to romantic fools like Sanval who believed in honor, great deeds, and noble acts of sacrifice as much as keeping their boots shined and their armor polished. Nor would he understand that the legacy of their heroics could be a greater burden than a boon to their daughter.

Mumchance pulled Wiggles out of his pocket and dropped the dog upon the floor, letting her run loose as he continued to examine the carvings at the bases of the pillars. She pawed at one pile of ash, turning up one of the scorched skulls that Kid had mentioned. Mumchance bent down to look closer at the dog's treasure. Several teeth had been broken out of the jaw. He shooed the dog away from the bones. He never allowed any of his dogs to chew on anything that resembled people, whether it was human, dwarf, or even orc. It made for bad feelings in a mercenary camp and, he believed, was bad for the dogs' teeth.

"Something came down here and pried the gold teeth out of the jaws," he speculated as he held the skull out of Wiggles's whining reach. "This area has been pretty well looted. There's no treasure left down here. Just ash and bones."

Kid made a little grunt in agreement as he brushed away the ash covering a headless and armless skeleton. Unlike the other bones scattered nearby, this skeleton glowed an odd phosphorescent green.

"Blast," said Ivy, catching sight of the shimmering green light surrounding the bones. "Kid, I told you to leave that stuff alone."

The odd skeleton moved, a very slow tentative movement, wiggling through the ash like a worm. Kid skipped neatly out of its way, not particularly frightened but not fool enough to let the skeleton touch him.

"What is it?" asked an amazed Sanval. In Procampur, bones did not go crawling around on their own.

"Skeleton warrior or what is left of one." Gunderal sniffed. "Badly made too. It should have a head, hands, and weapons." The thing staggered upright and wobbled on unsteady feet toward them. The Siegebreakers circled out of its way. It tottered after Kid, as if it were playing some grotesque child's game of hide-and-tag.

Wiggles spotted the moving skeleton and with a joyous bark started chasing after it. The little white dog wove in and around the skeleton's ankles with little yips, obviously regarding the whole thing as one giant snack. She rose up on her hind legs, dancing like a beggar before the green glowing bones.

"Oh blast," said Ivy seeing Mumchance's frown at Wiggles's actions.

Mumchance whistled one high sharp note. With drooping tail, the dog came back to his side. "It's your fault, Ivy, that she chases after such things," scolded the dwarf.

Ivy had taught Wiggles to catch bones when she threw them to her. "Well, she started doing that little dance for bones all on her own," Ivy said, defending her earlier actions to Mumchance.

"She did not. You encouraged her to do that. And its just not dignified!"

Ivy considered that any dog bearing the unfortunate moniker of "Wiggles" already lacked dignity, but she knew better than to say it out loud. Instead, to soothe the dwarf's feelings, she asked him if he thought the skeleton warrior could be of any use to them.

"Lead us out of here, you mean? No, those things are brainless, and this one is more so than most," observed Mumchance as he circled left to avoid the headless skeleton. "Somebody looted whatever armor and weapons these poor sods had. They just left the bones behind because they're worthless." The skeleton seemed to sense that Mumchance was talking about it, because it began its mad lurch toward the dwarf.

"Let's leave before it bumps into anyone. It looks a bit moldy under that glow," said Gunderal, pulling her skirts close with one hand to avoid any contact with the thing. "Or before it kicks up more dust!"

"Shouldn't we kill it?" asked Sanval, still eyeing the lurching green bones with an uneasy look.

"Gunderal can knock it over with a spell," declared Zuzzara. "Go on, show him."

"It's a waste of magic," answered the wizard with a small frown of her pink lips. "Why should I do anything to it?" The skeleton was now reeling back and forth, obviously both attracted and distracted by the sound of their voices.

"It is harmless," agreed Ivy. "And it is already dead."

"I think we need to go east," said Mumchance, still walking in circles to avoid the skeleton. The dwarf ducked around the columns.

"Hey," yelled Ivy, "don't leave us in the dark."

Mumchance popped around the column that Gunderal had marked earlier, holding his lantern above his head to cast the widest possible circle of light. "Kid was right. Several ways out of here. I think we have gone west of the city, so we need to find a tunnel leading east."

"And that will lead us under the walls and then out," Ivy concurred. "Let's start moving. Come on!"

But Gunderal and Zuzzara were paying no attention to Ivy. They were still arguing about Gunderal's reluctance to cast a spell.

"I am not disanimating that skeleton," said the wizard, with the suggestion of a pout starting to form on her lower lip.

"Why not?" Zuzzara wanted to know. The half-orc's teeth were beginning to show under her upper lip-a sure sign of annoyance.

"Just because I don't feel like doing it," Gunderal replied. The headless skeleton started its weaving wander toward them.