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Rather pleased with the memory, she washed down the third slice. “Ba da, if something lifted these Pandai from here and dumped them in the Izar, they’d get eaten alive:”

When she was nearly finished with her breakfast, eating the bowl of berries, savoring their dark tart/ sweet flavor, she heard the fink-fink as someone shook the shell string on the front door. “Who?” she called.

“Seruchel. You ready?”

“Diam, Sera. Come back to the kitchen. I’m just finishing up.”

Seruchel was a light brown child with a dusting of darker brown dots across the top of her cheeks and a wide mouth that was always twitching into happy grins. When she came into the kitchen, she had a length of cloth draped across her arm, a green and brown batik print, a pattern of leaves and vines. “Diam, Luna. Mam said you shouldn’t be wearing out your mekull clothes, and besides they look so uncomfortable and so hot. She said I should show you how to do the twist at the top and pin it tight. If you want. Fitting the mezu’s easy, see?”

She dropped the cloth over the back of the chair and twirled in a quick circle to show Lylunda how the cloth was wound around her body, covering her from just under the armpits to her knees, the top tucked over and pinned in place with a pair of shiny, three-inch thorns.

“Omel oma, I’ll try it. You wait here and I’ll see how well I manage. And by the way, tell your Mam thanks, I appreciate this.”

Though at first Lylunda felt as if the mezu would unwind and drop off every time she took a breath, she found it comfortable and cool. With a little care she could bend in it, kneel, get to her feet without offering more of herself to passing eyes than she’d feel comfortable showing.

“There, Luna. You see that greel hole there?”

“Which one? I see lots of holes.”

“But they’re all different. Can’t you tell?” Seruchel took a step to one side, used her big toe to point out the hole she was talking about. “It’s not round like most of the others, and the long side goes with the waterline not against it.”

The eccentricity wasn’t great, but obvious enough once it was pointed out and the long side was indeed parallel to the foam line of the outgoing tide. “I think I see. It’s like that one about a step farther along, isn’t it?”

“Uh-huh. That’s another greel hole, all right. So watch me.” Seruchel drove the point of her digging stick into the sand. “Smarada Diam, 0 greel, this is a lessoning; we’ll not be taking you today.” She gave the stick a twist, then shoved the end down with considerable force. The sand flew and a dark scuttly thing with far too many legs went hurrying off. “That’s a greel. You usually have a scoop to catch him with and a basket to carry him, ’cause you don’t want to touch him till he’s boiled in kebui water; he’s got this goo on him that’ll take your skin off. But, mmmmmm, he’s good when he’s cooked right.”

Shadith watched the scuttler vanish in a spray of sand and water; the last bit of it visible was a long narrow chela tamping the sand into the elongated breathing hole. She decided she’d rather not know what her food looked like when it was running about. Some of the things she’d eaten in cafйs at Pit Stops… She shuddered as she trudged after Seruchel.

Seruchel waded into the water beside a tumble of rocks, squatted, and felt about among the sea grass that grew like hair in sheltered areas like this. “Luna, come see.”

“What is it, Sem?”

“A nice new clump of tiauch. The ones closest to shore are too young still for taking, but they don’t have the sharp edges either.” She parted the grass and used her body to create a patch of stillness so Lylunda could look through the water at some purse-shaped grayish lumps that seemed to grow from the stone. “When you gather tiauch, you push a flat lever against the muscle down at the base and work it under until the tiauch comes free, then you drop it in a jug of seawater to keep it fresh. The older ones taste the best and sometimes they have pearls in them. We use them to trade. One old tiauch I saw when I was a kid had five pearls. Of course it was black and ugly and almost dead.” She waved the grass back around the tiauch bed, jumped to her feet, waited impatiently for Lylunda to stand, then went trotting on down the beach, pointing out things that a newcomer should know about.

“Oooh! You bringing luck, Luna.” The girl ran a few steps, then squatted beside a patch of sand slightly darker than the rest. If you looked at it right, there was a faint iridescent shimmer to the grains. “Telilu, I’m sure of it. Luna, I don’t want to lose the place, would you wait here and don’t move, I’ve got to go get Mam.”

Lylunda watched Seruchel go running off along the beach, then she frowned down at that irregular stain or whatever it was. “Why do you rev up so much excitement, hm?”

The patch remained enigmatic so she looked out across the ocean. This world was like something you’d see in a happy dream. A blue blue sapphire blue sky with a few shreds of cloud near the horizon. An intensely blue ocean shading to emerald as it neared the shore, small choppy waves with caps of white foam. Wind clean and crisp against her skin, filled with sea smells and just cool enough to feel pleasant as the morning heated up. A white sand beach curved away on both sides, interrupted by black outcrops of obsidian or red brown boulders. Clumps of tall trees with curved trunks flexed to the push of the wind, the fronds that grew thickly at the apex of each curve rustling loudly as if they spoke to each other.

“You are beautiful,” she said and it seemed to her the trees bowed to her and whispered their thanks. “Yai! Whiny in the head already?”

She was getting very bored with the scene by the time Seruchel came running back.

The girl stopped beside her, glanced down at the discolored patch and let out her breath with a popping sound. “Um… Luna, do you mind? Mam says just smelling Telilu might be dangerous, seeing you’re not part of the Tung Bond yet, so she says you better go back to the house.” She looked unhappy. “And tonight, you better not come into Chiouti with everyone, ’cause tel-poisoning is something we can’t fix and we don’t want you hurt.”

“Tell your Mam, no problem.” Lylunda tapped the child on the cheek and left her standing by the patch, still looking miserable.

On the way back to her house she saw Seruchel’s Mam Outocha, along with a number of the village men, hurrying toward the beach. She waved at them, called out the ritual diam and strolled on by, heading for the house. That night she heard a rhythmic beating and shouts that almost might have been song from the village. Some party. I wish… well, never mind, Luna. Don’t go where you’re not wanted.

When she went into Chiouti the next morning, there was a faint bite to the air; it felt like sunburn when it brushed against her skin and it made her stomach cramp. People were usually out talking and doing the-day’s chores by this time, but she saw only a few villagers about. A woman slouched in a doorway, head down, hair falling across her face. Her mezu was pulled about her, not twisted and pinned in place and she looked like a bad end to a hard night. A naked man was curled up, snoring, in the shadowed alley between two houses. As she walked past him, nausea caught her in the throat and the cramps in her stomach turned to stabbing pains. She wheeled and ran from-the village, kept running until she splashed into the ocean.