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Greet you of the new From tied-to-old-land


I, Singer No-harm offered wanted

Who stand on your Their song I offer.


She cleared her throat, drank from the stem of the waterbottle.

Silence all round. She swept the area with her outreach. The Taalav stayed hidden and she could feel a feeble startlement mixed with anger and distrust.

She sang again:

Tied-to-old-land If ours thrive

I, named Shadow I hear and repeat for you

Sing for the old-land Let them be.

this song

Warning Truth and trust

I, named Shadow offer with open hands

Sing to you-of-the-new- Death comes.


The Two-Mouthed swarm, disturbed nest


I, named Shadow sing warning run here, run there

Burn, fire and more search out the-new-land


She continued singing for around ten minutes, amplifying the warning, saying she had not come to take them against their will, though she would mourn their deaths if such were their choice.

She dropped into silence and waited.

And waited.

She could feel two adult Taalav circling warily about her, edging in closer…

When one of them finally appeared, moving into view around a pile of lichened rock, she was appalled. It looked sick and mean, the once bright cherry hood mottled with black and khaki, the large eyes of the headbeast filmy and oozing mucus. Around it was a dull aura of anger/resentment/hate that was thick enough to stain the air.

Why Why Why Why

Shadow Singer trust not/trust you who speak

We the betrayed land-tied, taken, stolen by you/


Listen should who die (this/place) starve (this/

we place)

(Woven around this, asides that commented on her likeness to Prangarris, the deep distrust of the singer, her smell, the inadequacy of her true-speech, and other things that once again were too subtle for the translator in her head to catch).

It was a passionate outcry, all the more so because the Taalav’s voice was weak from hunger and worn to a thread from coping with the bitterness of this world, breaking and wavering on some of the more difficult harmonies.

In the exchange that followed, Shadith discovered just how brutal life had been for the arrays that Prangarris had brought here. The sun was the wrong color, the Taalav sang to her, there were things in the water that did grief to the littles so they grew weak and died, the food plants that Prangarris had brought withered and died and the food the arrays found here was not complete. Prangarris fed them liquid supplements which helped them live, but something went wrong inside him and he was gone. They couldn’t get into his place and reach the supplements, so they starved. Slowly. The food they could find kept them just enough alive to feel the agony of that slow dissolution. This was a bad place, so many things were wrong here. We die, the Taalav sang to her, we rot here and die.

Shadith sang to the Taalav: I will call to you a healer. This person will give you strength and health again, adults and littles alike. This person need only touch you to heal. Will you trust enough to allow this?

The Taalav brooded in silence for several minutes, its eyes dropping shut, its body sagging in the cradle of its legs. Finally it sang: For the good of the newplacepeople, this person before you-stilter/singer will allow the touch.

When Aleytys left the flier and came toward Shadith, the Taalav stirred, gave out a flare of desperate hope. Its eyes were fixed on the healer’s bright red hair. Shadith thought about the cherry hood of healthy Taalav adults and understood. The Gestalt must be thinking, ah! an adult at last.

Will you permit? Aleytys sang.

Shadith.kept her face carefully blank. Lee couldn’t carry a tune if you gave her a universal gripper. Her voice wasn’t unpleasant but she had no grasp of the relationship of the tones and her approximations were enough off to make any singer wince.

She watched Aleytys set hands on the head and body of the Taalav, close her eyes, and begin work. For a while nothing seemed to be happening; then a healthy crimson crept back into the hood and the head’s eyes brightened. When Aleytys stepped away, the Taalav’s lively cheerfulness was back. The difference in its emanations was astonishing. And when it sang its gratitude, the harsh dissonances had vanished from the speech.

The other adults and the littles of the arrays came from hiding, scuttling and wriggling and slithering. Shadith watched Aleytys take up the tiny head forms and body forms, hold them in her hands until the distressing feebleness was gone, then set them down to run and play about the feet of the adults. It was as if they were reborn and reinfused with the stock of happiness that this world had sucked out of them. With a whine of servos, Lee knelt and began passing her hands across the wormforms that were also part of the Gestalt.

While she worked, the sun moved past zenith and a cold wind rose off the lake, bringing with it the rancid, sickening smell of rotten vegetation.

Even with the exo and the frame supporting her, exhaustion dragged at Shadith and she didn’t want to think about how Aleytys felt; she told herself it was like the struggle to keep Lylunda alive, it reminded Lee of her strength where forces on Wolff conspired to remind her of her weaknesses.

Shadith sang a soft query to call the first Taalav from its contemplation of the healing. You have strength now, she sang to it, and you’ve seen our good will. If you stay here, the Curl Ears will surely find you and kill you. Do you want to go back where you came from? I will take you there if you ask it. Or there is another world that you can visit that might prove better for you than this. Will you risk that?

We went with One-bump ’Garrs, the Taalav sang, we had no choice, it took us, gathered us as we gather fruits from the grony bushes, yet we went with a certain willingness for we wished a new place, a free place that would be ours alone. We understood that the Curl Ears looked on us as beasts and harvested our histories because they were pleasant to look upon and their songs were prized. We thought One-bump ’Garrs was weak and alone and we could escape its hand easily enough when there was room to run. We did not understand that places could be more deadly than Kadbeasts. This person looks on your good will and accepts that. This person feels whole for the first time in many days. Yet, this person has learned fear of new things and it is hard to contemplate the choice youstilter/singer offer. Must this person choose?

I-Stilter/singer don’t understand. How possible that you-of-the-new-land could be returned and not-returned at the same time?

This person would look upon the new world, yet if the new land is bad also, this person would go back to the tie-land.

I see, Shadith sang. Yes, that is sensible. The sun’s color will be wrong on this new world also, but it will be warmer and, I think, more hospitable. She glanced at. Aleytys, sang: The healer is nearly finished with its work. Will you call your folk of-the-new-land together and come with us?


The hold in Harskari’s Tiauchi had been set to a proper gravity and the light provided was a close approximation of that on Pillory. The arrays left the flier with twitters of excitement and pleasure; they’d expected to have to suffer the same primitive conditions they had endured in Lylunda’s Dragoi.