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Shadith introduced them to the mobile Grace who had taken on the semblance of an adult Taalav and acquired the Taalav langue from Tiauchi’s kephalos through Tigatri’s tie to Aleytys.

This place fit/not-fit desired be your


You of-the-new-land sing to Grace food and


Dark and light is timed what can be done will

for you

The Taalav who’d spoken first to Shadith stood beside her; it sang an acknowledgment then went silent as it looked around the hold.

The baby body forms were chasing each other over the spongy flooring, in and out of the pseudo plant forms, whistling shrilly through their long dangly noses and having a grand time. The baby heads were crawling more slowly, nudging against each other and piling into sloppy heaps for the comfort of feeling others around them. And the other, more ambiguous juvenile parts of the Gestalt were wriggling and squirming around, wrapping themselves around head forms and licking at them, getting their taste re-registered, coiling round each other, looking more or less like knots of earthworms chased out of their holes by a morning rain. The other adult gestalts were moving about, exploring the place, singing their complex songs as they commented on what they saw.

The huge dark eyes of the Taalav turned on Shadith for a moment. She sensed wondering/tentativeness/ interest/tension and understood the mix as the Taalav moved over to the mobile Grace and sang a request for open water and food.

Shadith waited until Grace sang her answer, then she stepped onto the slide flat and was transported to the living areas.



The Vryhh had the fragile look Shadith remembered from the first time she’d met her, delicate bones with barely enough flesh to put padding between them and the skin, but she’d lost her aura of ancient desiccation; her dark blue eyes sparked with life and there was color in her pale face. “A fascinating species, Shadow,” she said after giving Shadith a brief nod to acknowledge the greeting. She was examining a small Taalav crystal mounted in a dagnoster envelope, plotting the intricacies in the weaving of the extruded threads. “You say these are histories?”

“So the Taalav say. Some of the crystals anyway. Some are story books. And some are just for the pleasure they give. Harskari hasn’t come across yet?”

“Not yet. She’s doing some last minute planning with Lee. Should be finished soon, we’d agreed to be gone in another hour or so. Themis tells me the Taalav are settling in quite nicely. I can see why you like them so much… Charming creatures and very intelligent. If they prosper on Storsten and agree to it, I mean to bring, more of them there; for a viable colony they need a larger breeding base. Hm. The crystals being sometimes histories, I wonder what effect a transfer of them between the two groups would have. It would be interesting to see how their society changes and develops. Both on Storsten and on Pillory.” She smiled vaguely at Shadith, then went back to her examination of the crystal.

Shadith turned to Tigatri’s Master Mobile. “Themis, arrange my transfer to Tigatri, please.”


“What are you going to say to Digby when you tell him you’ve quit?” Aleytys was sitting on the boulder again, swinging her feet in the garden’s stream, kicking up sprays of water and watching the drops fall back.

Shadith shifted position; a root from the tree she was leaning against was poking too assertively into her back. “I don’t know. Wouldn’t be polite or politic to tell him it was because I just didn’t trust him anymore. Though that’d be the truth. The more I learn about the e more spooked I get. How far does his reach go? That’s a lot of power he has. What happens when that face he clings to turns into a mask with nothing behind it? How does he know who he is then? What does he want? What will he do to get it? What happens when he does get it? Does he turn into something like Kell? All malice with no internal limits?”

“Heavy list of questions.” Aleytys pulled her legs up, folded them into a lotus knot. “Thinking of getting answers to them?”

“No. Not unless I have to. If he leaves me alone, I’ll return the favor.”

“Mm. You told Lylunda the Taalav were dead. Tell him the same thing, but that you were really unhappy about the thought of the Kliu slaughtering them. So you’ve decided to find another way of making a living. And then go play around Vrithian for a while till the whole thing cools down. What are you going to do about his ship?”

“Take it to University in tow to mine, do my talking from there. He can send someone to pick it up. I’m not going back to Spotchalls, that’s for sure. Lee, what am I going to do?”

“What do you want to do?”

“You’re no help.”

Aleytys grinned sleepily at her. “Well, what kind of help were you when you were infesting my head?”

“Ah, so it’s revenge you want.” Shadith wrinkled her nose. “Having opted for mortality, I suppose I want that choice to mean something. I want people to be glad I walked through their lives. Like the Fior and Ketang of B6luchad. That was, well, satisfying, though I suppose it’s Aslan who made the big difference. But I helped.”

“See. You do know what you want.”

“But that kind of thing doesn’t put fuel in my ship or food in my belly. That’s why I signed up with Digby in the first place. I do the jobs while he takes care of logistics. Seemed like it’d be the perfect blend. Tsah!”

“While you’re on University, why not talk to Aslan? She might have some ideas.”

“I don’t think so, Lee. She’s a friend and I like her, but she’s very much into the University ethos. I’m not, and I don’t want to be.”

“Picky. Hm. A while back you said you were getting royalties off your lightsailors. I’ve started hearing about them, I do still get some of the gossip on Wolff, and word is they’re hot. You might be making more than you think. And if you could come up with some-thing else Adelaar could handle for you…”

“I suppose I’d better check with Ti Vnok and see what’s happening. I don’t really count on them much, Lee. Fads explode and wither so fast, sometimes, you blink and they’re gone. Or the Gray Market rips off the design and undercuts your prices.” She twisted her face into a clown’s sad grimace. “And don’t tell me I’ve gone all negative. It’s just… I don’t hive anything to aim at, Lee.”

“I know, Shadow. You’ve got to close out this bit first before you can look ahead. I’d tell you to stop fussing, but I expect that’s useless.” With a quick twist of her body Aleytys was on her feet. “You need your harp. I’ll have Doll bring it out to you. And you can pay your way with a concert tonight. Lylunda and I-and Tigatri, of course-we’ll be your guests.

19. Report and Farewell


Shadith stood irresolute for several minutes outside Digby’s branch office in Citystate Rhapsody, dredging through memory for any loophole she might have missed in the story she’d cobbled to cover the abstraction of the Taalav. She passed her hand over her hair, patted the soft springy curls into place. She needed a trim, but she wasn’t going to bother with that now. Once her report was finished, she was booked on a flier heading for the Landing Field and on a shuttle to take her to the University Transfer Station and her own ship. Digby’s Backhoe was parked up there too, but she wasn’t going near that ship again. Then she’d make the jigs and jogs on the long and complicated flight to Vrithian. She was tired and unhappy. Some time spent in a place where she didn’t have to worry about any thing would be a blessing.