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They grumbled at her, wanting her to stand up so they could get a further comparison of heights. They speculated on the reason for the different skin colors of these two-bump people.

She glanced at the guard. He wasn’t technically sleeping on the job, but he’d let his body slump down on his support limbs and his secondary lids had slid across his eyes. She felt at him and came up with a sense of relaxation so deep he couldn’t be aware of much going on around him.

Still listening to him, she got carefully to her feet and walked to the lowering platform of the creepler.

They were excited about that, a little wary, but still not afraid even when the descent of the platform was finished and she stepped off of it.

She walked toward them, stopping when their nervousness increased sharply, then stood where she was and used the motors to help her stretch her arms out straight from her shoulders.

When she didn’t move, they edged closer, the biggest one taking the lead. It lifted its nose tube, hesitated, then brought it closer and closer to her, until it was finally nuzzling at her clothing and the metal skeleton of the exo.

Gentle touches. Tickling her. Getting very personal at times.

She twitched away, giggled-which they found fascinating so they repeated the touches. She lowered her arms slowly so she wouldn’t frighten them, moved the nose tubes away, then licked her lips and attempted a crude version of their langue, a kind of pidgin whistle talk.

Greet you tied to the land

I, Singer No-harm offered wanted

This one who stands here

They were enormously excited by this. It was the first time anyone had ever attempted to talk to them. They hurled a whole symphony of questions at her, not giving her a second’s opening to respond until the biggest one swung its armored tail about and made some peremptory clicking sounds.

When there was silence, it eased its head from under the hood, raised it on a thin muscular neck until the round naked head was almost level with hers; it stared at her for several moments. Then it spoke slowly, but did not try to mitigate the complexity of what it said, weaving the tones and undertones into a song. Though what Shadith heard the Taalav saying was simple enough when stripped of the qualifications and multiple meanings, it was also a great beauty that pierced her through and through.

The Taalav said:

where do stilter creep (our)

how do (the being that walk the

you are) clumsily

what are stranger invade this

space and hear us

topological landscape and bespeak us

stone/plant/we life and know what others

do not

Included in the question were asides that mentioned her coloring, her size and shape, the features that were like the Taalav and those that were radically different, the features (fewer) that she shared with the Kliu, her smell, her strange attempts at truespeak and other things that were too subtle even for that most subtle of instruments, the translator she’d inherited from Aleytys.

As she contemplated her answer, knowing it would be so crude that she’d better not try anything but the simplest response, she glanced at the guard and was startled to see two of the smaller Taalav standing close to him, making soft steady humming sounds; then one of them flipped its long tail forward and inserted the thorny tip between two folds of the Kliu’s skin. Amazing. They’d somehow understood that she didn’t want the Kliu aware of what was happening.

She sang/whistled:

This person I am that you are touching need


Maker of songs called Shadow am I being here

liking you

The Gestalts chattered among themselves, sorting out to their satisfaction exactly what she meant by each nuance of sound, some of their conclusions making her grin, though she didn’t try to correct them.

There was a tickling around her ankles. She looked down. Several of the tiny body forms were starting to climb up her legs.

She didn’t try form a request, just whistled and pointed.

A few slaps of the nose tube by the largest Taalav and the curious infants scuttled away to hover under the legs of other adults and stared at her with tiny pinpoint eyes until she wanted to giggle again.

The Taalav fixed its eyes on her. When it spoke, it had carefully stripped away the harmonics and all it asked was, why?

She drew in a breath, sang/whistled to them:

A part of you adult forms taken away

family juvenile forms the one-bump stilter

plants/land/bugs eggs the two-bump stilter

Her face twisted in a fury of concentration, she told them of her need to find the missing array, stressing that she wished no harm either to them or to the others. She tried to impress on them that the others would be in great danger if she did not find them before those like him-she pointed at the dreaming Kliu-came across the absent and destroyed them…

this one before you politely

with no call on you asks to save the absent

but a desire to help you urgently

… so I ask you to tell me as much as you can about the two-bump person… female smuggler, she thought, just knowing that is a step up… what its colors are, how high it is… do they know about names? she asked the translator, ah! yes, I see they do. Names as descriptions, so intricately nuanced they can only belong to one Gestalt among the many… did you hear the name she gave herself, the sound of it?

Listening with such concentration her head started hurting again, she picked out of the weave of sound they gave back to her an astonishing amount of data:

There were too many sounds exchanged between the two-bump and the one-bump who studied them and whom they studied in their turn. Too many to remember. And they had no way ’of deciding what was name and what was just talk.

The two-bump was wider than Shadith, the bumps were rounder and bigger and it showed brighter colors than Shadith though it had a carapace very like hers.

The growth on its head was longer and thicker than Shadith’s and a different color, it was a shiny black and hung all the way to the bending part of its body; there were two white streaks in the black, very shiny, too.

It came on a flying thing, broad and flat like the creepier, but far more silent and more subtle.

It argued with the one-bump stilter; the argument made lots of noise, but the other stilters didn’t come out to see what was happening.

The speaker Taalav thinks the one-bump fed (untranslatable and untranscribable noise) to the others; this (noise) was the poison the Taalav collect in their stingsacs. The one-bump had taken sacs from Taalav in earlier days.

It took the one-bump most of four days to collect two full arrays and shift them on the transport. In all this time, none of the six legs or the other stilters appeared.