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Her hands went to her hips. “Harry?”

“It’s a great name, isn’t it?”

She had on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Her hair was in a ponytail. “Hi, Harry.”

His nostrils flared. “Leslie,” he rasped. “Sorry you lost Bubba.”

“Th-thanks.” She seemed taken aback by the polite offer of condolence. She eyed him peculiarly.

Something furry and small bounded over, latching on to her leg. “Hey, squirt.” Wolfie grunted and snorted. “You smell weird. What did you get into?” She picked him up, sniffing him. “Ugh. It’s like wild ginger or something. Yuck.” Harry eyed Wolfie, a slight smile lingering around his mouth. He struggled in her arms, extending his hands towards the friendly newcomer. She gave the child over to him, albeit reluctantly. “Do you have any kids, Harry?”


“Your tribe didn’t kidnap women?”


Wolfie clung to him, grunting while jumping up and down on his knees. He swatted his butt, and the youngster stilled instantly. “Hey! Don’t hit my kid.”

“Not good to jump on people.”

Her hands went to her hips. “We manage our children just fine here, mister. I don’t need you abusing my kid.”

The pat hadn’t affected Wolfie in the least. He settled easily, licking his lips, while staring at his mother. “He learn manners. Now he’s a good boy.” He petted Wolfie, who purred instantly.

I enjoyed this interaction, finding it amusing how upset Leslie had become, staring down her nose at the strange Sasquatch.

“Okay, give me my kid back.” She held out her arms. “Come here, honey.” Wolfie wasn’t

interested in leaving Harry’s lap. He ignored his mother’s entreaty, preferring to purr, while being petted. She pointed her finger in Harry’s face. “Don’t hit my kid again.”

“Don’t you think you might be overreacting a bit?”

She glared at me. “Stay out of it.”

Harry’s eyes glinted. “Mommy needs her butt spanked too.”

Leslie’s mouth fell open. “You got some nerve.”

Oh, boy. This was more fun than watching Zelda scolding Pooky for dragging feces into camp on the bottom of his feet. Leslie glared at Harry, while Wolfie snorted happily, unaware that a battle of the wills was occurring.

“Don’t think you can just show up here and throw your weight around. You’re in our camp.”

“What’s goin’ on?” Zelda approached, carrying several gutted fish. “We got cooking to start. You finished arguing over there?”

Harry wouldn’t break eye contact, daring her to say or do something else.

“Shit!” Leslie turned on her heel. “Bastard. Can’t wait till they leave. I’m tired of running a goddamn hotel.”

“You’re doin’ real good, honey.” Zelda nodded towards her. “Just hang in there.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

Zelda gave me a look. “It’s gonna be a long day.”

Chapter Six

Later that evening, after I had put Daisy down for bed, I found Leonard by the fire with a pipe in his mouth. Plumes of grey smoke swirled over his head. I hadn’t had a moment alone with him in more than a day, and I wanted to ask him some questions. He eyed me with interest, as I approached.

“I have to talk to you.” He grunted in reply. “Are you free or do I have to make a damn appointment?” He’d understood me perfectly because his belly heaved with a suppressed laugh. I slid onto his lap, and he drew me close. “What the hell is going on?”

“I’m leader now,” he rasped.

“I know that. But why are all these Sasquatches still here?”

“They tell others that I’m leader now.”

“Oh.” I leaned in closer; his pungent fur reeked of marijuana smoke. “When are they leaving?” Kat eyed us, while Dale rubbed her huge belly. They were listening to our conversation.


“Thank God.” It was like being surrounded by strangers, not knowing their habits or proclivities. I had no desire to engage in an orgy with all these apes. I had felt the vibe earlier, and they would certainly enjoy such an event, but I would not participate. “Good. I want it to be just us again.”

“Some might stay.”

“What?” My spirits sank. “What do you mean some are staying?”

“We need more for the tribe. Not enough Bigfoots now.”

“How many are staying?”

“One or two.”

I sighed. “Okay. That’s not so bad. I snuggled into his fur. “I’m tired.”

“You good Porsche.” He licked the side of my face.

“Stop that.” Something hard pressed into my bottom. “Stop that too.”



“I want my Porsche.”

“Not now. We have company.”


I pushed against him. “Oh, behave yourself.”

He grinned, flashing strong, white teeth. “I love my Porsche.”

I met his gaze. “I love you too.”

I turned in his arms, using him as a chair. Zelda stoked the fire, adding branches. Several apes played drums; the sound was beautiful, but primitive, yet relaxing. We had eaten salmon and huckleberries for dinner. The Bigfoots had provided wild asparagus, which we boiled with mushrooms. I’d become accustomed to simple, organic food.

Leslie had yet to put Wolfie down for bed, and the baby had fallen asleep in her arms. She sat on a camp chair, watching us. Several Sasquatches ate, picking meat off the spindly ribs of the remaining fish. They had consumed an enormous quantity of food today. We had nearly depleted our flour stores, and we were out of rice. Harry watched Leslie, while chewing on the end of a stick which he used to clean his teeth.

“You put the baby to bed,” he murmured.

“Don’t tell me what to do.” They had been arguing all day, with no end in sight.

“Baby’s tired.”

“Go blow yourself.”

He hadn’t understood that, but he must have suspected it was a putdown. “You’re a stubborn woman.”

She got to her feet, ignoring him. “I’ll be back.” Wolfie was like a comatose sack of potatoes over her shoulder.

When she returned, Leonard grunted and gestured at Harry, who returned the favor. I glanced between them catching bits and pieces of the conversation. Being with the tribe as long as I had, I could understand some Sasquatch. They wanted to take us away and enjoy alone time.

Oh, Leslie would just love that.

Leslie stalked towards me. “He’s out. I’m bushed. I’m gonna pee and go to sleep.” The camp was littered with Bigfoots, who lounged on their backs, some snoring. She stepped over a hairy leg to get to me. “What’s going on?”

“Um…nothing.” Leonard shifted, getting to his feet and bringing me with him.

“Where are you going?”

“I might’ve heard the word hot spring.”

“Well, have a good time.” Her expression betrayed irritation.

“I’m sure we will,” I giggled.

Harry had come up behind her, picking her up and slinging her over his shoulders. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“I think he wants you to join us.”

She smacked his back, pounding on him with all her might and kicking. “Put me down, you fucking ape!”

Zelda waved to us, grinning. “Have fun, ladies. I’ll keep the home fires burning. Don’t you worry about a thing.”

“Oh, shit! Put me down, you jackass!”

We were whisked into the forest, leaving behind the tribe, who didn’t seem to care that we had abandoned them. Even Pooky looked resigned to be left out of whatever entertainment Leonard and Harry had planned. The walk to the hot spring was short, the slightly rancid smell of sulfur lingering in the air. It was an aroma that didn’t bother me as much anymore, and, luckily, it would not linger on my skin, either that or I had grown immune to it.

Leonard set me on my feet near the edge. “I can walk, you know. You didn’t have to drag me out here.”

“Get in.”

“You first.”

He threw his leg over an embankment of rocks, sinking into the water. Turning, he held out his arms. “Come.”