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“Nah. Notice how we’re the only two she ever asks for a quote, and she does it every week?”

“Yeah. Which one of us is she after? Both of us?”

“Maybe. I’m done with girls for now. I’m gonna focus on school and football,” Jayden said.

“I’d ask her out, but she runs the ezine. Can you imagine what she’d print if she got pissed?” Mickey shook his head. “I’d be afraid to break up with her. Then I’d cheat, she’d find out, and the scandal would be on the front page for like, months.”

“Don’t cheat,” Jayden suggested with a chuckle.

“Even better – I won’t ask her out.”

They bantered back and forth as they rushed to shower and make it to the cafeteria before class started. As they passed through the hallway through the arts wing, Jayden registered the husky, rich and warm vocals of what sounded like an angel. She was a cross between Eartha Kitt and Adele, a sexy purr that set his blood on fire. He stopped in place, surprised someone so talented came from the music room here.

“What?” Mickey asked, pausing a few steps away.

“You hear the singing?”

“Yeah. So?”

Jayden rolled his eyes. The door to one of the music rooms was cracked open. He retraced his steps to peer into it, even more surprised to see such an incredible voice come from such a small girl. She even looked like an angeclass="underline" A petite blonde with porcelain skin and eyes so green, he saw the color clearly from across the room. Her features were delicate and defined, her skin tanned from the summer.

He waved Mickey down the hall towards him. Mickey grumbled about being hungry, but approached.

“Whoa,” Mickey said as he spotted her. “She’s gotta be new. I’d definitely remember her.”

Jayden studied her, as struck by her as he was the instinct she didn’t really fit in at a school that cost fifty thousand a year and required an endorsement from someone on the board. She wore the school uniform of skirt, white shirt, and vest, but it was clearly second hand. The clothes were faded and too baggy to fit her. Her nails were a cheerful pink, and her make-up subdued, just enough to give her bow-shaped lips color and her feathery eyelashes definition. Wispy white-blonde hair that appeared soft enough to touch even from the distance was in a ponytail that reached midway down her back.

Chances were, she was there on a scholarship of some sort, and he could easily hear why.

She was exactly what he didn’t need in his life this year.

“You’re looking at her the way I look at your step sis.” Mickey laughed loudly enough that both student and instructor glanced towards the door. The girl flushed, as if she thought they had the nerve to laugh at someone who sang like she did. The heightened color in her cheeks magnified the clear green depths of her eyes.

“Come on. We’ve gotta get breakfast,” Mickey said, slapping his arm.

His stomach rumbling, Jayden trailed him. The elite academy was small enough that he’d run into the singing angel again sometime today for certain.

They wolfed down breakfast burritos on their way to their first class. The adrenaline from the morning wore off too fast, and Jayden struggled to stay awake for the first two periods. He hit the Coffee Corner midmorning and bumped fists with the football players he ran across in the hallway. They all looked like they were dragging.

By lunchtime, he’d forgotten the girl, focusing his tired mind on surviving the day instead. He was out of it enough that he didn’t notice Kimmie until he closed his locker.

“Oh,” he said, trying to soften his surprise. “Hi, Kimmie.”

“Hey.” Three members of her cheer squad were lined up behind her. “You ignored my phone call last night.”

“No, I was dealing with some things with my mom,” he replied through gritted teeth. “You know how that can be.”

“So you couldn’t call me back this morning?”

“I had football practice at five-thirty.”

She crossed her arms, disbelieving. “Well, we need to talk. Homecoming is next weekend, and…”

Drama. The reason he’d dumped her.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw the angel walk by. Jayden’s whole perspective shifted. He no longer felt tired or stressed; he felt invigorated and drawn to her. She was headed towards the cafeteria.

“…talk.” Kimmie finished.

Jayden had no clue what she said. “We’ll talk later,” he replied.

“Promise? After school?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Kimmie appeared appeased, and Jayden suspected he’d somehow agreed to more than he meant to. Her arms uncrossed, and she smiled. She moved away with her gang of cheer friends. Jayden waited until they were down the hallway before starting towards the cafeteria.

When he arrived, he saw the angel was gone again. She wasn’t in line at any of the trendy restaurants or seated in the food court area. If Mickey hadn’t seen her this morning, he might’ve guessed she was a ghost.

Disappointed, he went to his favorite spot and ordered. While he waited, he went to the soda fountains. Jayden turned to leave and smashed straight into the girl he’d been looking for. Her food went flying. She was headed for the ground as well, but he caught her against him with the instinctive agility that made Coach Higgins proud. Her small gasp, the scent of vanilla and French fries, the warmth of her small frame…

She looked up, her eyes even prettier up close than he expected. They were as flawless as the rest of her. For a moment, they were frozen in their own world.

Chapter Four

Suspended in the awkward position, Adrienne found herself gripping his vest hard, in case the arm supporting her gave way. His skin was the color of milk chocolate, his eyes warm brown. He reminded her of a magazine cover model with chiseled features, large eyes, and an athletic frame pressed against hers that was muscular and warm. Even before he flashed a huge smile, his charisma was apparent in his confident, sparkling gaze. Tall and strong, he held her whole body in one arm, as if she weighed no more than a doll.

“Hey,” he said. His baritone voice was naturally husky.

“Uh hey,” she murmured. She carefully pulled her feet beneath her, uncertain why her insides felt like they were shaking. Or melting. Maybe both?

He grimaced. “I think that’s your soda.”

She felt it then, the cold wetness of the drink crushed between them. It was running down her skirt and one leg. Humiliated, she pushed back from him. His grip loosened without letting her go completely.

Yeah, it was her soda all right. The front of both of their white shirts were soaked, along with the front of his pants and a strip of wetness down her skirt.

“I am so sorry,” she said. She gazed down at her lunch on the floor, dismayed.

“I needed the cold shower.”

Adrienne looked up, startled. Was he … was he flirting with her?

He was grinning. His dazzling smile held her mesmerized for a second, before her face felt too hot under his direct gaze.

“I, um, I can … buy you a new …soda,” she said. She started to the station that held the utensils, straws and napkins, only to realize he was still touching her. He drew her back to stand before him.

“No, but since I ruined your lunch, I’ll buy you a new one,” he replied. “My treat.”

“Oh, no,” she said quickly. “I was done.”

“It doesn’t look like you ate anything,” he said, his gaze on the mess on the floor.

“Yeah,” she murmured, admiring his features again.

“Then I’ll buy.”

She shook her head. Adrienne took a few steps back, slipped, and found herself clutching his arm. He steadied her.

“You sure? I feel totally lame,” he said.

“No, I’m okay,” she answered. “I’ll just go …um, away now.” She turned and hurried to the hallway.