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Tired from his night of poor sleep and the drama of the day before, he found himself putting his phone in his locker. He had a message awaiting him this morning from his mother. She sounded drunk. Or high. He didn’t know and for once, he felt like he couldn’t bring himself to care. How she was able to defend what Grandmama did to Adrienne was beyond him.

“You look like you need this,” Mickey said, thrusting a large coffee at him.

“Thanks.” Jayden closed his locker and took it with a tired smile.

“I saw Tara in her cheer uniform.”

Jayden shook his head. “You’re obsessed, man.”

“Probably. You going for pizza tonight after the game?”

“Don’t think so. I’ve gotta put the twins to bed.”

“Your turn to play daddy this week?” Mickey teased. “If you feed me, I’ll come with you. Izzy loves me.”

“Yeah she does. You’re always welcome, Mickey.”

“Awesome. Maybe I’ll run into Tara?”

“She’s got a hot date tonight, and it’s not with you,” Jayden teased.

“I’ll settle for food.”

They started down the hall together.

“Isn’t that your girl?” Mickey asked quietly, nudging him.

Jayden glanced in the direction he indicated and almost stopped in place.

Adrienne was glowing with happiness. The grin on her face was huge, her new haircut framing the elfin features of her face. She wore the cheer uniform with a short skirt and tank-style top. His eyes drifted down her body automatically, and he was unable to suppress his intense interest at the sight of her tiny waist, the delicate flare of her hips and the shapely legs. He’d been beyond attracted to her since he first heard her sing.

She didn’t know Kimmie was getting ready to prank her. Though when Kimmie’s plan backfired, she wouldn’t have an excuse to kick Adrienne off the team like she planned.

He had no right to expect her to talk to him after yesterday, but he found himself approaching anyway, mesmerized by her beauty, husky purr and the part of her he couldn’t quite figure out.

“Hey,” he said, stopping a few feet from her.

“Hey.” Adrienne looked up at him, features growing pinker.

Whenever she was around, Jayden felt the urge to smile. He studied her, uncertain what to ask. Adrienne gazed at him, her green eyes glowing. He’d held her hand yesterday and hugged her. The need to feel her body in his arms again was strong, the instinct to protect her from the world stronger.

“How are you feeling?” he asked at last. “About today?”

“Great,” she replied. “I’m going to show them why I’m here.” From her tone and the firm set of her chin, she was determined.

“I know you will,” he said. “You’re amazing, Addy.”

She beamed a smile and shifted nervously. The moment grew long, the silence between them awkward.

“We still on for tomorrow?” he asked then braced himself for her answer.

“Yes,” she replied.

“I thought maybe yesterday would’ve scared you off.”

“It takes more than that to scare me,” she told him. “I’m tougher than I look, Jayden.”

“I believe you,” he said and laughed, charmed by the gleam in her gaze. “I’m really glad you’re okay.”

“Thank you.”

The warning bell rang.

“I gotta go,” she said, taking a step back. “I’ll see you later.”

“Later.” He watched her twirl and trot away, admiring her slender frame and the bounce of her hair.

“You’re as bad as I am,” Mickey said from behind him.

“I don’t know what it is about her,” Jayden said, shaking his head. “I can’t think right when she’s around.”

“It’s love.” Mickey clutched at his heart with an overdramatic sigh. “C’mon. We’re going to be late!”

Talking to Adrienne – however briefly – left Jayden feeling at peace and refreshed. She was better than a large coffee.

Assured everything was going to be okay today, he went to his next class, upbeat and excited about Adrienne’s singing debut at the school this afternoon.

Chapter Fourteen

Jayden spoke to her!

Adrienne went to her next class, bursting with joy. He hadn’t paid any attention to the talk about her family’s curse, and he didn’t know that she spent the evening with a voodoo priestess learning about her sister.

She was aware of the students looking at her in the cheer uniform and couldn’t help but smile at everyone she passed. In a matter of a week, she fit into her new school in a way she’d never expected. Jayden liked her and the cheer squad members were quickly becoming her friends.

Despite a steady stream of cards warning her to be cautious, the morning passed in a happy, dreamy haze, the best day of school in her life.

On her way to lunch, Kimmie intercepted her.

“Addy, why don’t you sit with us?” she asked.

“Um, I …” Adrienne glanced towards the open double doors of the cafeteria, hesitating. She’d promised to have lunch with Emma, who was probably waiting for her at the salad station.

“You’re part of the team now, Addy,” Kimmie reminded her. “We always have lunch together on game days. It’s for luck.”

“Oh. Okay. I guess I can do that today,” Adrienne replied.

“Great!” Kimmie looped her arm through Adrienne’s and waved Kayla over. “I’m like, so excited to hear you sing today.”

They walked into the cafeteria. Adrienne’s gaze went to the salad station, where Emma was waiting.

She waved and started towards her, wanting to explain that she was having lunch with the cheer squad today only.

“This way,” Kimmie said, tugging her the opposite direction.

“I need to tell –”

Kimmie made an exasperated sound. “It’s just one lunch.”

Adrienne didn’t resist. She cast a glance over her shoulder, in time to see Emma’s face fall. The lonely girl limped to the salad station alone.

Adrienne pried her arm loose from Kimmie’s, intending to talk to her friend, whether or not Kimmie wanted her to.

Until she saw Jayden seated at the table with the other members of the cheer squad and a few guys in football jerseys.

He caught her gaze and smiled.

All thoughts of Emma faded, and Adrienne walked the rest of the way to the table without Kimmie’s help. She sat down in an empty spot, surprised to see there were two large pizzas on the table already.

“We have a pizza lunch every game day,” the skinny teen with dark eyes and blond hair told her. “I’m Mickey.”

“Adrienne,” she said.

“I know.” He grinned and glanced at Jayden, who was at the other end of the table.

Adrienne followed his look, admiring Jayden’s chiseled profile. He was breathtakingly handsome, so much so she almost didn’t believe he was at all interested in her.

“Hi, Tara,” Mickey said to the girl who sat down beside Adrienne.

“Whatever,” came the curt response. A gorgeous brunette with large, blue eyes and golden skin, Tara had a heart-shaped face and high cheekbones. She was taller than Adrienne, willowy and feminine from her manicured fingernails to her neat hair and the light scent of perfume. Adrienne recognized her when they met earlier from Madame Estelle’s.

Mickey appeared wounded enough for her to giggle.

“Addy, I brought us all that water you like,” Kimmie called from her spot three seats down. “Cherry flavored!” She held out a bottle to Adrienne.

Adrienne took it. While she loved the water, the blood red coloring was a little too similar to the red from her adventures yesterday. She forced a smile.

“Thanks, Kimmie.”

Kimmie beamed and passed out bottles of red water to everyone else on the cheer squad.

A little queasy at the red water, Adrienne touched her ear. She’d taken enough painkillers to keep it from hurting more than a distant throb. Her hair was down, so no one had noticed the bandages around her ear.