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said she was a friend of Doris Batten's and ; her apartment that day and saw the man that s strangling, and that he was here this afternoon, he was aware that she had recognized him, hty she was scared, and she wanted to get you i by telling him that we were wise and he'd bet jf off. No wonder I didn't gulp it down. I realize dislike complications and therefore might scratch this out, but at the end she touched a iby saying that she had enjoyed my company,

to open up to the cops." i do so. Confound it!"

164 Rex Stout

I went to the phone and started dialing WAtkins! 8241. Doc Vollmer came out of his corner and went 1 get his black case from the floor and put it on a chairj Wolfe was pathetic. He moved around behind his de and lowered himself into his own oversized custom-1 made number, the only spot on earth where he wa ever completely comfortable, but there smack in frontf of him was the object on the floor, so after a moment ] made a face, got back onto his feet, grunted like anl outraged boar, went across to the other side of the| room to the shelves, and inspected the backbones of| books.

But even that pitiful diversion got interrupted. As| I finished with my phone call and hung up, sudden; sounds of commotion came from the hall. Dashing a* across, getting fingernails on the edge of the door and pulling it open, and passing through, I saw trouble. A.] group was gathered in the open doorway of the dining I room, which was across the hall. Saul Panzer went bounding past me toward the front. At the front door Colonel Percy Brown was stiff-arming Fritz Brenner with one hand and reaching for the doorknob with the other. Fritz, who is chef and housekeeper, is not supposed to double in acrobatics, but he did fine. Dropping to the floor, he grabbed the colonel's ankles and jerked his feet out from under him. Then I was there, and Saul with his gun out; and there with us was the guest with the mop of black hair.

"You damn fool," I told the colonel as he sat up. "If you'd got outdoors Saul would have winged you."

"Guilt," said the black-haired guest emphatically 'The compression got unbearable and he exploded. I was watching him. I'm a psychiatrist."

"Good for you." I took his elbow and turned him Curtains for Three 165

i in and watch all of 'em. With that wall mirror {Include yourself."

is illegal," stated Colonel Brown, who had to his feet and was short of breath. jMierded them to the rear. Fritz got hold of my jfArchie, I've got to ask Mr. Wolfe about din

I said savagely. "By dinnertime this place more crowded than it was this afternoon. Com Jl^coming, sent by the city. It's a good thing we

Dom ready."

he has to eat; you know that. I should have s in the oven now. If I have to stay here at the attack people as they try to leave, what will

s," I said. I patted him on the shoulder. "Ex

r manners, Fritz, I'm upset. I've just strangled

; woman."

s," he said scornfully, light as well have," I declared.

doorbell rang. I reached for the switch and ton the stoop light and looked through the panel tway glass. It was the first consignment of cops.


opinion Inspector Cramer made a mistake. a, hell, of course he did. It is true that in a room s a murder has occurred the city scientists--mea sniffers, print-takers, specialists, photogra -may shoot the works, and they do. But except circumstances the job shouldn't take all week, the case of our office a couple of hours should flbeen ample. In fact, it was. By eight o'clock the

164 Rex Stoi

I went to the pli 8241. Doc Vollmer, get his black case; Wolfe was pathetic. 1 and lowered made number, the qi ever completely i of him was the obje<3 made a face, got outraged boar, ' room to the shehf books.

But even that p I finished with m^'j sounds of commol across, getting: pulling it open, andj group was gatheretfl room, which was' bounding past me w Colonel Percy Br with one hand and i other. Fritz, who is ] posed to double in a? to the floor, he i his feet out from Saul with his gun < with the mop of 1

"You damn fooVyi you'd got outdo�H*|

"Guilt," said " "The compresskSN was watching him. J

"Good foryo�u^


164 Rex St�

I went to the ]_ 8241. Doc Vollmeri get his black case i Wolfe was pathetic^ and lowered made number, the^j ever completely < of him was the obj made a face, got outraged boar, room to the she books. 1

But even that'j! I finished with rip! sounds of con across, getting 1 pulling it open, i group was gathe room, which was bounding past me J Colonel Percy with one hand and) other. Fritz, who iti) posed to double in J to the floor, he j his feet out'from � Saul with his gun < with the mop of 1

"You damn feoljj you'd got outdo

"Guilt," said "The compr was watching 1

"Good for yottS


164 Rex Stout

I went to the phone and started dialing WAtkins 98241. Doc Vollmer came out of his corner and went to get his black case from the floor and put it on a chair. Wolfe was pathetic. He moved around behind his desk and lowered himself into his own oversized custom made number, the only spot on earth where he was ever completely comfortable, but there smack in front of him was the object on the floor, so after a moment he made a face, got back onto his feet, grunted like an outraged boar, went across to the other side of the room to the shelves, and inspected the backbones of books.

But even that pitiful diversion got interrupted. As I finished with my phone call and hung up, sudden sounds of commotion came from the hall. Dashing across, getting fingernails on the edge of the door and pulling it open,, and passing through, I saw trouble. A group was gathered in the open doorway of the dining room, which was across the hall. Saul Panzer went bounding past me toward the front. At the front door Colonel Percy Brown was stiff-arming Fritz Brenner with one hand and reaching for the doorknob with the other. Fritz, who is chef and housekeeper, is not supposed to double in acrobatics, but he did fine. Dropping to the floor, he grabbed the colonel's ankles and jerked his feet out'from under him. Then I was there, and Saul with his gun out; and there with us was the guest with the mop of black hair.

"You damn fool," I told the colonel as he sat up. "If you'd got outdoors Saul would have winged you,"

"Guilt," said the black-haired guest emphatically. "The compression got unbearable and he exploded. I was watching him. I'm a psychiatrist." "Good for you." I took his elbow and turned him.

Curtains f�r Three 1�5

> back in and watch all of 'em. FA that wall mir*�r � can include yourself."

'This is illegal/' stated Colonel grown, who kisad nbled to his feet and was short d breath, aul herded them to the rear. Fiiz got hold of *ny eve. "Archie, I've got to ask Mr.Wolfe about f3Bnf "

"Nuts," I said savagely. "By dmertime this ptsace 1 be more crowded than it was tte afternoon. O�jm

tty is coming, sent by the city. Ift a good thing- we

Are a cloakroom ready."

f"But he has to eat; you know that. I should feasave

I ducks in the oven now. If I have to stay here alt. the 1 and attack people as they try to leave, what, will


|"Nuts," I said. I patted him on the shoulder. -=*tExs my manners, Fritz, I'm upset Fve just strai�Bgled

; woman." "Nuts," he said scornfully.

might as well have," I declared, he doorbell rang. I reached for the switeb* and 1 on the stoop light and looked through the ^jjanel '-way glass. It was the first consignment of " cops.


ny opinion Inspector Cramer made a ra^�stake. �ion, hell, of course he did. It is true that in an room s a murder has occurred the city scientists------mea sniffers, print-takers, specialists, ph�s�togra may shoot the works, and they do. But * except circumstances the job shouldn't take attB week, _ the case of our office a couple of hours, should t been ample. In fact, it was. By eight o'cfcewek the