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Mary Evans, my agent, sold my first story to The New Yorker before we met in person, and she has kept the faith with me since those days in Iowa in 1991. Her discerning eye and wise counsel have made a writer of me, and her friendship has made me a better person. Robin Desser had a hand in my first book, and it was a privilege to get to work with her on this one. Robin saw this book through its many iterations and spent innumerable hours with it and with me, and I am so indebted to her. I have often thought that the grace, passion, humility, and extraordinary skill she brings to her craft are attributes she shares with the physicians I most admire. My thanks also to Sarah Rothbard, Robin's wonderful assistant. I am most grateful to Sonny Mehta for his enthusiasm for this story and his steadfast support of my writing.

Medicine is a demanding mistress, yet she is faithful, generous, and true. She gives me the privilege of seeing patients and of teaching students at the bedside, and thereby she gives meaning to everything I do. Like Ghosh, every year, at commencement, I renew my vows with her: I swear by Apollo and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia to be true to her, for she is the source of all … I shall not cut for stone.

Abraham Verghese,

Stanford, California, June 2008


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