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“I doubt Julian will leave you alone during your first change, and Dr. Howard might want to check you out as well. You’ll be the first Bear shifter created in Halle and he’ll be dying to get his claws into you.”

Great. Just what Cyn needed. She’d be a giant, furry lab rat for an overly curious kitty. “What else?”

“Teeth and claws will come after your eyes change. But the change will be upon you when fur sprouts from your arms. You’d better be naked by then too, because this isn’t some werewolf movie where your clothes magically disappear. You’ll either rip right through them or hurt yourself trying to squirm free of them.”

“Oh.” Cyn sat on the sofa and grinned at the Beta. “So this was all just an excuse for Julian to get me naked.”

“Funny, I said something similar just before my change.” Becky held up her hand. “Hold on, phone’s ringing.”

What? Cyn hadn’t heard—

The phone rang, and Becky answered. “Wallflowers, Becky speaking. How may I— Hey, Simon.” A soft smile crossed Becky’s face. “Sure, baby. I’ve eaten. Uh-huh. Glucose levels are good, I swear. Mm-hmm. Yes, I love you too. Bye.”

“You’re diabetic?”

“Hmm? Oh! No, I’m severely hypoglycemic. Be right back.” Becky left the room and came back quickly with a glass of orange juice. “I had a nasty surprise right after Simon and I mated. I wound up in the hospital with low blood sugar after having hallucinations that an apple was trying to kill me.”

And she thought Julian was weird. Maybe it was best to get Becky back to the topic that interested Cyn the most. “The bite. What does that feel like?”

Becky smiled. “The best god-damn orgasm of your life.”

Now it was Cyn’s turn to blush. “Oh.”

“Yeah.” Becky sipped from her juice, but her expression was wicked. “Big O.”

The women exchanged a look before bursting into laughter.

Chapter Eleven

They pulled up outside Julian’s house that evening in silence. Cyn was startled to find her hands were shaking. She was so not ready for this.

“It will be all right, Cyn.”

His deep voice washed over her, attempted to soothe her, but there was no calming her. She was getting something she’d been begging for these last few weeks, and now that it was finally happening her damn nerves were getting the better of her. She lifted her chin, determined not to let Julian see how anxious she was. “Sure it will.”

Julian shook his head and got out of the car. Cyn followed him at a slower pace up the walkway and through the front door. “Are we going to eat before we start? I’m starving.”

“No.” He hung his jacket up and took hers, placing it beside his own with an odd air of satisfaction. “You might puke it back up.”

“Funny. None of the ladies mentioned puking as a side effect of the bite.”

He grinned and led her into the living room. “That’s because none of them were Kermode.”

“Lovely.” She took a seat on his sofa and glared at him. “So other ladies get mind blowing orgasms. I get to blow chunks.”

The darkly sensual look he shot her should have melted her on the spot. “Oh, you’ll get the orgasm. Trust me on that one.” Julian settled next to her, far too close for her peace of mind. “But there are…side effects that occur when a Kermode attempts to change a human.”

Her brows shot up. “Attempts?”

He sighed and tugged on his braid, a sure sign he wasn’t as comfortable talking about this as he appeared to be on the surface. “I’m not allowed to go in to too much detail about what happens after the mating bite.” He dropped his braid and took hold of her hand. “The absolute worst that could happen is you’ll wake up unchanged and puking.”

“The best?”

He kissed her palm. “You’ll be like me.”

She was still shaking. At least he wasn’t trying to hide anything from her. “I thought the change was sort of a done deal once you sank fang into flesh.”

“Not for Kermode.”

“Because you’re special.”

“Yup. There are prices we pay to be what we are. Only a few learn what that means. Our mates are some of those few.”

“Wait. Did I say we were mating tonight?”

That feral light was back in his eyes, the silver sparks widening until his irises were completely gray. A broad streak of white grew in his hair. “Yes.”

The shaking got worse. She was so not ready for this. But what else could she do? “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”

“You’re such a romantic.” He stole a soft kiss. “Are you ready?”

Suddenly she couldn’t sit still a second longer. She hopped up and began to pace like a caged tiger. “No. I’m not ready, damn it.” She pulled her hair, hoping the pain would help her focus. “Shit. I’m tying my life force to yours for what, eternity? And we haven’t even gotten past first base.”

“I could remedy that before I bite you. Hell, I’m willing and able. Very able.”

She whirled on him and pointed. “Favorite color.”

“Lately? Pink. Used to be blue.”

She flushed but refused to allow his response to throw her. He was staring at her hair again, his fingers twitching like he wanted to touch the pink, blonde and black strands. “Favorite food?”

“Blueberry muffins.”


“Gemini, hockey, yellow gold, anything written by Joss Whedon, The Wheel of Time series and Jessica Alba.” One eyebrow rose arrogantly. “Anything else?”

Her finger dropped. “You like the Wheel of Time books?”

“You don’t?”

She shuddered.

“Oh. Well, let’s just forget the whole thing then.” He propped his hands on his hips. “And here I thought Jessica would be the deal-breaker.”

“You’re a Gemini. That alone is enough to make me think twice. You people are schizo.”

“Says the fiery, temperamental Aries. At least you’ll keep me on my toes, right?”

“Which set, oh Gemini? Good twin’s or evil twin’s?”

“Both.” Julian was stalking her around the room, his eyes intent, silver-flecked. She didn’t even realize she’d begun backing away from him until she banged into his coffee table. “I can smell you. Your need calls to me. I bet you’re ripe for me, all plump and juicy.”

Cyn stopped retreating. “You make me sound like a Ball Park Frank.”

Some of the feral need on Julian’s face dissipated, his quirky sense of humor coming to the fore. “Not quite the imagery I was going for. I’m not that in to wieners.”

“So you are into wieners, then?”

“NO! Gah. No.” Julian shuddered. “Not… Shit. Can I just bite you now?”

She took a deep breath and a flying leap of faith. “Thought you’d never ask.”

Julian didn’t pounce the way she thought he would, taking her down like a wounded deer. Instead, he reached out and cradled her neck in his hand. “This might sting a bit. If it does, I’m sorry.”

She smiled and hoped it wasn’t showing just how shaky she was. “Just do it already.”

His eyes turned pure silver, filled with desire. He bent down and nibbled her neck, sending shivers down her spine. “You smell so good.”

Cyn shuddered as his lips brushed against her skin. She wrapped her arms around his waist and tilted her head, giving him better access. Julian touched her in ways no other man ever had. She was still trying to figure out what magic he wielded to make her feel like this, like she couldn’t decide whether to ravish him or run.

Then his teeth scrapped against her skin and the decision was made. That just felt too damn good to run away from.