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“I’m calling an ambulance. You have to calm down, Cyn.”

“Yeah. Please calm down, you’re scaring the straights.” Tim’s voice shook, but once again, his focus seemed to be on Glory’s wound and not Cyn’s freakiness.

Cyn tried to will her claws away, but something fought her, something that desperately wanted to come out, find the being that had hurt her friend, and beat it to death with its own arms. It wanted to roar out her rage and her grief until the very building shook.

She heard Tabby speaking on the phone. The ambulance was on its way, but the information didn’t help. She had to do something.

She reached up and placed her hand on the bloody T-shirt, almost crying out at how soaked it already was. Blood was bubbling from Glory’s lips as she breathed. That couldn’t be a good thing. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to calm herself down. If she was going to try this, she couldn’t be in a killing rage.

If her Bear was already with her enough to sprout claws, then he was with her enough to help her heal.

Cyn closed her eyes and mentally reached for the presence she could feel in the back of her mind. It wrapped itself around her like a furry, loving blanket, a living hug inside her head. She’d never be alone again, would always have someone who believed in her. Her Bear understood her in ways no one else did or ever would, not even her mate. It loved and accepted her anyway, and Cyn could do no less. She opened her heart to her Bear, joining them together forever.

Once her Bear understood what it was she wanted, it eagerly showed her the spiraling, healing path she’d need to take. It wanted to save Glory too, and lent her its strength. The power trickled forth from her palms and into Glory’s wound.

It wouldn’t be enough to heal Glory. But she didn’t need to. All she had to do was keep Glory alive long enough for either Julian or the ambulance to arrive. She wasn’t certain why she didn’t have Super Bear’s healing powers, but she couldn’t take the time to question it now. She could feel her strength waning almost immediately and prayed they’d arrive quickly.

The world around her was quickly graying, her vision darkening at the edges. When the paramedics finally arrived they pushed her out of the way, quickly assessing the damage to Glory’s chest. IVs went in and bandages were wrapped around the wound. Cyn knew something was wrong with Glory’s lung, and it scared her. Alex arrived just as they strapped her onto the gurney and wheeled her out to the ambulance.

“What the fuck happened?” His hazel eyes had gone dark brown. He rushed to Tabby’s side, checking her over for wounds.

Cyn scooted back, uncaring that she was in broken glass. Her hands and arms were covered in Glory’s blood and she was so dizzy she was afraid she would pass out at any moment. She’d never been so tired in her life. “Someone took a shot at us and hit Glory.”

“No offense, but I think I’ll skip the tattoo today.” Tim was pale. He watched Alex check Tabby over with a pained expression. The poor kid had it bad.

She tilted her head and tried to smile at Tim. “You okay?”

His answering laugh was shaky. “Oh yeah. I’m peachy. What the hell is with the claws, by the way?”

“He saw your claws?” Alex muttered under his breath. “And I thought I had control problems.”

She flipped him the bird. “Do you really want to know the answer to that, Tim?”

He nodded slowly. “I think I do.”

She looked up to make sure that they were alone in the shop. “Okay, but don’t ever say I didn’t warn you.”

He blew out a shaky breath. “Just tell me.”


“Cyn.” Alex shot her a warning glance, but what was she supposed to do? Tim had seen her claws, and she doubted he’d buy a bad manicure story.

“Do you believe in werewolves? I mean, I’m not one of them, but do you believe in them?”

“Shit.” Alex sighed and hugged Tabby close. “I hope you know what you’ve just done.”

“Werewolves, huh?” Tim stared at Alex and bit his lip, pondering God only knew what. He then looked down at Cyn’s hands, his expression distracted. “I do now.”

Julian raced to the hospital corridors, his only thought to see his mate. Was she all right? Had she been hit?

Someone had shot at Cyn.

He could have lost her.

Those two thoughts kept cycling around in his head. She could have died. As it was, Glory was in critical condition, the bullet having pierced one of her lungs. Ryan had raced ahead of him, desperate to get to his mate. If Glory died, Ryan would follow her. Despite the fact that they hadn’t shared mating marks, Ryan had somehow already linked their life forces. Julian had never seen anything like it. Ryan had known even before the phone call came in that Glory was badly hurt. He’d been pounding on Julian’s door, frantic, as Julian’s cell phone rang. When Cyn told him what had happened he’d been equally worried.

Ryan had come for him rather than going straight for the hospital. He’d made it clear that he hoped Julian would be able to save Glory when the doctors might not be able to. Julian was more than willing to try. As frustrating as it was to watch her yank Ryan’s chain, Julian would do anything to save his mate’s best friend. Ryan had taken off in a cloud of burning rubber when Julian had taken too long to get dressed. Julian, watching the Grizzly peel away, had actually been glad he wasn’t in the car with him. He didn’t have a death wish.

He skidded around the corner into the ICU nurse’s station. “I’m looking for Glory Walsh.”

“Are you family?” Julian shook his head no. “I’m sorry, sir, no one’s allowed in unless they’re family. You’ll have to go to the waiting room.”

He ground his teeth together. “Is Ryan Williams here?”

The woman gulped. “I’m afraid we had to have him escorted out. He was far too disruptive.”

Oh, shit. They had no idea what they’d done. They were lucky they didn’t have a rampaging Grizzly in the parking lot.

“You understand you just kicked out her fiancé. He had every right to be here.”

The two nurses exchanged a worried glance. “He didn’t tell us he was her fiancé.”

“I’ll go find him and bring him back. I’ll do my best to keep him calm, but I’m sure you can understand why he was upset.” If he didn’t get to Ryan soon he had no idea what the Grizzly would do.

He’d also have to figure out a way to get into Glory’s room. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed Jamie Howard’s personal number. He sniffed the air as discreetly as he could, hoping to catch Ryan’s scent. He followed it to the elevator and stepped in just as Jamie picked up.

“Hey, Julian. How’s Glory?”

“They won’t let me in to see her.” He’d called Jamie on the way to the hospital to inform him of what had happened and that he wouldn’t be in the office for a day or two. Jamie had told him to stay at the hospital until Glory was out of the woods. “Worse, they kicked Ryan out for being disruptive.”

“Shit. Let me make a few phone calls. I’ll get you in to see Glory, you keep Ryan calm.”

“I’m tracking him down now. I haven’t seen Tabby or Alex yet, and I haven’t found Cyn.” He ran his fingers through his hair. There were just so many things to worry about; it was starting to give him a headache. “I wonder if anyone has called Glory’s parents.”

“You concentrate on Ryan and Glory. Let Alex protect Cyn and Tabby.”

He stepped out of the elevator and followed Ryan’s scent out of the hospital. “Not good enough. I need to find out if Cyn is hurt.”

“She would’ve called and told you if you she was.”

Julian stopped and pulled the ear from his phone, staring at it in disbelief. “You don’t know her very well, do you?” He put the phone back to his ear in time to hear Jamie chuckle. “Her fucking jaw was broken and she didn’t call me because she didn’t want me to be bothered about it.”