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“Calm down. They aren’t alone. I’ll warn my men to keep a lookout. You three need to sit tight. If Dennis Boyd is in town, he might decide to take out his son instead of running after Tabby. Stay there where you’re being watched over, got it?”

“Will do,” Julian said loudly, replacing his phone in his pocket. “Rick is aware of who we think the shooter is. He’s going to take Tabby and Alex on a little hiking trip to see if she can catch his scent. Hopefully they won’t find anything.”

She growled at him. “We need to protect Tabby.”

Julian’s silver eyes glittered. His Bear was close to the surface. “No. We stay put, like Gabe told us to.”

She opened her mouth, ready to argue, but closed it when she saw the way he was still shaking. “What happened? What has you so scared?” Hell, the way he was reacting, her Bear was trying to scramble its way out. She’d seen him silly, scared, upset, even angry. But this was the first time she’d ever seen him terrified.

His lips compressed, his jaw clenching so hard she could feel the pain of it.

“Jules? Just tell me. I’ll find out anyway.”

He sighed and leaned against the counter, his arms folded over his chest. He refused to look at her. “I had a vision.”

“A bad one, I’m guessing.” Whatever had scared her mate so badly would be dealt with. She didn’t even realize her claws had extended until they dug into her palms.

“I need you to stay safe.” He finally looked at her, those bright, beautiful eyes of his dull with pain. “I can’t…” He bit his lip and turned away again.

Shit. This was worse than she thought. She barely noticed Micah watching the two of them closely, her attention centered solely on Julian. “Tell me about the vision.”

He ignored her, staring out the front window at the dark street. He was so tense she thought he might shatter with a breath.

She took a step toward him, needing to soothe him. “Julian, tell me so I can deal with whatever—”


She gasped as his power rolled over her, the strength in him stunning her. She hadn’t realized how strong he was until her Bear bowed her head in submission, accepting Julian’s right to rule her actions. She would’ve been pissed as hell if his fear hadn’t been steamrolling over her, nearly dragging her to her knees.

“I cannot lose you.” He was practically panting, his eyes wild with fear.

She had to force herself to walk toward him. It was like being thigh high in the ocean, trying to force herself to move forward while the waves of fright kept pushing her back. She could barely keep her balance, both emotionally and physically. “You aren’t going to lose me.”

“I can’t.” Her beautiful lover began to cry, and Cyn knew she wasn’t going anywhere. Not when his vision was affecting him this badly. “I waited so long for you. I can’t lose you now.”

“Shh.” She reached up and brushed away a crystal tear, the heavy weight of his fear receding at the touch of his skin under her fingertips. “I’m not going anywhere. Not without you.” She hugged him tight, almost crying herself as he shook in her arms. His tears were wet against her neck. “You need to tell me about this vision of yours, okay? So we can both be safe.”

Julian took a deep, shuddering breath, and nodded.

She stroked his hair, undoing his braid so she could finger comb the long strands. There was still far too much silver in the black for her comfort. “So how long exactly did you wait for me?” Her voice was shaky, but at least she’d managed a light tone. She had a pretty good idea what he must have seen, but she was more scared for him than she was for herself. She had to find out exactly what he’d seen, but first she had to get him to calm down.

“Since the first moment I saw you.”

She pulled back and stared up at him. Julian had met her almost a year ago. Alex had been right. Julian had been suffering before they mated. “Was I worth it?”

His thumb stroked over her cheekbone as he smiled down at her. “You’re worth everything.”

“Y’all are so cute together. You should be a Hallmark card.”

Cyn and Julian turned as one to glare at Micah.

“Sorry.” He gave them a sheepish grin. “I haven’t found my mate yet. I’m not sure whether I should be jealous or vomit from the sugar overload.”

Julian patted her on the behind, still a little teary. “Well, my sugar needs to get her ass behind some nice, thick walls.” He eyed the plate glass window with disfavor. “Seriously thick walls. Maybe underground.”

Cyn rolled her eyes and hid her grin. “I’m a Bear, not a mole.”

Julian wiped his eyes dry with the heels of his hands. His answering smile was shaky. “Because weremoles are just silly.”

“Um. What?” Micah’s brows rose. “What the hell are y’all talking about?”

Cyn giggled as Julian began counting on his fingers. “There are no weremoles, werevoles, wererats, weremice…” Her Jules was sounding more like himself and less like the half-crazed maniac that had run into her shop a few minutes before. She would get to the bottom of his vision, one way or another. But for now, she was content that he was safe.

“…but we’re still not certain about weredolphins and wereorcas. What do you think?”

Julian knew he’d scared the hell out of Cyn, but it was all just too much. First Glory was shot, then Marie, but the vision of Cyn lying dead in his arms had been the final straw. He just couldn’t contain his fear.

Hell. If Ryan and Alex found out he’d cried he’d be forced to turn in his man card. He’d be getting Judy Garland movies every Christmas for the rest of his life.

“Are you serious?” Micah’s jaw seemed to be permanently unhinged if the way his mouth remained open was any indication.

Julian barely heard the shattering of glass, the cracking sound of the gunshot. All that registered was the sudden flaring pain radiating from Micah. The Marietta Alpha staggered and grabbed his bleeding shoulder. Without thought Julian extended his power toward the wounded man, beginning the process of healing. It was a through-and-through, thank the ancestors. The only concern would be infection.

“Down!” Cyn grabbed him and tossed herself on top of him, breaking his connection to the healing path. Micah fell to the ground as outside the shop the world erupted, cops shouting for the shooter to show himself. All the cops surrounding Cyn were Pumas; Julian didn’t think he’d be getting away.

“Jesus. You weren’t kidding when you said someone was trying to kill you.” Micah crawled toward them, his expression a mask of pain.

“No shit.” Julian pushed Cyn off of him. Where the hell did she get off covering him? It was his job to protect her, not the other way around. “We need to get out of here.” He began crawling on his belly toward the back of the shop, heading for the employee area and the back door.

“Aren’t you the one who said ‘sit tight’?” Cyn was following him closely even as she questioned him.

“The shooter has to be out front still. No way can he get past the Pumas guarding you. But in front of those windows he can take more shots at us.”

“He’s right. My dad was always one hell of a hunter. Don’t trust that he’ll stay put, either. He’ll be running for the hills, hoping to get another shot at you on a different day.”

Julian pushed aside the curtain and made his way into the break room. “Do you think he’ll go after Tabby?”

“If he figures out she’s not in town? Yes.” Micah held the curtain open for Cyn, dropping it when she was safely inside.

“Rick can keep her safe. Ben and Ted won’t allow anyone to touch her, especially since she’s a Pack mate.” Julian listened, waiting for the cops to come in the shop. Eventually they’d have to tell them whether or not they’d caught the son of a bitch.