Still idly rubbing her naked flesh, she found herself wondering if the dog she saw in the parking lot at Carson's ever sucked and licked at his mistress' breasts. She imagined his lengthy red tongue streaking out – sending fierce rippling shivers all through the woman's tingling flesh…
Dora shivered herself. How had she gotten onto this? Thoughts of Brute this morning, then Jane's obscene – but fascinating – Polaroid snapshot, and finally the woman with that dog in the parking lot…
An involuntary quiver of desire broke through the young wife's entire voluptuous body. Abruptly, as if drawn by a magnet, she pressed her fingers hard inside the swollen lips of her hotly tingling pussy with a soft moan of ardent surrender. Just as abruptly, she gasped and drew them out. She had to get into the shower!
Occasionally as the needle spray – first hot then cold – prickled at her flushed and flaming flesh, she still retained some of that urgent desire, but gradually it tended to evaporate. Except for those moments when she unthinkingly soaped herself up between her legs as if to thoroughly wash out her cunt. Fortunately she managed to catch herself in time, however. She didn't want to fall into that obscene trap of masturbatory lust, and swore that she would resist it with everything in her.
At long last Dora managed to regain some kind of control over her over- excited body. Turning off the shower, she stepped out of it and began narcissistically toweling her voluptuous contours, fondling her nakedly glistening flesh just a little more affectionately with a rough cloth than she should have.
And then she heard it. A soft kind of mewling, partly pleading, begging, half-crazed under some sort of torment. A chill of primitive fear raced through her. What was going on in her house!?
Wrapping the bath towel loosely around her breasts and buttocks, water still dripping from her hair-thick pubic "vee," she flung off her shower cap and raced into the hall.
"Oooooooh, please… oh no… please don't… OH GOD!"
It was June! In some kind of trouble! But where was she? Visions of a half-crazed murderer with her beautiful blonde daughter at his lecherous mercy raced through Dora's excited mind. She had to find her!
"Darling… ooooooh that's it, lover… oh darling… Goooooooood… just slide it into me lover… ooooohhhhhh…"
It was coming from June's bedroom!… But the words had altered so that now it was evident that June was not in danger – she was misbehaving, probably with some boy she had brought home from school! That little hussy! Dora would show her! Mortified by what she assumed to be twelve year old indiscretion, she hurried down the corridor to June's room.
Seething with rage, June's mother paused before the door, through which she could hear the continuing and fiercely rousing sounds of young lust being fulfilled.
"Darling… oh yes… that's it… oh darling… I love you… fuck me… darling…"
Fuck her? Dora had assumed she had stumbled on merely a hot petting session, but this was too much. June was only twelve years old! At the very least she could have the decency to hold onto her virginity at least a little longer! But to do it right here in her own home…! Furious, Dora pushed open the door ahead of her.
And froze with heart-stopping shock right where she stood!
For there, in the middle of June's frilly little-girl bed, was her beautiful blonde daughter crouching on all fours, her long hair hanging forward around her face and down onto the bed, her ripely developing breasts brushing against the coverlet – while in back of her, accompanied by ecstatic mewling whimpers and sighs from both parties, was the family dog Brute, his heavy forepaws on her pale smooth back, his red tongue hanging loosely out of his mouth, as his huge, shining animal-cock slid with a soft obscene sucking sound in and out of June's tight little cunt!
Dora clutched at the door, afraid for the moment that she was going to swoon away into a dead faint. This… this was too much…
The bath towel fell away from her opulent flesh and her skin began to cool over-fast, covering quickly with goose bumps. Her glazed, unbelieving eyes fastened breathlessly on the amazing lewd sight taking place on her own darling little daughter's bed. She couldn't tear her eyes away. The lewd thought of this powerful German shepherd fucking into her naked and defenseless young daughter who was quaking on the bed with each violent animal thrust between her thighs, sent shivers of erotic sensuality coursing madly down Dora's spine. Yet her eyes glued to the lewd scene, unable to shift for a single instant. The evil fascination of June's depraved ravishment held her glued to the spot and unable to breathe, and up between her trembling thighs, the lips of her own vagina throbbed relentlessly, fast becoming gorged with blood and desire. Tiny pulsations of sensual need spread electrically through the small swollen bud of her clitoris and she bit her lower lip tightly to hold back the forbidden sensations which were now assaulting her aching loins.
Could this really be her sweet blonde June, bent over so obscenely on all fours with their huge watchdog mounted on the softly spread rounds of her buttocks, his glistening penis sliding slickly in and out of her virginal vagina? Before her very eyes, that shining, scarlet instrument slipped in and out of the hot wet sheath between June's legs, occasionally pulling all the way out to disclose its dripping, tapered head. Then June would moan with lust and wiggle her buttocks back onto it. The tapered point slipped and danced in her hot, moist anal crevice as Brute jerked, trying in vain to bury his glittering penis in her hot young body once more.
June looked back sobbing, oblivious to anything else except the intense need to recapture that lengthening shaft of animal hardness deep in her wanting cunt.
Like a bitch in heat she bucked back against her pet, but the sharp cock-tip missed momentarily, then slid upward at a sharp, deadly angle, through her ass-cheeks, toward the snug little pucker of her anus. Then it righted itself and plunged deep, deep into June's pleading vagina, eliciting a cry from the helpless young blonde child that was partly agony and partly excruciated delight.
Then Brute began fucking into her generously with great speed, his sperm-bloated crevice swatting softly underneath into her sensitive hair-fringed pussy crevice, rubbing against his twelve year old blonde mistress's tiny clitoris and drawing increased moans of lust from her lips with every last sway and nudge.
The hot red glow of his jabbing penis contrasted sharply with the fevered pink flesh of June's passion-inflamed cunt, and watching from the doorway, Dora found herself unable to breathe, although she snorted hoarsely. Something was taking violent hold of her. It was as if she were the person being so furiously fucked by their handsome German shepherd… yes, as if she were the one who had Brute's powerful cock sliding oh so wonderfully in and out, in and out… of her cunt… or… or even her anus…
Dora moaned and her nostrils flared, her fingers sliding purposefully lower across her belly towards the soft, tangled "vee" of hair between her weak and tremulous legs…
The huge dog was bucking madly into her beautiful daughter now, although his eyes occasionally glanced at Dora. His tongue, shining with saliva, lolled lasciviously out of his slavering head. His huge cudgel looked bloated and much too great for June's tender virginal pussy to take, but there was no doubt that the twelve year old blonde was taking it, moaning all the I while with increased delirium with each wonderfully savage thrust. It slithered forward with a wet lewd rush until it was sunk to the hilt, Brute's hairy balls swinging below her passion-moistened pubic hair and slapping at her clitoris as if spanking her. A moan of tremulous lust broke from June's lips, and she moved rhythmically backwards to meet the loving thrust of the panting dog. As his forelegs trapped her wasp-like waist, she began to undulate her body and move her buttocks in licentious little circles, abandoning herself totally to the delicious animal fucking she was receiving from behind. When her face turned sidewise, it was evident to Dora that her daughter was really and truly in love enjoying this obscene bestiality.