She visualized Sammy raping his cock into Mary Kay's hairy cunt and began coming. Sweet God, this was even better than the first time had been. Her whole body a torrent of fiery pleasure, she felt her vagina milking Mike's cock. He hadn't spurted his load into her yet.
They both knew he was going to go at her again. But, while she came, he held still, his swollen cock deep in her spasming hole. The sun burning down mercilessly on her bare skin was no hotter than the fire scorching the inside of her body. When she was done and drained and slumped over Mike, he pushed up against her. She let him roll her over. His cock was still stuffing her cunt. He got her over onto her back, then lifted up on his hands and stared down at her. She lay there, exhausted, spitted on his cock. She had her arms over her head.
Her already lean torso was stretched flat. Her golden blonde hair, flecked with sand, was fanned out around her head. Mike began to screw her with steady, skilled thrusts. Tilting his hips this way, then that, he changed the angle of penetration with every drive. The head of his phallus tore along the stretchy walls of her cunt with every thrust. Her channel, unaccustomed to such bulk, hurt. But her passion was building yet again as she took his drives, let him run her through with his phallus over and over and over again. She was being martyred on his priapean tower. She was coming again.
Unbelievably, incomprehensibly, she was being engulfed in yet another orgasm. Bui she was so drained and exhausted her muscles couldn't convulse the way they had before. All she could do was lie there and feel the searing waves of pleasure sweep through her. Mike sped up his drives. He was now keeping the same angle on his thrusts. He ground the head of his cock along the back of her vagina, making the velvety wall angle his cock upward into her guts. All the friction was concentrated on the nerve knot just below his glans and at the back wall of Jan's cunt. But it only lasted a moment. Mike's body reacted to the powerful stimulation by exploding in a powerful eruption. Semen poured into Jan's tender, aching vagina. Sinking his cock full depth in her tight hole, he thrust at her and let his full weight come down to her. He humped his prick into her as it spurted thick globs of come deep into her body. Wave after thick wave of fluid poured into her, then pressured back from her already glutted chamber to ooze out and glue them together. When Mike withdrew his drained penis from Jan's drowned pussy, she didn't move, just lay there and let the sun burn her exposed tissues. She stirred when Mary Kay crawled over and touched her. “You okay?” Mary Kay asked, concerned. “I'm fine,” Jan sighed. “Tired and a little achy, but fine.” “How about you and I clean up in the ocean?” Mary Kay suggested. Jan let herself be helped to her feet and walked down to the water with the older girl. They continued until the incoming waves were pushing at them, threatening to capsize them. They sank down into the salty foam. Jan felt her aches easing as the briny water washed her naked flesh. Finally, Jan voiced a fear that had been nagging her.
“God, what if I'm pregnant?” Mary Kay looked over at Jan. “No protection, huh?” “Gee, no,” Jan sighed. “I mean, why should I have? I-I never expected anything like this! Not so soon!” “When did you have your last period?” Mary Kay asked. “It ended two days ago,” Jan answered. “You're okay then,” Mary Kay assured her.
“Are you sure?” “Well, as sure as anyone can be. It's possible you could get knocked up now, but it's not likely if your period's fairly regular.” “It is,” Jan answered. “Tell you one thing, though,” Mary Kay went on. 'You better get on the pill, fast.”
“But, that's so-so planned,” Jan argued. “If I do that, it means I'll be-fucking all the time.” “Bullfeathers,” Mary Kay snorted.
“All it means is that if you do fuck, you're safe.” “I don't know,” Jan replied uncertainly. “Look,” Mary Kay went on patiently, “it is better to be prepared and not fuck, than to fuck when you're unprepared. It'd be damned awkward to have to make a decision about what to do with a little bastard that's growing in your tummy. Expensive too, no matter what you do. Better it never gets started in the first place. Make sense?” “Well, yeah, I suppose so,” Jan agreed reluctantly, fanning cool water onto her battered pussy. They were sitting in waist-deep water, letting the waves swirl around them. “Be realistic,” Mary Kay argued. “Now that you've done it, are you going to stop a heavy petting session short of the goal line?” “Probably not,” Jan acknowledged. God, how could she, now that she knew what it was like? “But how can I get a prescription?” “I've got a doctor that'll take care of you, no questions asked,” Mary Kay replied. “Okay?” “Yes.” “Good girl. With your mother gone, someone's got to help you with these things. Now, we'd better find some suntan oil for certain portions of our bods, or we are going to have some very embarrassing and hard to explain sunburns.” Jan found she was hardly aware of her nudity as they walked down the beach. Mike and Sam were having an impromptu soccer game with an empty can. Their sex organs were bobbing and swinging wildly as they chased down the beach. “How's your father doing?” Mary Kay asked as they walked along. “Oh, a little better. He's still pretty down, though.” “Any woman on the horizon?” Mary Kay probed. Jan shook her head. “No.” “I'd go for him in a minute,” Mary Kay observed. “That silver hair of his is yummy. Does he have it all over?” “I don't know.” “You don't know? You've never seen your father naked?” Mary Kay asked, astonished. “No.” “I'll be damned. Positively Victorian!”
Jan wondered if her father had silver hair around the base of his prick. She tried to visualize him naked, and failed. What little hair he had on his chest was silvery gray. She couldn't picture his crotch at all. “Boy, would I like to get him into bed,” Mary Kay went on. “Wow!” “Mary Kay!” Jan said, flabbergasted. “Well, why not? He's a handsome, unattached male, old enough to know how to really please a woman,” Mary Kay pointed out. “And after a year of celibacy, I'll bet he's really hot to trot I'll bet he's super in bed.” Jan opened her mouth, then shut it again. She didn't know what to say. She did wonder how her father would be in bed. She thought of how long he had been without a woman, and felt a surge of sympathy. Mary Kay's nipples were stiff and hard suddenly. There was a speculative, scheming look in her eyes as she strolled along.
Her lush ass was rolling provocatively.
Thomas Benton
Daddy's Own Sweets
Watching the graceful scissoring of Sue Patterson's slender legs as she led the way through her house, Harry remembered the first time he had met her. Having seen her nude, it took no imagination at all to mentally strip her of the short terry cloth jacket she was wearing. His pulse still raced when he remembered the afternoon at the nudist camp. He was visiting Sue because of a combination of factors… the memory of her slender body, her small, pointy breasts, her thick black pubic bush. Then there was his own rekindled sexuality. Karen had released his bottled up urges, and he needed an outlet desperately. And Karen herself was one reason he was here with Sue Patterson. After getting him turned on and satisfying him that afternoon, Karen had been “unavailable.” When Sue Patterson had called, reminded him who she was, and invited him over for a swim and such (he had no doubt at all about what the “and such” was to be) he had accepted immediately, feeling he was also getting back at Karen.
Jan was another reason. His lithe, blonde daughter had suddenly, unaccountably, become a highly sexual creature. In the past week, half a dozen times or more, he had been forced to chastise her for appearing half nude. The sight of her fifteen-year-old, slender, graceful body sent his lust roaring. Sue was a safe outlet, and would protect Jan from him. “Here we are,” Sue announced, ushering him into the bright sunlight. “It isn't much, but it suffices when, for one reason or another, I can't get out to Paradise.” Harry gazed around the small, fenced back yard. A plastic and steel above-ground pool nestled in one corner. A few inexpensive lounge chairs were scattered around on the grass. A beach towel was spread near the pool.