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"So good… so good," she moaned.

"Did you like it when I played with your asshole?"

"Oh yeah. That's what pushed me over the edge. That was really something."

"Want to eat my pussy?"

"Oh, Lo, I'd love to – but I'm really exhausted. Omigod, what time is it? I should have been home an hour ago."

Hum offered to drive her and the three threw on their clothes and left the Sleepy Valley Motel. The pussy fragrance that lay so heavily in the air had become even more pungent. Before he left the motel room, Hum filled his lungs with it one more time.


That evening, Lo and Hum sat in front of the TV watching a game show. On the big color screen, they watched the fat blonde housewife pick the letters that spelled BL**D SW****ND****S on the glitzy display board. She spun the wheel and it stopped on $750. Then studio audience stomped and whistled.

"Can I have a T, Pat, please?"

"Yes, there are two T's for fifteen hundred dollars," the quiz master exulted. His pretty blonde assistant turned the blank panels that added two T's on the display board. The fat blonde housewife clapped her hands. The display board now read BL**D SW**T*ND T**RS.

"Blood, Sweat and Tears," Lo said. "Want some Fritos, Dad?"

She bounced from the loveseat and headed for the tiny kitchenette. Hum followed her with his eyes. She was wearing her cut-off jeans, beat up and fringey looking, and cut so short that the globes of her cute bottom were partially showing.

The seam in back cut deeply into her ass crack. She paused and pulled the jeans from between her pussy lips. The gesture was not lost on Hum. It caused his heart to swell in his breast and he had to catch his breath as he regarded his lovely little Lo with strong yearning.

"Make me a gin and tonic while you're up, honey."


The fat blonde housewife said, "I'll spin again, Pat." And she did, landing on the one-thousand dollar space. She jumped up and down. The studio audience hooted and shouted.

"Can I have an 'F', Pat, please?"

"Oh-h-h, I'm sorry. There's no 'F'. Bruce?"

"I'll spin, Pat," said the next contestant, a mousey-looking salesman of dental supplies. The wheel stopped on two hundred-fifty dollars.

"Can I have a 'G' Pat, please," said Bruce.

"Oh, I'm sorry. There's no 'G'. Denise?"

Bruce looked crestfallen. The host's blonde assistant snapped her fingers in an aw-shucks gesture.

Denise, the third contestant, leaned over the wheel and gave it a spin. The wheel stopped on "Lose a turn". Lo returned to the loveseat with a Coke, a gin and tonic, and a bag of Fritos.

"Anyone get it yet?"




Lo plunked herself down on the loveseat. Hum took his gin and tonic and placed his other hand on the inside of Lo's thigh. He stroked her thigh from crotch to knee. Lo spread her thighs wider, an invitation to stroke her mound.

The play had returned to the fat blonde housewife.

"I'll spin, Pat." She landed on five-hundred dollars. She had a shit-eating grin on her face.

"Is there an 'R', Pat?"

"There is one 'R'," he said, as his ditsy assistant turned it over on the big display board. The board now read: BL**D SW**T*ND T**RS. A buzzer, buzzed.

"… and all the rest are vowels. Can you tell us – what is this famous title?" The blonde stared at the board with a blank look.

"Five seconds," the quizmaster warned. The buzzer buzzed again.

"Bruce, can you solve the puzzle?" Bruce looked blankly at the board. The buzzer buzzed again.

"Denise?" Denise stared at the board.

"I want to solve the puzzle, Pat," she said.

"Tell us. What is this phrase?" Denise swallowed hard. "Blood, Sweat and Tears," she said evenly. Pandemonium. Bells rang. The audience cheered. The quiz board lit up.

"Six thousand, five hundred dollars," the quizmaster cried. "Let's spend that in the game room."

Denise surveyed the prize display.

"Okay," she said. "For four thousand dollars, I'd like the Carnival Weekend in Philadelphia, Pat."

Hum squeezed Lo's thigh. She snuggled up to him.

"Like a carnival weekend in Philly, sweetheart?"

"I'm already having a carnival weekend in Pisky, Dad. Isn't that Cassie a blast? She's really super. Did you like doing it to her, you revolting beast? Her pussy looked really tight. I'm surprised you could get into her as easily as you did."

Lo reflected for a time on what she had seen during Cassie's initiation… the incredible size of Hum's cock… Cassie's excitement… the smell of her pussy… the outpouring of semen that seemed like it would never end… the sight of her finger penetrating Cassie's bottom hole.

Then she began thinking of an oversized T-shirt with bold graphic designs. A lot of the girls were wearing them and Lo had been positively lusting after one in her special favorite color – purple. When she broached the subject, Hum said "How much?" When she said thirty-eight dollars, he said no. She hadn't broached the subject again.

Tenacious Lo hadn't forgotten the T-shirt, however. It was foremost in her mind at the present moment. "Daddy?"


"Remember that kinky thing you wanted me to do for you last week and I said no?"


"Well, do you still want me to do it?"

"Of course. What's the matter? Did you change your mind?"

"I still think it's pretty kinky. I mean it is downright kinky, you chump."

"Lo, let's not get abusive about it. What is one person's kink is another person's salvation… or Nirvana… or paradise… or what have you. This is what life is all about. Variations. We'd be in an awfully dull state of affairs if we all saw exactly eye-to-eye on sex, on politics, on business, on art, on beauty, on every aspect of human experience. Don't knock variety."

"I know all that, for God's sake. You don't have to spout a lot of two-bit philosophy. I still say it's a little weird for you to want me to pee on your cock. I mean, I'm really hip to variety of sexual expression and all that but, if – I say, IF – I do it, that doesn't make you Mr. Wonderful in my eyes. I'm not going to do it and go WOW, isn't this great, look at Dad's wet cock."

"What ARE you driving at, Lo? You introduced the subject. Why? I suppose I'll find out in Lo's own good time. But wouldn't it be better for you to get to the point."

"The point is, I want that T-shirt I spoke to you about last week. If you buy it for me, I'll pee on your filthy, stiffened cock. How about it?"

"I seem to recall something about thirty-eight dollars. Right? Did I get the numbers straight in my head? I did? I thought I had. And I still think thirty eight bucks is pretty high for a lousy T-shirt."

"You know absolutely nothing about fashion, Hum. Wanna know something? There's a blank in your mind where style is concerned. You don't know anything about it. Zero. Nothing. Nada. And I'll tell you something else, Daddy dear. When you reach for me in the morning and expect me to spread my legs for you, it's going to be a rude awakening for Mr. Humbert. And don't you forget it. And don't go waving that big thing under my nose and expect any sympathy from me. And don't expect any action either. There ain't gonna be any."

Sulky Lo stuck out her lower lip. Hum took a deep breath and let out a sigh. He had to admit that there was a certain compelling logic to Lo's position. But most importantly, his brain sent a message to his cock. It began to tingle. He began thinking of Lo sitting on the john with her legs widespread. He could imagine the little tuft of blonde pubic hair… the pink slit with the lips opened… the inner lips a raw gash. It was one of his favorite fantasies.

"Well…" he began.

"You WILL," said boisterous Lo, dropping her sulk and bouncing on the loveseat.

"Oh Hum, you're so good to me." Hum shrugged.