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"Sheriff… Sheriff? I said that could happen couldn't it," Hum repeated. "Why Sheriff – I believe you're blushing. I'm sure he's blushing. Lo, look at him. Isn't he blushing, Missy?"

While the three of them stared Roachy looked down at the floor. He made a little circle on the floor with the tip of his boot. Roachy felt serious embarrassment. He smiled sheepishly. The girls were open mouthed. This was not the Roachy they had grown to know.

"You're right, Humbert, it could happen that a perp would do something like that to gain advantage over a law enforcement officer."

"It did happen," Lo shouted, clapping her hands and laughing and jumping on the bed. "I know it happened. I know it. Oh Sheriff, tell us about it. When did it happen? Was she a local girl? What did you do? Oh, you dirty old man. Do you want to do it again? I'll bet you do."

Missy's face brightened and she leaned forward eagerly. Hum wore a grin that threatened to split his face horizontally. The sheriff threw up his hands in a what's-the-use gesture and told them about his compromising actions of the night before – the Incident of the Bald Pussy. His little audience was fascinated.

"I've never thought of shaving mine, have you, Lo? I must try it. I simply must. And you know, everyone, that the sheriff has strip-searched me several times and put his finger in. Isn't that true, you naughty law-man? Does it have to be shaved to appeal to you?"

Whereupon Missy spread her legs wide and pulled her pantie crotch to the side. Then she pulled her cunt lips apart.

"You don't like this, heh. You wouldn't lick this sweet pussy of mine? Hum, get your razor and give it to the sheriff. He's going to give me a shave."

Hum motioned to Lo with his head to get into the bathroom. Then he followed her in.

"What's going to happen, Daddy," Lo whispered. "Do you think he'll fuck her. God, he certainly shouldn't need any more encouragement than she's given him. She threw it in his face."

"Dear sweet Lo, let's cool it. Leave them alone and let matters take a natural course. We'll hang out here for a little bit and see what develops. And, by the way, do you know that you look very sexy today. Those cotton panties are intriguing and have been giving me a semi-hard cock ever since we got up this morning."

"To tell you the truth, Dad, I don't know whether to drop to my knees and suck your cock or to take your razor outside and watch Roachy give her a shave. My options have never been so gorgeous."

"Be careful, Lo. If you suck my cock, I'm going to give you a mouthful. I can't remember ever being quite so horny. If on the other hand you encourage the barber-with-the-badge, he'll give her a baldy and then eat all his evidence from now on."

"Hum, have you ever thought of shaving me?"

"You hardly have enough to shave and I like it just the way it is." Lo moved to the bathroom door and put a finger to her lips.

"Sh-h-h-h." She opened the door a crack and peeked out. Then she turned back to Hum and nodded her head.

"Want to see how the chapter ends? Take a look."