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"Hi Lo, I'm Cassie. And this is Jessica."


"Yeah, well, me and my dad were just passing through. We're driving to the west coast. The sheriff saw us stopped on Main Street and offered to buy us a Coke. And here we are."

"I hope you won't think us too rude," said Cassie, the cute redhead with a face full of freckles, "but we noticed you and wondered what kind of a bullshit story Roachy was giving your old man."

"Yeah," said Jessica, "Roachy's so weird and you shouldn't believe a word he says."

"He was telling us the story of the midget with the big cock. Have you heard that one?"

"Have we heard it? Everyone in Pisky has heard that one. It's Roachy's favorite."

"Sheez, if he didn't have the midget story, there wouldn't be any conversation, Lo."

"What about the two girls in the story? Do you know them?"

"I know one of them," Tracy said. "You know her too, Cassie. Konky Donahue. From Pisky Heights?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Roachy never said who the girls were but Konky herself told me. She said it was a real hoot. The midget paid them a half a dollar to jerk him off. Konky figured it was a good deal but Roachy came along and spoiled it."

"Roachy isn't awfully bright, Lo," Jessica said, "but he does have certain basic skills."

"Yeah," said Cassie, "like playing sticky finger."

Cassie laughed. She was the bimbo of the group – plain as cotton panties but bright-eyed and with a quick and easy smile. Her straw-colored hair was pulled back in a pony tail. But many strands escaped and fell randomly across her brow. Her mother called her 'slobby' but her friends thought of her as 'casual'.

"Jessica means that you have to watch out for Roachy, Lo. He has a yen for hot pussy. The word is out that if he catches you for speeding or even for jaywalking, he'll take you to jail and strip-search you for drugs. The man loves to get his fingers up inside a moist crack."

"… or asshole," Jessica added.

"Right," said Tracy. "Can you imagine hiding a reefer in your asshole!"

"Can you imagine Roachy looking for one there," Cassie giggled.

Lo whooped at the thought. She was enjoying herself. Traveling with Hum, she didn't often get a chance to gab with girls with similar interests. She missed this kind of talk and laughter.

"I have a confession," Lo said. "A while ago, when you were talking at the other table, I tried to listen."

Cassie's eyes widened.

"Could you hear us?" she wanted to know.

"Just a word here or there. I got the impression that you were talking about giving head, right?"

All three girls gaped at Lo. Their mouths opened in surprise.

"You could hear us," Cassie said, "do you suppose Roachy heard us?"

"I doubt it," Lo said, "he was too busy telling Hum the midget story. Anyway, all I could hear was about how Cassie wanted to suck her math teacher's cock and you two were appalled at the idea. At that point I wanted to jump into the conversation and give another opinion."

"Well, jump right in, honey, we're all, ears," said Cassie.

"Um-m, well, I'm on your side, Cassie, I realiy adore sucking cock – as long as the guy is clean, that is. I think it's a natural part of having sex."

"See," Cassie exulted. "When's the last time you sucked one, Lo."

"This morning."

Again the mouths of the three girls dropped in surprise.


"You don't mean…"

"You don't mean your own father, do you?"

"Would it make it less traumatic for you if I told you he's my step-father? No blood relation. We do sex together all the time. I mean it sure beats waiting around for the phone to ring – the way it is for most kids. And then it may be someone you don't even want to go out with. Besides, when I'm home, I go out with guys the same as you do."

"Doesn't er-um, er-your father get pissed when you go out with guys, Lo?"

"He'd sure get pissed if he knew I was telling you this, that's for sure. He's awfully self-conscious about it. I think he's afraid somebody's going to arrest him for impairing the morals of a minor."

Jessica and Tracy sat with their eyes downcast, looking into their Coke glasses as if they'd find the truths about girl/boy relationships among the melting shards of ice. Cassie looked directly at Lo. Their eyes locked and Lo felt that, in the few moments they had been together, she and Cassie had established something special between them. She felt swooney, light-headed, her tummy felt butterflies. She felt good. She felt warmth coming from Cassie. She felt glad about that and knew that, if Hum returned and they piled into the Olds and took off, she'd feel an awful sense of loss. She guessed that Cassie probably felt the same way.

Tracy broke the silence.

"I don't really know what to think about it, Lo. I tend to think of it in terms of my own father and the whole idea is so new to me that I can't sort things out. I've never thought of my dad as a sexual object exactly… though I have nothing against older men."

"Yeah, let's hear it for Tracy's dream boy, her next door neighbor, Charlie Robins. That's Tracy's big crush, Lo. Hey, Trace, we all know you'd do it with Charlie but would you suck his cock?"

Tracy smiled and blushed. Tracy was a slender and willowy girl with long, shiny, black hair. She parted it in the center and it fell straight on either side of her lovely face and curved around her delicate jaw like parentheses. She had a little motion with her head that tossed her hair to the side if it interfered with seeing or eating. She wore no makeup; she needed none.

"I don't know what I'd do with Charlie. I guess I'd just let things happen and go with whatever came along," Tracy said.

"Good answer, Tracy," said Lo. "I know I'd never even given it a thought until it happened and then it just seemed like the natural thing to do. Now, I look forward to it. And I enjoy it every time. Boy, all this talk is making me horny. My pussy's a regular swamp."

Lo looked into Cassie's blue eyes. Cassie again locked eyes with Lo and licked her lips. Lo felt a yearning in her stomach unlike anything she had ever felt before. She was stunned by her feelings. She didn't understand them and she was certain that she had never ever before experienced anything so strong, so positive and so downright puzzling. Hey, she thought, what's going on here?

"Could I ask a question?" said Jessica. "… About giving head."

Of the three girls, Jessica was the one who would always draw stares from older men and who would hear cat-calls and wolf cries from the boys at school. Even at her age, her figure was rounded and full. She didn't wear a bra and her breasts had a definite bounce to them.

"Fire away, Jess," said Lo. "I'll try to answer it."

"Well, see, the only thing I've done so far is give hand jobs. I been giving them to my brother and his friends. And to some of my friends. It keeps me busy and it keeps them happy and I don't get in any trouble. I don't mind jerking the guys off. It's kind of fun. What I'm saying is, I'm no stranger to hard cocks and I'm no stranger to seeing a guy come and come hard. I like to see a guy shoot and go ape with the feelings of it…"

"I think I know where your questions going to wind up," said Lo, the smart and sexually experienced one. "You want to know if you swallow the stuff when the guy comes. Right?"

"Yeah. What do you do with it? Do you take it out of your mouth? Will it hurt to swallow it?"

"Naw. You can swallow it if you want to. It can't hurt you. Or you can hold it in your mouth and spit it out. Or you can spit it on the guy's cock and use it for lubrication and jerk him off. Whatever makes you comfortable. Personally, Jess, I love to see it squirt. I mean, usually you've been working for it. And seeing it shoot is the result of your efforts, right? So there's a kind of satisfaction about it."

"What about taste?"

"You mean does it taste good? Well, it's different. I don't know what to compare it to. I like it. The taste is all part of the whole thing. I mean, there's the feeling of the warm cock filling your whole mouth. There's the odor, the male fragrance filling your nose. There's the action – the licking, the tonguing, the sucking, the nibbling, the deep-throating – all part of it. There's the visual thing – seeing that thing get big and throbby. There's the hot squirt into your throat, or on your tongue. And there's the feeling of it growing hard in your mouth when he's ready for a second go."