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"Aaaaiiiieeeeiiii-i-i-i-i-i…" Her body spasmed. She was rocked by wave after wave of pleasure. Another spasm struck. She began to cry, "oh… oooho… oh…" and coo. Lo raised her head from Cassie's crotch and looked at her new friend.

"Wow," she said to herself. "That was really major."

Cassie finally opened her eyes. She looked down at Lo from under heavy lids, took a deep breath, and said, "Don't ever leave me. I need you so much."

Lo scrambled up and lay alongside of her. She put her arms around Cassie and kissed her on the eyebrows, on her lips, on her ears. Little peck kisses all over her face.

"Oh, Lo," she said at last. "Fantastic. Do you want me to do you?"

"Rest… rest."

Lo rose and went to the fridge.

"Ready for that Coke now? I know I am."

She fixed a drink for both of them and got back in bed. They lay side by side and savored the moment of passion spent. Neither spoke. They sipped their Cokes and their thoughts wandered dreamily. Lo spread her legs and thrust two fingers into her pussy.

"God, I'm a regular swamp down here," she said. "I know some girls who think a date is a failure if they throw their panties at the wall and they don't stick. Want to know something? I almost got off myself when I was eating you. Without even touching myself. I was thinking of whacking off when I was doing you but I didn't want to break my concentration. Anyhow, it was great watching you come. I don't have to ask you if it was good."

Cassie sipped her Coke and listened to the air conditioner. She enjoyed the swooney after-climax feelings. She felt she could lie there forever in that floaty condition.

"Um-m-m-m. Boy, what a trip. I feel like I've been out around Saturn and back. I can't remember getting up this morning. I don't remember breakfast or what I did all day. Who'd have thought this would happen to me today. What day is it? I want to remember it for the rest of my life."

Lo smiled fondly at her.

"I know… I know."

Cassie rolled over toward her. Her face was just above Lo's perky little breasts. Cassie took one in her mouth and teased the nipple into a rigid peak. She lapped and sucked on it as Lo cooed her pleasure. Lo put her hand in Cassie's crotch. She separated the lips with her fingers. Cassie spread her legs once more as she continued to suck Lo's rigid nipple. Lo's finger dipped beneath Cassie's cunt and went for her asshole. She went into the tight hole up to the first knuckle. Cassie flexed her sphincter and nipped at Lo's finger.

She released Lo's nipple and murmured, "Goofy. What's your finger doing?"

"Goofy, yourself. I'm finger-fucking your asshole. And I got some other things I'm gonna try."

Cassie looked straight into Lo's eyes.

"Serious," she said. "What would you like to do?"

"Serious? Well, I'd like us to rub our cunts together."

"How do you mean?"

Lo held up her hand with her forefinger and middle finger spread in a "V". Then she did the same thing with the other hand and joined the crotches of the "V's". She rubbed the crotches together.

"Think we could do this with our legs and rub our crotches together?"

"Oh, shit, that's a cool idea. Let's try it."

They scrambled into position and made a perfect fit. Both girls were dripping from their cunts. Both crotches were slimy with their lubrication and they slid against each other like well-oiled machine parts. Back and forth… back and forth. Their clits were engaged and the feelings they produced were exquisite. They rubbed and slid and put their muscular little legs into the effort. Both girls leaned back on their hands and their lower bodies writhed and pressed and slid in a liquid motion that soon had them gasping.

It was impossible for them to embrace in this position. But they were able to convey their passion and their arousal by looking in each others faces. They huffed. They groaned. Crotch to crotch, they slid back and forth against each other. They gritted their teeth. They slammed their clits together. Lo knew she was going to come in a hurry. So did Cassie.

As Lo's feelings came to a boil, she looked in Cassie's eyes and screamed, "Fucking cunt. Give it to me. You bitch. You little whore. Give me your cunt, you smelly bitch…"

Lo's outburst took Cassie by surprise. It was mad… mad… mad. But it was a tremendous turn-on for the little blonde. Her crotch slid back and forth with more intensity. Faster and faster. They were almost there. They thrust harder, slamming their crotches together.

"Oh… oh… cunt… bitch. Slut-t-t-t."

"Asshole fucker. Cock-sucker. Smelly slit… Fucking cunt," Cassie shrieked.

"OOO-o-o-o-o. Arhg. Eee-e-e-e-e. Ei – ii-i-io-o-o-o."

They came together in a mad grappling of arms and legs, hunching and humping in a spastic energy that came from never wanting to stop. Both girls gasped for air and for control of themselves. It was a moment that neither had ever experienced before. They were shaken by it. Bombed. Unnerved. They had glimpsed their animal nature for a brief second without expecting it and without knowing how to handle it.

As they lay back and tried to collect their thoughts, a key turned in the front door of the Sleepy Valley Motel room. The door opened. It was Hum.


Tracy got a lift from her high school chums to her family's house on Hyacinth Lane. The boys in the old jalopy tried joking with her, but she was in no mood for it. She was very much into her own thoughts.

"S'long guys and thanks," she called as she walked up the flagstone path to the door of the big white house with the green shutters. She shouted hello to her mother and bounced up the stairs to her room.

"All this talk about sex has started to get to me," Tracy said to herself. "Darn it all, it seems to be taking over my life. But I'm no different from the other girls. I guess it's just part of growing up. I wonder if Lo had the same preoccupation with her body before she and Hum began to fuck. I'll have to ask her."

Tracy began to change from her school clothes into her knockabouts. She pulled a shirt and jeans from her closet but, before putting them on, she considered her budding figure in the full length mirror on the closet door.

"I'm not as big as Jessica but I've a darn good figure anyway," she said to herself. She unclasped her bra and played with her nipples. They stiffened right away and she turned to look at them in profile. They poked right out there. Not a bit of droop. She jumped up and down to consider the jiggle factor. Not much doing. "Darn it." Then she rolled her cotton panties down, just far enough to expose the frizzy tufted mound. With her index fingers, she spread her little love lips.

"It gets so wet, darn it all. It's all that talk about sex that does it to me. I just can't help it."

She looked closer at her spread lips. The goo made the lips all sticky and her clit was absolutely coated with it. With her index finger, she rubbed the little protuberance.

"Golly, that feels good."

Impulsively, Tracy sat on the floor and spread her legs. She leaned back on one arm and her other hand went to explore her sex. She rubbed the hood of her little clit with one finger. She didn't touch the clit itself; that was too sensitive. Faster and faster her finger fretted at the bud of her clit. It reddened and swelled as she frigged it.

She thought about Hum and Lo. She thought about Lo sucking on Hum's cock. She imagined the thick cock going into Lo's mouth. She thought the next door neighbor, Charlie Robbins. She wondered if Mrs. Robbins sucked Charlie's cock.