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Her fantasy expanded. She thought of herself with a cock in her mouth. Her finger was moving so fast on her clit that the motion appeared blurred in the mirror. Faster and faster. Then, her feelings peaked. Her body shuddered with the pleasure of her climax.

As soon as it was over, she matter-of-factly put on her clothes and went downstairs to see if her mother wanted her to do any errands. If she went outside and hung around, she might get a chance to see Charlie Robbins when he came home from work. Darn it, it was time she got Charlie to make his move on her.

When Charlie guided his little Japanese gas-saver into his drive way that evening, he had no idea he was entering a tender trap. And when Tracy waved and skipped across the lawn that separated their two houses, he had no hint of the fact that he was being set up.

"Hi, Mr. Robbins," she trilled.

"Hi, Trace, what's shakin'?"

Charlie noticed that her blouse was open three buttons down from the collar. For the past three years, he had watched Tracy blossom into late girlhood. Charlie tried to be casual about it but it wasn't easy for him to keep his hands off Tracy. The ever-present Mrs. Robbins was a big help. But Tracy was no help at all. She was a tease and all of Charlie's sensors went on full alert whenever she was around. Like now. With her meeting him on his driveway.

"Listen," she said. "I have to look up some stuff in your encyclopedia for Geography. Would that be okay? What would be a good time for you?"

Charlie screwed up his face to indicate deep thought.

"Can't be tonight," he said. "How about tomorrow morning? Come by around ten-thirty okay?"

Charlie had quickly established in his mind that the next day was Saturday and that Millie would be visiting her mother over in West Pisky. She'd be leaving at around ten a.m. and not returning for at least three hours. Hot damn. The little tease from next door didn't know it but she was walking into a trap.

"Okay. Ten-thirty then."

Promptly at ten-thirty the following morning, Tracy rang Robbins' front door bell. Her arms were full of school books to make a nice show of scholarship. This was not the first time Tracy had used the Robbins' library and when Charlie opened the door, she knew just where to go. Charlie kept Britannica in his bedroom, handily alongside the kingsized bed.

Tracy eased her cute bottom onto the soft innerspring and Charlie sat alongside at her left.

"Okay, what are we into?" Charlie asked.

"Geography," Tracy said. "Miss Flintson gave us a bunch of map coordinates and we have to look up where on Earth they are. Listen, I hope this isn't putting you out or anything. If I'm in the way, just say so."

"Naw, not a bit of it. Didn't have a thing to do this morning. I guess we'll need the big atlas for your project."

Charlie took it from the bookcase and opened it across both of their laps.

"Let's see that list of coordinates," said helpful Charlie.

He took the list from her hand and laid back on the bed. He immediately saw that she had screwed up the assignment. Miss Flintson had given a list of places and the students were to fill in the coordinates. He explained this to Tracy who plain didn't give a shit about the assignment but listened anyway.

"Bonn. That's West Germany," said knowledgeable Charlie, reading from the top.

"Uh-huh," said Tracy who began to page the atlas. She began turning the pages with her left hand. As her hand went from right to left, her knuckles grazed the front of Charlie's pants. Lying back in relaxed fashion, he enjoyed the sensation. His cock tingled and he could feel the blood racing to his crotch.

Tracy had a interesting technique in getting to West Germany. Instead of going directly to Bonn, she turned one page at a time. By the time she reached Canada, Charlie had a specific hard-on – not a big throbber but a definite bulge. Onward went the search for Bonn. Onward went Tracy's knuckles grazing the front of Charlie's double-knit trousers.

By the time Tracy reached Japan, Charlie was entering a euphoric state. Whatever plans he had for the morning did not anticipate what was actually taking place. And he didn't mind at all.

Charlie reached up and put his hand on her shoulder. She turned and smiled and then went back to paging through the atlas. He ran his hand down her back and felt her bra straps through her thin cotton blouse. He put his hand on her hip and stroked it lightly. She kept turning pages.

He began to anticipate when her hand would graze the front of his pants. As she did, he thrust up slightly, meeting her touch with a little motion of his own. Atlas-wise, they were in Mongolia and moving slowly ahead. Charlie continued stroking Tracy's hip. With his other hand, he reached down and rubbed his bloating cock through his trousers.

"I love it when you touch me here," he said. "Do it more."

There was no longer any reason to pretend that her touch was accidental. He took her little hand in his and placed it over his swollen prick. He pressed her hand down against it and rubbed it up and down.

"That's it," he moaned. "That's it." He took his hand from hers and she continued to rub. "Yes… yes," he moaned.

She studied his crotch, fascinated by hard lump that seemed to bulge and grow. He continued to stroke her hip and the feeling of her body under his touch excited him more and more. His cock was now so hard that she could see the definite shape of it through his trousers. She was able to wrap her fingers around it and squeeze the shaft.

"Am I doing it right?" she wanted to know.

"Oh, yes… yes. That's great. Just don't stop."

"I won't."

He began to stroke her back. Under the sheer blouse, he could feel the straps, of her bra. His hand moved up to the nape of her neck. He stroked her neck under the fall of her black, shiny hair.

She liked him doing that. "Um-m-m-m-m," she murmured. She grasped harder at his cockshaft.



"Pull down my zipper."

"Okay." He felt her fumbling at the top of his fly. He stroked her back some more, his hand moving across her thin shoulders and down the boney ridge of her spine. Then he heard the rasp of the zipper and his fly was wide open. The bloat of his penis wrapped in his snow white shorts thrust through the opening. Her little fingers found the shaft once more and she resumed her rubbing motion. Up and down. Up and down. Her little hand rubbed his cock through the cotton shorts.

His hand went down and stilled hers. He reached his fingers through the fly opening and tried to pull the prick through. He had trouble. His cock was now so large and hard that he couldn't pull it through. He gave up the effort and simply tore the crotch of his shorts aside. Both his cock and balls were fully revealed to the girl's eager gaze.

Her eyes widened. His cock thrust up a full eight inches and stood throbbing before her fascinated eyes. She made a little mewling sound and her trembling hand reached out to enclose it. Her fingertips lightly touched the purple shaft. Her hand went up and down and her fingers traced the swollen veins. He sucked in his breath. The throbbing increased and he began a little fucking motion under her featherweight touch. His cock thrust up and down at her flicking fingers.

"Grab it harder and move the skin back and forth," he urged.

"Like this?"

"Yeah. Hold it a little tighter. That's it."

"It's so big."

"Uh-huh. You made it that way, honey. Do it a little harder."

"I made it that way?"

"You got me so excited. Oh God, that feels good."

"I like doing this."

He knew 'this' wasn't going to be enough. He wanted to undress her. He wanted to kiss her body all over. He wanted to kiss her cunt and crush his mouth against the pillowed softness of its puffy lips. He wanted to suck on her budding breasts. He wanted to rub the head of his cock against her sticky cunt lips and then press the thick shaft between the tender lips of her untried hole.