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"Dad-deee! Please. Oh, PLEEZE!"

"Remember the car?" breathed Daddy against the side of my neck, making me shiver. "How you sucked me off upside down while I ate your pussy?" tile memory triggered my reaction.

"Anything. Only do it quick"

"We can do it in the living room-in the arm chair. It'll be even better than it was in the car."

I twisted and rolled my body beneath him. I wrapped my arms around his bull neck and kissed him as hard and as wet and as long as I could.

We ran naked, hand in hand, to the bright living room. We kissed again, thigh to thigh, standing beside the big armchair-the tip of Daddy's lovely stiff dick wedged tight between our bellies.

"I'll close the drapes."

"Fuck the drapes!" Daddy sat and pulled me roughly onto his lap. "Let 'em see. Who cares? Who cares if the- whole fucking neighborhood knows I've got the best little cocksucker of a daughter in the whole fucking world!" He bit down hard on my tender left nipple and rammed two fingers into the wet lips of my cunt.

"Oh! Oh, Daddy. Daddy! Daddy!" I opened my thighs. His cockhead shot up from under me. It beckoned to my watering mouth. I bent. But it wasn't as tall as it looked and my spine threatened to snap before I got close enough to flick my tongue across the tiny aperture in the bulbous head.

Daddy drew breath sharply through his teeth. "Stand on the chair," he directed. "Put your feet on either side of my thighs, then turn around and squat down, and then I'll lift you onto my cock like we did in the car."

I felt silly, but hot, too, and willing to do anything to get his gorgeous hard meat inside me. I jumped from his lap, placed one foot on the chair, and went up. I turned and squatted. His cock butted into the crack of my ass.

"Katty. Christ motherfucker! First a little bit like this, baby. Just the… ah! AHHH! Just the tiniest bit of good hot joint up your sweet asshole before you suck me off."

"Owwwwwwwww!" I squatted more… wiggling my hips down onto the glans penetrating my tight rectum. It ground in halfway. "Dad-deeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Daddy threw my feet out from under me, and let me drop-like an olive on a fat tooth pick onto the full awesome length of his hard prick. "J-Jesus! It… it gets better every fuckin' time," he said. "That day Tom poked you like this… ahhhhhhhhh! I… I thought I'd go crazy watching. I… I counted every inch of joint slipping into your sweet tight ass. You… your mother's good but… God! Katty baby. You've got something s-s-special up… up… Oh Christ! All the way up at the top of your hot asshole. Like an army of silk ants run… ah! Running around on the tip of my joint. Jesus!" He covered my tits, kneaded. His cock throbbed deep inside my rectum.

Whimpering, feeling the head of his dick so high in my belly it was as if it had become a vital organ beating in my chest, I ground my hips down into his lap.

"No! Sit still, Kitten. You'll make me c-come."

"I can't!" I cried. "It… it feels too good to sit still. Fuck me, Daddy. Fuc… ow! OW! Fuck meeeeeeeeee!"

Daddy growled. Abruptly he lifted me off his stiff cock. I heard it pop-like an uncorked bottle-out of my ass.

"Fucking Daddy you!"

"Shuddup! And help me. Get your feet on the goddam backrest, and come down with your mouth on my joint."

"Oh! Oh…!" Using my hands for leverage, as if I were doing an upside down push-up, I threw my feet up and onto the backrest. Daddy braced my thighs in the palms of his huge hands. Taking the weight off my arms, he lifted and guided my legs back… until my knees rested on the upright, feet straight out, toes down, behind the chair. "This is the dumbest dopey thing ever," I hollered-then gulped when I felt his damp breath on my pussy, my winking wet asshole.

"Suck it, Katty girl. Shuddup and suck."

I looked cross-eyed down the full length of his bowed member. The hot glans grazed my chin. There was a tiny shit smear at the neck, a slight discoloration at the jacket of skin between bloated head and hard shaft. Swirling my tongue around the monster, I licked the bitter brown stuff away.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Go down, Katty. Cover it with your mouth."

My lips formed a wide wet O and drew the fiery head in past my teeth. I held it firm at the circumcision and batted my tongue rapidly against the big vein along the underside.

"Ummmmmmmmmmm! That's it, baby. Now go all the way down to my balls. You're the best. The fuckin' best ever." Daddy's face dove into my curly bush. He let me down suddenly.

I gagged. I gurgled. I choked. But the cock in – my face refused to relent. As my weight came down, the nozzle forced its way in… in… in and down my throat. My mouth was engorged with hot meat. My chin and pouting lower lip lay in wiry black cock hair. My nose sniffed the distinct odor of testicles and male asshole.

Then the door opened and Mummy and Tom walked in.


Daddy was dopey again, out of his head, moping around the house like a wormy puppy. Mummy and Tom had done it again… had taken the Buick and split after catching us in what Mummy called "an unnatural relationship." Days went by without word. Daddy grew worse. Fucking stupid Mummy! I thought, watching him languish beneath a scraggly growth of whiskers and sit every night in the living room, unaware, it seemed, of where he was, and that I was there to comfort his needs.

"Then sit there and dry up and… ohhhhhh!" I bellowed on the night a week later when he refused to come to supper and sat, clothes wrinkled, eyes fuzzy, on the sofa.

Flinging my apron violently onto the table I'd set with candles and our best dishes and silverware, I stormed into the living room and yelled, "You're making me sick! Sick! Sick! Sick! Lookit you. You look like a drunk. A wino. A dumbhead."

Daddy stared mournfully up at me. He opened his mouth as if to speak, clamped his dry lips together.

I wore new white hot pants and stood with hands on hips, feet planted wide apart, pussy bulging beneath the skintight material, braless tits showing through a sleeveless, semi-transparent top. And nothing! I might have been a plaster mannequin for all the attention he paid me.

"Sick!" I hollered, near tears. "Almost pukey!" I wailed, and ran without direction out the front door.

It was a warm, star-studded night. The moon was full. A plump cloud overhead, one of a dozen fluff balls scattered haphazardly throughout the blue-black sky, seemed to weep along with me. I ran down the street toward the Simon place… thinking me! not Mummy, with her hotsy white-blonde bush, but me! I was the one with good reason to run away.

I had almost reached Popsy's place when a voice from across the way called, "Hey, you. Little girl"

I stopped. My gaze swept the houses across the street and settled on the tall, thin figure of Mr. George. There was a middle-of-the-week barbecue, a dozen neighbors present, going in the backyard, but Mr. George, apparently bored, apparently having found no partner for his favorite sport, sat alone on the front steps. I stepped from the curb.

When I had reached the George lawn, I said, "You were half right."


"I'm a girl… but' not so little."

Mr. George yawned. I moved to the foot of the steps, cocked my head, and studied him. He wore red bermuda shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, sandals, and there was a tumblerful of something icy on the step at his foot. I looked into his eyes. He, too, was taking inventory. "Well?"

"Wanna make half a buck?"

Oh, boy! I- thought. This was the best ever! First he calls me a little girl, then he propositions me! Half a buck yet! Boy!

"I'm out of cigarettes," continued Mr. George. "Not a goddam one in the pack, and.if I go back to the party, the bastards'll make me stay. Wanna run your cute butt to the store?" He displayed the empty pack, grinned, produced a crisp dollar bill and added, "Keep the change."

Giggles tinkled from my throat. I covered my mouth. I had already written the innocent offer into the mental notes for the book me and Debbie would write, and now, feeling foolish, had to retype inside my head. I hastily cast thoughts of Daddy aside. Smiling sweetly, recalling Lois and the others, I concentrated on Mr. George.