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“How do we fight…that?” I said.

“You don’t,” said Molly.

I looked quickly around at her, disturbed at something in her voice, and saw something else looking back at me through Molly’s eyes. She looked…different, her whole face suffused with a new personality. She even held herself differently, as though new things were forming inside her, changing her shape and her balance. Giles swore softly beside me and reached for his sword. I gestured urgently for him to stop, and then gave the new Molly my full attention. I knew what had happened. The Loathly Ones were only ever extensions of the Hungry Gods, and this close to the real thing, the drone inside Molly had awakened and taken control.

“That’s right,” said Molly. It didn’t sound like her at all. She smiled in a way Molly never would have, her gaze full of hate and spite. “I’m in the driving seat now. Molly’s having a little nap while I talk to you. I’ve done this before, you know, when I killed Subway Sue. Oh yes; that was me. So simple and easy, and no one even noticed. Didn’t it strike you as just a bit suspicious, her dying so suddenly? For no good reason? No? Well, you mustn’t blame yourself, Eddie. You’ve had a lot on your mind.”

She stretched slowly, luxuriously, in a not entirely human way. “It’s good to be out in the open, instead of trapped inside such a small and limited thing, watching the world from behind her eyes and making my plans. I’m not strong enough to take over yet, to subsume her mind and soul in mine. I’m more…potential, than actual. But you should never have brought me here, Eddie. You never should have brought me home.”

“How long have you been…switching her off, and taking over?” I said. My mouth was dry, but I fought to keep my voice steady.

“Not long. It hasn’t been easy, corrupting Molly from within, protected as she is by her magics and the terms of the various unpleasant bargains she made in return for power. You wouldn’t believe some of the things she’s done, and some of the things she had to promise, so she could become the wild witch of the woods. I think you suspected me, didn’t you, Eddie, but you never asked because you didn’t want to know. Still, no need to worry about that now; I will become her, and she will be just another drone serving the Masters, for as long as she lasts.”

“Why kill Subway Sue?” I said. “She was your friend.”

“Not my friend, Eddie. Dear Sue had to go, because she might eventually have realised you could use the Damnation Way to access the higher realms. And we don’t like visitors here. We really don’t.”

“Why kill Sebastian?” I said.

“That wasn’t me, sweetie,” said the thing inside Molly. “Why would I kill one of us? Now, hand over the weapon. The box. The Deplorable End. Your quest is over, your mission a failure, your war at an end.”

“I can’t do that,” I said. “Molly wouldn’t want me to.”

A silver blade appeared in Molly’s hand, and she put the edge to her own throat. It was the arthame, its supernaturally sharp edge already cutting the skin so that blood coursed down her neck. Molly smiled, her eyes full of a vicious glee. “Do as you’re told, little human, or I’ll cut my throat. And after she’s dead, I’ll take the box from you anyway.”

“You’re really ready to die?” said Giles.

“I can’t die. I am part of a greater thing. You wouldn’t understand. I exist only to serve a function. Give me the box, Eddie, and you can have her back. For a while.”

“She’d rather die,” I said, “than become you. She’d die happily, if it meant she could take you and your masters with her.” I slowly raised my right hand to show her the flat silver box with its red button. “If I press this button, this whole place goes away, forever. A second Big Bang, to end a universe. No more here, no more you, no more Hungry Gods. Molly would see her death as a triumph, to bring that about.”

“Are you sure?” said the thing, in a voice so like the real Molly it cut me to the heart.

“Yes,” I said. “I’m pretty sure she came here expecting to die. And I think perhaps I did too. We never really thought we’d find our way back again. And at least this way, we could go out together.”

“And just when were you planning on telling me this?” said Giles.

I looked at him. “You can still get away. Gateway’s still there, still open. You’ve done all that could be asked of you, held Molly and me together long enough so that we can do what’s necessary.”

“No,” said Giles. “There’s a better way. Give me the Deplorable End.”

“What?” I said.

“I’ll do it,” said Giles.

“Excuse me,” said the drone inside Molly. “But I am still holding a very sharp knife to my throat.”

“Take Molly back through the gateway,” said Giles. “I’ll do the business with the button, blow up the Hungry Gods, bring down the curtain. With them destroyed, the Loathly Ones should all perish too, including the one inside your Molly. You can both have a life together, Eddie. My gift to you.” He smiled briefly. “For showing me things I never would have believed possible. For taking me into your family. And because…I have never had, never known, what you and Molly have and know.”

“I thought…you said something about woman trouble, back in your time?” I said.

“Oh, there were always women,” said Giles Deathstalker. “Comes with the territory, when you’re Warrior Prime. But never anyone special. Never anyone who mattered. So take your Molly and go. I can do this. In fact, I have to do this. Someone has to shut the gateway from this side, to make sure the universe-destroying energies don’t blow back through the opening into your world. I’ve got some energy grenades that should do the trick; disrupt the energy matrix and collapse the hole.”

“I didn’t bring you back all these years just so you could die,” I said.

“Maybe you did,” said Giles. “Who knows? Time plays strange tricks on all of us.”

“I have a dagger at my throat!” yelled Molly.

Giles’s arm snapped out and he snatched the dagger right out of her hand. “No, you haven’t. Now behave yourself.”

Molly glared at him, and then at me, her eyes darkening dangerously. “You really think you can threaten Gods with a mechanism? With your little box full of clockwork?”

“Only one way to find out,” said Giles. “Give me the box, Eddie.”

“It won’t work,” said Molly. “We won’t let it work. Nothing happens here that we do not allow.”

And then we all looked up, startled, as a new sound entered the higher dimension; a triumphant howl like a great steam whistle, Dopplering down from some unimaginable distance. The heavens split apart, and the Time Train came thundering across the brilliant sky, hammering over the very tops of the mountainous Hungry Gods. A big black beast of an old-fashioned steam train, its engine roaring, strange energies sparking and cascading all around it, marking its trail across the sky with a rainbow of discarded tachyons.

Jay and Jacob Drood, the living and dead man, had made it through after all.

The Hungry Gods cried out, a terrible, unbearable sound, full of rage and malice and spite, outraged that something from a lower world should dare force its way into their hidden home. Ivor blew his steam whistle defiantly, a sharp, clear sound. The Time Train was falling now, descending at a controlled speed…and then it just stopped, hanging there, as time itself slammed to a halt. Nothing moved anywhere, everything was quiet, and suddenly the ghost of Jacob Drood was standing right in front of me, smiling his old crafty smile.

He reached out sharply and prodded Molly on the forehead with his forefinger. She swayed suddenly and shook her head.

“What?” she said. “What just happened? Eddie, why are you looking at me like that? And Jacob, what are you doing here?”