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"I know for a fact that Joe and his two pals have raped two girls, Daisy. The girls didn't report it because they didn't want the publicity. I don't think he'd bother you, though. He knows I'll break his back if he even fools around with my close friends."

Daisy didn't like the boy's looks, and told Mark so, laughing and adding she'd kick a would-be rapist in the balls like she had the older man in the Cadillac. Mark said he was serious. Daisy said she was, too, then changed the subject by saying she'd decided to stay and watch football practice. She was afraid talk about sex would make Mark ask for more of what they'd both enjoyed so much, and she still wanted to stop giving in to her desires.

Things worked out great for Daisy after school hours. She went to watch football practice, which she'd always enjoyed, and saw three cheerleaders practicing. All three were very shapely girls, in brief costumes. She was sure she looked as good as they did, and knew she could perform as a cheerleader much better.

The girls' gym teacher was there, a pretty and well-stacked woman of about thirty, and after watching for a few minutes, Daisy couldn't keep from saying she'd been a cheerleader at the last school she'd attended. The teacher smiled, said they could always use another girl, and Daisy impulsively showed what she could do while still in her street clothes.

As a result, she officially became a cheerleader right then and there. She was taken to the dressing room, where a skimpy, colorful costume was found that fit her properly. She enjoyed to the fullest the attention she got while going through her routine, which she adjusted to blend with the name and the colors of the new school.

That evening, after dinner and while they were all watching television, all three brothers told their father what a hit Daisy had made at school. John seemed very pleased, and right then Daisy realized just how much she liked the kind man. She even had to push thoughts of fucking him out of her mind.

The rest of the week passed just as pleasantly for Daisy. She got along fine at school, with her studies, and at cheerleading practice. There was a football game Saturday afternoon. The local team won, on their home field, and Mark was the hero of the day, with Matthew running him a close second. Daisy enjoyed herself very much, glad to be out in front of a cheering crowd again. She knew John was at the game, but she didn't see him.

Mark and Matthew both had dates that evening. They didn't make excuses about not asking Daisy to go out, and she didn't blame them. John left in the truck shortly after Mark and Matthew took off in the station wagon, and Daisy figured he was also going somewhere to get a piece of ass. She didn't blame him, either. He hadn't said anything, or made any kind of a pass, but she'd sensed that he wanted her-maybe just because she was young and because he knew his three sons bad banged her.

Daisy had turned down three requests for dates that week, plus telling Joe Mason each day she'd tell Mark if he didn't stop pestering her. Joe had bluntly told her what he wanted to do to her. She didn't like him and wouldn't have dated him even if he hadn't been so uncouth. The other three guys she turned down as nicely as possible, not ready to start dating mainly because she was afraid her body would betray her, but also because she knew Mark, Matthew and Luke wouldn't like it.

A few minutes after they'd been left alone, Daisy felt Luke's eyes on her from time to time. Each time she looked at him, he'd look away. She knew what was on his mind-she was thinking along the same line. She was very hot and more than ready, and she told herself it'd be stupid to masturbate when there could be some wildly wonderful fucking and sucking.

Suddenly making up her mind, Daisy got up from the big easychair John used most of the time, walked over and snapped the TV set off. She turned and looked at Luke. He was sitting on a couch, his legs crossed.

"There must be more interesting things to do thaw watch that boring program, Luke."

Luke grinned. "You must've been reading my mind!"

"Let's go to my room."

When Luke uncrossed his legs and stood up, Daisy saw that he'd been hiding a hard-on. They hurried upstairs without touching. In Daisy's room, she turned the light on, closed the door, and began getting undressed. Luke quickly shucked out of his clothes, but Daisy won what turned into a race.

Daisy was on her back on the bed when Luke joined her, his cock thrusting stiffly. She was glad when he didn't climb right on and in. She wanted to make everything last and last, enjoying an the thrilling preliminaries before the actual fucking. She wanted to suck his cock, maybe an the way to a spurting explosion if he was sure he could get another erection, and she wanted her cunt and clit lapped and sucked until she melted into a glorious orgasm.

Luke kissed Daisy on the mouth, tenderly at first, his hands gently caressing her body, the underside of his hard cock flush against one of her thighs. His tongue licked over her parted lips. She put her arms around his neck and flicked her tongue against his. He grabbed one of her tits, squeezed, and turned the kiss into one of passion.

Tongues probing, lashing, their hands roaming over each other's bodies, they worked themselves into a frenzy of lust. Luke broke the feverish kiss and took a goodly portion of Daisy's left spiked tit unto his hot, wet mouth. She moaned and squirmed heatedly. He moved his sucking mouth over and feasted upon the other throbbing jug.

Soon he trailed his parted lips and darting tongue down across her trembling belly, tracing intricate little designs, one hand fondling her jutting titties, the other caressing her inner thighs. She put her hands on his head and applied a little pressure, deciding she'd let him lap her through an orgasm before she sucked his cock.

He licked around to the right of her muff, and she opened her legs wider and removed her hands from his head. He lifted his face, gazed at the yawning target, and whispered that she smelled damned good. He extended his tongue and licked her pink split from bottom to top, his tongue-tip flicking her erect clit as it swept past.

Daisy let out her breath, then sucked it back in again when Luke's tongue flicked her passion-button a few times in rapid succession. God, it felt good! Why had she been denying herself such wonderful pleasure?

Luke licked down through her gash again, then back up to her stiffened clitoris. She felt his lips dosing around the most sensitive part of her entire being. When he sucked the elongated organ into his mouth, and began lapping it with his hot tongue, she cried out, clasped his head with her fingers again, and held his face buried deep in her crotch.

She wriggled her as against the smooth sheet and was well on the way to a climax when he broke the suction. She felt her rubbery button snap back in place, then his lips were pressing against her slick cuntlips, his tongue snaking into her steaming hole. She lurched upward as his tongue went way up inside her, swabbing the walls of her cunt in a fast circular motion. Again she dimly wondered why she'd been cheating herself out of such exquisite pleasure.

The fronts of his upper teeth were making contact with her clit and nipping the erect nub, while his chin rubbed through the moist crack of her squirming ass. She blurted out that she was coming. He slipped his hands under and grasped her butt, returning his mouth and tongue to her clit and sucking and lapping furiously.

Daisy spawned violently, digging her fingernails into his bobbing scalp, clamping her thighs tightly against his smooth cheeks. He kept going until she'd relaxed and removed her fingers from his head and hair. She wanted to rest for a few seconds and let him go down on her again while she was blowing his cock until he popped his nuts.

Luke lifted his face, grinned, and licked his wet, glistening lips. "Your juice tastes damned good. Maybe even better than any other cunt-cum I've tasted."

"Just for that, I'll give you a blowjob," Daisy said, smiling. "Better yet, let's do a sixty-nine all the way to a finish."