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Luke lifted, walked around on his knees and straddled Daisy's head, his poking cock directly above her mouth. She grasped the shaft, lifted her head, and engulfed the enlarged knob. She sucked and laved the sleek cockhead with her tongue, then reached with her other hand and pulled a pillow under her head. That helped her take more of the throbbing prick without straining her neck.

She kept her eyes open, enjoying the sight, as well as the taste and the exciting male-smell. The sperm-laden balls were drawn up tightly in their hairy, wrinkled sac. She steadied the cock by holding onto the base with a thumb and forefinger, using her other hand to gently cares the taut bag and the tense buttcheeks. She sucked up and down on almost the entire length of the hard, pulsing prickshaft, feeling the tremors begin in her cunt even before her young partner started going down on her again.

Daisy managed to keep her passion in check and continue to suck slowly when Luke's lips went directly to her elongated clit. He sucked and tongued at the same leisurely pace, seemingly in control and in no hurry to shoot his load. Daisy was glad she'd had an orgasm so recently. She was still hot, and was enjoying the lavish cunt-lapping to the utmost, but she was able to focus most of her attention on the stiff cock she was enjoying sucking so very much.

She liked everything about sucking a cock. Even if she didn't know there'd eventually be a spurting reward, she'd want to feel and taste the hard spear of man meat moving so smoothly in her sucking mouth. God forgive her, but she just had to keep on sucking cocks until she got old enough to get married and settle for one!

Soon Daisy felt the tell-tale expansion of the swollen cockhead and knew the explosion was imminent. She was also balanced right on the brink, and had been for a couple of minutes. She lifted her ass from the mattress to indicate her readiness and increased the suction on the throbbing cock. Luke quickened the tempo of his lapping and sucking, and buried his face even deeper in her crotch.

Luke's cock jerked erratically in Daisy's mouth, spraying gobs of hot jism, and a split second later she spasmed under his frantically sucking mouth. She kept on sucking and gulping down the scalding cum while lurching through her ecstatic release. She used her hand to milk the rapidly softening shaft as she sucked the cockhead and drank the last few drops of sperm even though her mouth had been flooded, she didn't lose a bit of the thick cream.

They rested, his limp cock still in her mouth; Luke lifted from her clit, but his breath was still warm on her wet cuntlips. Remembering her previous experiences with him and his cock, Daisy was surprised when it didn't get hard as she started sucking again. She wanted his dick erect so he could fuck her. She didn't protest when he pulled his soft cock from her mouth, twisted around, and stretched out beside her, though. She was sure he wouldn't be satisfied with just one ejaculation.

"Does this mean you're going to keep letting me have sex with you, Daisy? I hope so! It's a lot better than beating my meat!"

"You've been masturbating?"

"At least once a day. Usually at night when I'm thinking about you. Today, just before dinner, I went to the bathroom and beat off a batch. That's the reason my cock's taking so long to get hard now."

Daisy could picture Luke stretched out on his back in the darkness, pounding away on his hard cock while thinking of her cunt or mouth. Life was crazy, she thought. The stupid rules a person was supposed to live by seemed crazy, anyhow.

"I don't think it'd be fair to Mark and Matthew for me to keep on having sex with you, Luke."

"Why not let us all fuck you? They've been doing a lot of jacking oft too! I think you'd be better off if you just did what you wanted to and stopped worrying so damned much."

Mental images of Mark and Matthew masturbating had been flickering through Daisy's mind. What Luke had said made sense, but she still couldn't get rid of her feelings of shame and guilt.

Luke had been fondling Daisy's boobs. The nipples hadn't lost any of their hardness. She looked down and saw that his cock was about half-hard. She decided she'd give Mark and Matthew a turn with her, maybe arrange things so she could be with each of the three brothers on alternate nights.

If she avoided group sex and bestiality, maybe she wouldn't be so torn between her guilt and her desires. Daisy wasn't ready very upset about being with Luke and she'd already experienced two wonderful orgasms. Should she include John? The dear man deserved all the happiness she could give him.

Daisy decided it was time to stop thinking and get on with the fun and games. She moved and got down between Luke's legs, telling him to lift his knees. He complied, end she snuggled her face down and began licking his balls. She really started to get turned on, the male-smell adding to her soaring excitement.

Daisy impulsively opened her mouth wide and sucked one of the nuts inside. She was rewarded with a little gasp from above. She sucked and lashed her tongue, then used her tongue to push the ball from her mouth. She gave the second nut the same treatment, using her fingers to roll the first one around in the saliva-coated sac. She was fascinated by the way balls slipped around in their bag.

When she pushed the second ball out of her mouth with her tongue, Daisy licked up along the underside of Luke's jutting prick. Just as she started to take the swollen glans into her mouth, intending to suck for a few seconds before mounting the thrusting tool, Luke suggested they try something new.

Daisy planted a wet kiss on the blunt end of his hard cock and lifted her head. "Name it and I'll give it a try."

"I'll sit over there," he said, pointing to the bench in front of the dressing table. "You can face me, back up and sit down, or we can do it both ways."

"Both ways," she said, swinging from the bed.

Luke perched his naked butt on the end of the bench. Facing him, Daisy was able to straddle him and his poking prick and have space to put her legs. She placed her hands on his shoulders and let him do the guiding as she slowly lowered. She settled all the way down, burying his cock all the way into her cunt.

She just let his cock soak for a minute or two, then began contracting her inner muscles. Luke told her she was really getting good at snapping. They were holding each other tightly, her chin on his shoulder, and her taut-tipped titties pressed against his chest. He slipped his hands down and shoved them in between her ass and his thighs. She pulled her upper body back and clasped her fingers behind his neck.

She lifted by putting her weight on her feet and legs. When only the cockhead remained embedded, she lowered all the way down again. Luke helped with his hands when she again lifted, then kept on helping as she began moving up and down on his hard, slippery shaft.

"This is great!" she exclaimed. "Can you last for a while?"

"Don't worry," Luke said, holding her down and working his stiff cock around in her twitching cunt. She began grinding her hips and he gave her enough freedom to make little up and down movements. She melted into an orgasm without really moving all that wildly. She just kind of eased over the edge and it was almost as if she had taken a blissful trip out and away from herself.

Luke's cock did remain hard and stiff. When Daisy recovered, she pulled her head from where she'd rested it on his shoulder and told him he had a right to do a little bragging. He said he was able to last longer not only because he'd masturbated earlier, but also because he was getting more used to having sex with her. She understood what he meant, but she pretended to pout and told him he was just getting tired of her. He protested, saying that'd never be true.

Afraid the talk would lead to words about love, a subject that'd always been carefully avoided by Daisy and all three brothers, she lifted from Luke's thrusting tool and turned around. The last thing she wanted was to get emotionally involved with anybody, and she wanted to keep her relationship with all three boys strictly on a physical basis. Her life was already complicated enough without one of them coming on with the love stuff.