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“I found her like this,” Hannibal said, waving to take in the whole house. “How can I leave her like this? How can you?”

Roberts was already moving toward the door, as if he was afraid he might get stuck in the house. “Here is what I will do. Give me a call tomorrow and let me know what the situation is. If she is willing, I will stop back out and check up on her, see if she wants my help. And by the way, you’ll receive a bill for this house call.”

“Of course.” Hannibal followed Roberts to the door, and shook his hand as he opened it. “I really do appreciate your responding to my panicked call. And I guarantee you won’t get stuck for a bill. My client has deep pockets, and I consider this part of the expenses on my case. He’ll see that this was necessary for me to follow the trail.”

“Good luck with your new charge,” Roberts said. “Me, I may just get home to the Mrs. in time for dinner. I’ll check on Ms. LaPage in the morning and see if perhaps she does want to be checked into a facility for better rest.”

As the door swung closed, Hannibal muttered, “Dinner” and pulled out his cell phone. After listening to his own answering machine message, he called Cindy’s house and listened to hers. Next, he called her office, still not sure exactly what he was going to tell her. He knew he couldn’t just leave Marquita’s house, but the reasons seemed too complex to put in order.

This time the phone only rang three times. When the connection was made it had the hollow echo of a speakerphone, and he wondered if he would even need an explanation.

“Hey honey,” Cindy said. “I’m almost out of here, honest. Just wrapping up some stuff and I know I’ll be a little late but I’ll get there.”

Well, at least she recognized his number on her phone’s caller I.D. screen. Relief and irritation played tug-of-war in Hannibal’s mind. Maybe that’s why his voice came out flat and neutral.

“Listen, sweetheart, maybe it’s just as well you’re still at the office. The case has already produced some odd twists, and, well, this would be a bad time to leave.”

“I understand, baby. That’s the way it goes with two busy professionals, eh? Well, let’s just make it tomorrow, okay?”

Just like that. No questions, not even an expression of disappointment. He could be a hundred miles away with another woman for all she knew. In fact, he was with another woman. It was irritating.

“Yeah, okay, tomorrow,” Hannibal said.

“Okay, hon, let’s both get back to work. Love you.”

Like that, she was gone. Hannibal dropped his phone in a jacket pocket. Whether he liked it or not, at least he understood her dedication. Why, on the other hand, was he still at Marquita’s house? She was not a client, nor had she even asked for help. As Roberts had said, she was an adult who was responsible for herself. Why couldn’t he just walk away and return to his own life?

He turned a slow circle, taking in the undusted furniture, mail piled on a small table and the kitchen cluttered with several days worth of dishes. The dished had clearly been left where they were used, many still holding bits of food. She may be responsible for herself, but he could see that she couldn’t take care of herself right now.

Shaking his head at himself, Hannibal pulled off his gloves and went to the kitchen. The floor was sticky in spots, but he ignored it and started stacking dishes in the sink. One job at a time, he told himself. Scraping food off plates and putting them in the dishwasher, Hannibal wondered if his motivations were just selfish. He had to face it. He didn’t know Marquita LaPage at all, certainly not enough to care about her. But he knew staying there made him feel better, and that leaving would make him feel like crap. He also knew that he wouldn’t think much of a man who could casually walk away from a sick, abused woman.

He turned as a new noise captured his attention. The sound started low, but built up in seconds. It would have been a scream if it weren’t interrupted so often by a panting breath. Hannibal wondered what would happen if Marquita hyperventilated.

He raced to the bedroom but hesitated at the door. When he opened it, the odor pushed him back for a moment. He recoiled from the distinctive smell of unwashed clothes, spilled liquor and something more. Something sour. As he approached the bed he saw the source. Marquita lay face up on a king size bed, eyes on him, her lips barely an inch from a pool of fresh vomit. The shame he had seen in her eyes before was more evident now.

Hannibal walked around to the other side of the bed, placed his hand on her stomach and pulled her toward him, away from the mess. When she turned, she rolled easily into his arms. He sat on the edge of the bed, cradling her like a frightened child.

“Take it easy,” he said. “You’re not alone and you’re not going to be. In fact, I think we’re going to make you well.”

Her skin was clammy, her eyes wild, her voice raspy as she weakly tried to pull away. “Stop it. Stop being so nice to me. Treat me like I deserve. Ain’t you never seen a Cajun whore before?”

Only then did Hannibal register the golden tint beneath the paleness of her skin. It seemed irrelevant at the moment, except perhaps to pinpoint a pattern of behavior for Mr. Rod Mantooth. If Hannibal was right about that, it was just one more reason to hate this man he’d never met.

In the time it took him to form that thought, Hannibal realized that Marquita was asleep. Her head rested on his left forearm and her breasts heaved against his thigh. He knew she might awaken at any moment, and would need watching all night. He also knew he needed to find this Mantooth fast, and that meant being alert tomorrow. While Marquita settled into a soft snore, he pulled out his cell phone and pushed buttons. When he made the connection he could hear the sounds of people working at partying. The club was hopping for a Wednesday night. Under the circumstances, he dispensed with most of the pleasantries.

“Sarge, this is Hannibal.”

“I recognized the voice, man. I’m working you know. What’s up?”

“Listen, can you get someone to cover for you for the rest of the night?”

“Are you kidding?” Sarge asked. “Man, I just got here.”

“I know, but I need your help, brother. Got a job here that’s liable to take all night, but it calls for a man who can be tough and who knows how to go easy too.”

“You mean right now?” Sarge growled into the phone.

“It’s pretty important. Besides, how much can they need a bouncer on a Wednesday night?”

When they met, Sarge was homeless, hanging at the shelter where Hannibal volunteered. Sarge had stood with him, fought with him against junkies, winos, and in he end, the drug dealer whose living depended on a crack house. Today Sarge had both a home and a steady job, but Hannibal knew the risks they faced together bonded them in a way that made Sarge’s answer absolutely predictable.

“Where you at?”

After sharing Marquita’s address, Hannibal considered the present challenge of cleaning her up. He decided it had to be a multi-step process. First, he lowered her head to the relatively clean pillow. He pulled the down comforter from her bed and folded it twice lengthwise on the floor. Next, he lifted her from the bed, startled at how light she was, and lowered her sleeping form onto the comforter. Then he pulled the sheets from the bed. In the fully finished basement he found both a laundry area and a linen closet. After shoving the soiled sheets into the washer he went back upstairs, made the bed and transferred his charge to the fresh, crisp sheets. Her faint moan implied that even in her sleep she appreciated the difference.

The next step was to clean out the available poisons. Starting with a sweep of the bedroom and progressing to a full circuit of the house, Hannibal picked up a veritable saloon’s worth of bottles, most of which had been opened but only one or two already empty. The woman was partial to serious whiskey — Jack Daniels, Yukon Jack, Jim Beam, Chivas Regal, and Courvoisier. He found a trash bag under the kitchen sink and filled it with the bottles.