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The room, no more than twelve feet square, barely held the twin bed, dresser and vanity table. White walls and thin carpet made the space feel cheap, but the thick purple comforter on the bed told him that Sheryl wanted to brand the space as her own. He wondered if she had the same plan for him.

“I am going to make you feel so good,” she said, mumbling into Hannibal’s chest while she struggled to pull his shirt up and off him. She nibbled at his exposed chest while one hand slid downward to cup his crotch. Only then did Hannibal realize that his body was not responding to her as she expected. Sheryl whimpered, a sound halfway between pleading and fear.

“What?” she asked, staring up at him. He wasn’t sure if she was asking what was wrong, what she had done wrong, or what he wanted her to do next. Her worried eyes and half-open mouth said she was terrified that he might not find her desirable. Some part of him wanted to reassure her. Another part wanted to break away to reassert his loyalty to the woman he loved. Those circuits crossed in a way that caused his mind to conjure an image of Cindy. That image spurred his body to an instant response, and Sheryl felt the reassurance she needed swelling in her hand. Catching his breath, Hannibal pushed her gently away.

“You a wildcat, Shorty,” he said, forcing a crooked smile. “No need to rush, baby. Let me get to the bathroom. Then you and me can have some fun.”

Sheryl’s reluctance showed when she pulled her hands away from Hannibal’s body and dropped backward onto the bed. He stepped into the bathroom and closed the door.

This was very much a girl’s room. Not that it was overly clean, but the collection of products overwhelmed him. The small counter was covered with bottles and jars in every conceivable shape and color. The edge of the bathtub was equally littered with shampoos, conditioners, and cleansers of every stripe and a bewildering assortment of ways to remove hair from the human body.

While considering his surroundings Hannibal shoved his hands into his back pockets. His right pocket, which he expected to be empty, was not. He pulled out a small slip of paper on which was written a telephone number. The 571 exchange told him it was a cell phone. Only Mariah had been close enough to slip something into his pocket. So, she wanted to risk Rod’s anger by having Smoke ring her number. This level of independence struck him as mysterious for a woman who played submissive.

None of which helped him deal with his present situation. Hannibal stared at himself in the mirror. At least he assumed it was his own face. The character staring back at him, wearing a do rag and cheap sunglasses, reminded him that he needed to stay in character to get closer to Rod in order to separate him from the Cooper formula. But the man inside knew that this situation involved more than business. His love for Cindy was the cornerstone of his reality, the most authentic thing in his life. He could not imagine cheapening their relationship by having sex with a woman he just met, especially since he met at least two of her previous lovers on the same day. Actually, they would be concurrent lovers.

On the other hand, his dedication to the case was absolute. And wasn’t maintaining his cover for the good of a client a sufficient excuse for anything he might do? Especially if no one ever had to know he had done it?

Disappointed with what the man in the mirror was trying to convince him to do, Hannibal opened the medicine cabinet. Considering all the preparations scattered about the room, curiosity drove him to wonder if there was anything left that could be in the medicine cabinet. It was clogged with contents. Among the band-aids, dental floss and aspirin he spotted something that looked familiar. The small prescription bottle was half full of Rohypnol, the roofies Rod had fed to Marquita to dull her resistance. He remembered Dr. Roberts saying that one of them hit like ten Valium. Now here was a possible solution. If she was passed out or sedated enough, he could do anything and she would never know. This meant that he could do nothing at all, leave her sleeping, and tell her tomorrow that she had been a great time. He closed the medicine cabinet, winked at himself in the mirror, and slipped the little bottle into his pocket. He could pull this off, and in fact, it could be fun.

Reaffixing Smoke’s arrogant swagger, Hannibal reentered the small bedroom. His smile never wavered at the sight of Sheryl on her back, topless, with the comforter pulled just high enough to reach her hipbones.

“Damn you look yummy,” Sheryl said, her eyes gliding up and down his frame. “Climb in and I’ll give you the ride of your life.”

“I think that’s going to be the other way around,” Hannibal replied. “But first, you got anything decent to drink around here?”

Sheryl rolled away from him toward the end table on the other side of the bed. The comforter went with her, revealing her full nakedness. When she turned back one hand gripped the neck of a Jack Daniels bottle. The other balanced two glasses. Hannibal took the glasses first, setting them on the dresser before pouring each half full from the bottle. He was thinking of something else to ask for to prompt Sheryl to turn around again so that he could drop a pill into her glass, when he heard a thump from the front of the apartment.

Derek had pushed the door open with such force that it slammed against the wall. His fists were clenched so hard that his knuckles were white. His chest seemed to expand to twice its size with each deep breath. His eyes flashed more with rage than surprise. The frozen tableau that greeted him was certainly self-evident. Sheryl sat naked on the bed while Hannibal poured whiskey into two glasses. She may have been the offender, but his focus was on Hannibal as if only the two men were in the room.

“What the fuck?” Derek spat the words like venom.

Hannibal deflected the verbal attack, turning to Sheryl. “What the hell’s he doing here? He got a key?”

Torn between them, Sheryl stammered. “I didn’t lock it. Derek this isn’t…” her voice trailed off, as is she couldn’t think of just what this was not.

Hannibal turned back to face the other man. It was Derek’s play. He had several options to choose from. His next move would determine how well he came out of this encounter.

“You son of a bitch!” Derek stepped forward, cocking his right fist like an arrow he was about to launch. It was not the smart play, but it was the one Hannibal expected.

“You don’t want none of this, boy,” Hannibal said in a low tone.

“Like hell.” Derek’s left hand waved forward, sweeping away an attack Hannibal never launched. The instant before Derek fired his right fist forward Hannibal flipped a glass full of Jack Daniels into his face. Derek howled as much in anger as pain. Hannibal sidestepped Derek’s long loping right, planted his feet and snapped his own fist up into Derek’s solar plexus. The blonde’s mouth hung open for a second and he dropped to his knees.

Hannibal grabbed the boy by his hair and turned his face upward. When he pulled his other fist back to smash downward he heard Sheryl gasp. It was the sound of a woman who didn’t want to see someone she cared about get hurt. That made it easy for him to stop. Derek stared up through a haze of fear and Hannibal wondered if this was the way the boy felt when he looked at Rod.

“We was just about to have a little fun, punk, and I didn’t see your name on the bitch anywhere,” Hannibal said. “I ought to break your face just for ruining the mood, but I think Rod likes you and I kind of like the idea of partying with his crew for a while so I’ll let you slide this time. But check it, you get in my way again and I will fuck you up serious.” He bent low to shove his face close to Derek’s. “You getting this white boy? Or do I have to stick my dick in your eye so you can see where I’m coming from?”

Derek was panting and shaking like a recruit on the first day of basic training. “I get it. Really. I get it.”