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We’ve also become dedicated running buddies. Between that and our morning sexcapades, I’m getting more cardio than I ever got dancing on a stage. We may not be like an ordinary couple, able to go out and be seen together, but I feel like we’re in a good place.

Ransom is different with me—a good different. I still catch glimpses of his dominant side, but his flair for passion has changed. I don’t pretend to know what caused it, but he’s gentler now, sweeter. He treats me with care, even when he’s ravaging me. We talk now, too, which was something we staunchly avoided in the past. I have to say, I’m enjoying learning about Ransom Scott, and I think he’s enjoying learning about me. I don’t care to know the why of it. I just want to soak it up while I can. I’m living minute to minute, in case the dream ends.

It’s Saturday and instead of meeting my friends for drinks, we’re watching a program about the history of the cosmos, lying in each other’s arms. This is the best kind of day—laying around, doing absolutely nothing but enjoying being in each other’s company. Ransom has been quiet all afternoon, another thing he does from time to time. When he’s quiet like this, I know he has something on his mind.

My thumbs trace over his strong forearms that are wrapped securely around my waist, following the map of thick veins as I watch stars collide on screen. I swear these programs could make a person go insane. Everything is a doomsday scenario. But I’m more concerned with whatever is going on in Ransom’s head than my possibly imminent death.

“You’re thinking pretty hard there, champ,” I say to distract myself from the morbid thoughts circling in my brain. “Feel like sharing?”

His chest rises up and falls back down heavily, and he gives me a little squeeze. “I was just wondering what you might say if I invited you to come to dinner with me at my parents’ house next week.”

I twist in his arms to look at him. “I thought we were keeping us quiet for now.”

His dark eyes pool with confliction. “I know, but we won’t be on campus. Technically, we wouldn’t even be going out in public.”

“But a dinner with your parents? Why now? Why not wait until, I don’t know after I graduate?” When it’s safe, I add mentally. When I’m not just the student trying to earn an easy A by sleeping with her professor.

Slipping out from behind me, I roll onto my back as he positions himself above me. I wrap my legs around his hips and stare up at him, momentarily stunned by his beauty. Ransom’s long, dark lashes are enviable, as are his flawless skin and perfect mouth. I still can’t believe I’ve caught the attention of a man like him.

Brushing my hair behind my ears, he says, “My parents don’t have to know the circumstance of our relationship. They just want to meet you.”

“Oh, my God, you told them about us?” I’m floored and a little horrified. I only just told Annie, and the only reason for that was because she caught us red-handed. If she hadn’t been standing on the other side of the door that morning, she would still be operating under the assumption that I wanted nothing more to do with him.

“Only that I had met someone. My brother is coming to town next week, and they’re having a little dinner for him. They want me to bring you along.”

An introduction and a welcome home dinner—this doesn’t sound like just a casual thing. This sounds more like a big deal to me. But then I look at Ransom, and it’s all over. His smile is soft and pleading, kryptonite to a hopeless romantic like me.

My brows scrunch together. “Stop looking at me like that. You know I can’t say no to you when you look like a whipped puppy.”

“Is that a yes?”

I take in his wide, knowing smile and shrug because there’s no sense in trying to deny him. Not when he looks so adorable. “You know it is.”

Rocking his pelvis against mine, he reawakens the passion I thought we’d knocked out earlier that morning. I tighten my legs around his hips, pulling him even closer, and he presses down into me, his arousal evident through his jeans. “They’re going to love you.”

“Well, they’d better,” I say lightly, “because I’m awesome.”

His chest rumbles with laughter. “Damn right you are.”

I tilt my head, my lips pursing as something occurs to me. “Does this mean I’m your girlfriend?”

Leaning down, Ransom kisses me softly. “Do you want to be?”

“I think I do,” I say, lifting up to run my tongue along his jaw.

He groans, moving his head to the side as I continue on down his neck. “Then it’s settled. Now put your hand down my pants and play with my cock.”

“I’m not even your girlfriend for two minutes and already you’re demanding things of me,” I tease as I release the button on his jeans. “I hope you don’t think this means you own me.”

“Oh, baby,” he growls as I take him into my hand. “I’ve owned you since the moment I laid eyes on you. You just didn’t know it.”


As far as being Ransom’s girlfriend goes, it’s pretty unremarkable. In fact, it’s just what I imagine being in a relationship with a regular guy my age would be, just with a dash of cloak and dagger crap. Dating on the DL means we can’t be seen together outside of class, and if we cross paths in public, it’s a simple, quick hello and we’re on our way. Going into it, I hadn’t realized how hard it would be to actually be with him, but it is. It so is.

After spending the rest of the day together, Ransom suggested that I get out of the house and reconnect with the outside world. He was right, of course. As much as I would like to dominate all of his time, it’s not healthy to be so wrapped up in another person. Plus, his isn’t the only relationship I need to nurture, and I assume the same is true for him. So, we agreed to part ways for the weekend. I spent most of mine at home catching up on homework and wondering what Ransom was up to. Was he working, too? Visiting family? Or catching up with someone else—Red perhaps? Even now, the thought makes my stomach knot up. He hadn’t exactly been shy about shoving her under my nose before. What was to say he wouldn’t continue seeing her behind my back?

Already, trust is a major factor.

Another thing that’s not normal about us: I don’t have any way to contact him. No number. No address. Outside of the classroom, I have no earthly clue how to get in touch with him.

“Are you kidding me?” Annie looks appalled. I don’t know why I told her any of this, but sharing the load makes it somewhat more bearable. “What kind of relationship is this anyway?”

“A secret one,” I whisper harshly over the table. Maybe discussing this over lunch in the cafeteria first thing on a Monday wasn’t such a good idea. There are students everywhere.

Leaning over her steaming cup of vanilla chai tea, she says, “It sounds more like a booty call. You can’t seriously tell me that you’re okay with this.”

No, I can’t. I thought I was okay with it, but I’m beginning to realize this is just another phase of our hotel room arrangement. Only now, he gets to save himself the added cost of screwing me.

I think of how Ransom looked at me this morning in class. Nothing that would be obvious to an outsider, but I recognized that look in his eye, the subtle, secret smile recalling memories that only he and I share. It almost wiped away the worries that have been worming their way into my psyche.

God, I’m an idiot.

Poking at my tuna salad, I can’t meet her eyes. I feel defensive, like she’s attacking me, even though she hasn’t said one word against me. “You don’t know him. He’s sweet.”

“Sweet? He’s sweet? Honey, seriously, pull your head out of the sand. This may have been cute before, but it’s not now. He’s just another man abusing his power. Instead of turning a blind eye, you need to be asking yourself how many other girls he’s done this with.”